MARCELLE start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Marcelles. --- You see a tough-looking woman. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Okay. One night. $100. start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc Marcelles33 Hey! That fridge is for customers only! critter_p_proc->Marcelles33 sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Marcelles00 Thank god you're here! Some crazy guy has Sinthia held hostage. He's threatening to kill her! You've got to help. talk_p_proc->Marcelles00 Marcelles03 Help Sinthia. She's in trouble. talk_p_proc->Marcelles03 Marcelles04 Thank you for helping Sinthia. She's usually not a problem. You deserve a good night's sleep. On me. But don't ask for another freebie. talk_p_proc->Marcelles04 Marcelles06 You should have saved Sinthia. It's your fault she died. I hope you are happy with yourself. talk_p_proc->Marcelles06 Marcelles29 You killed Killian, didn't you? talk_p_proc->Marcelles29 Marcelles07 Welcome to the Crash House. How can I help you, stranger? talk_p_proc->Marcelles07 Marcelles22 Yeah, what do you want? talk_p_proc->Marcelles22 Marcelles17 Welcome back, what can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Marcelles17 go_to_room talk_p_proc->go_to_room Marcelles_charge_raider Marcelles charges in to confront the raider! timed_event_p_proc->Marcelles_charge_raider damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Marcelles02 You are an incredibly cold person. She could die without your help. Marcelles00->Marcelles02 Nah, don't bother me. UpReact Marcelles00->UpReact Hmm. I'll check it out. Marcelles01 Oh, geez, I hope you can do it. He's in her room. Help her! Marcelles00->Marcelles01 Dung! Marcelles05 Enjoy your stay. Don't be a pain. --- No problem. Room #1. Follow me. Marcelles04->Marcelles05 Hnn. Thug. Marcelles04->Marcelles05 Thanks. MarcellesEnd Marcelles06->MarcellesEnd Yeah, whatever. Marcelles06->MarcellesEnd Hnnn. BigDownReact Marcelles06->BigDownReact Marcelles31 You son of a bitch. I can't believe you killed him. He was a good man, and now I get all sorts of hell . . . get out, and don't come back. Marcelles29->Marcelles31 Yep, sure did. Marcelles29a Marcelles29->Marcelles29a Nah, wasn't me. Really it wasn't. Marcelles30 Get out! You're too dumb to realize what you did, but my life is hell now! Marcelles29->Marcelles30 Hnn. Marcelles12 Then you should try the Skum Pitt. I heard you can get a lot of water in your booze there. Marcelles07->Marcelles12 I'm looking for some water. Marcelles13 I don't know about that, but I will rent you a room. It's a good place to rest and heal up. $25 for a day, or a week is $150. Most people go for the weekly rate. You should, if you ask me. Marcelles07->Marcelles13 I need a good night's sleep. Marcelles14 I'm just a hotel manager, bub. Don't ask too much of me. Marcelles07->Marcelles14 I'm looking for some info. Marcelles08 Yeah, we serve your kind, too. It'll be $25 for the night. A week will cost you $150. Marcelles07->Marcelles08 Hnnn. Marcelles22->MarcellesEnd Uh, nothing. Never mind. Marcelles24 I don't like your face. I don't think I'll be renting you a room. Marcelles22->Marcelles24 I want to rent a room. Marcelles23 No. Go away. Marcelles22->Marcelles23 Hnn. Marcelles17->MarcellesEnd Uh, nothing. Never mind. Marcelles17a Marcelles17->Marcelles17a I want to rent a room. Marcelles17->Marcelles17a Hnnn. DownReact Marcelles02->DownReact Marcelles02a Marcelles02->Marcelles02a Tough. That's life. Marcelles02->MarcellesEnd All right, don't harp on me. I'll look into it. UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact->ReactToLevel Marcelles02a->Marcelles_charge_raider Marcelles02a->BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel Marcelles13->MarcellesEnd No, thanks. Marcelles08a Marcelles13->Marcelles08a Just one night. Marcelles08b Marcelles13->Marcelles08b Okay. A week. Marcelles14->MarcellesEnd No thanks. Marcelles14a Marcelles14->Marcelles14a Here's $50, tell me what you know. Marcelles09 Yeah, you too. Have a good day. Marcelles08->Marcelles09 Nah. Marcelles08->Marcelles08a Ahkay. Marcelles08->Marcelles08b Ahkay. Weeeka. Marcelles10 Have a good stay. --- Okay, thanks. Your room is room #1. Follow me. Don't be shooting any guns in here, okay? Marcelles08a->Marcelles10 Marcelles11 You need some money before I can rent you a room. Marcelles08a->Marcelles11 Marcelles08b->Marcelles10 Marcelles08b->Marcelles11 Marcelles15 I know you're $50 poorer. I don't do the gossip thing, okay? Come back if you want a room. Marcelles14a->Marcelles15 Marcelles16 What do you think I am? A fool? If you're gonna bribe me, have enough money. Marcelles14a->Marcelles16 Marcelles16->DownReact Marcelles18 You're already renting room #1 from me. Do you want me to show you where it is? Marcelles17a->Marcelles18 Marcelles20 Sure. It's $25 a day, or $150 for the entire week. Marcelles17a->Marcelles20 Marcelles18->MarcellesEnd Nah. Marcelles18->MarcellesEnd Nah. Marcelles18a And this is still your room. Have a good stay. Marcelles18->Marcelles18a Sure. Marcelles18->Marcelles18a Yah. Marcelles20->MarcellesEnd No, thanks. Marcelles19a Marcelles20->Marcelles19a Just one night. Marcelles19b Marcelles20->Marcelles19b Okay. A week. Marcelles18a->DownReact Marcelles19 You know the drill. One day is $25. One week is $150. Marcelles19->Marcelles09 Nah. Marcelles19->Marcelles19a Da. Marcelles19->Marcelles19b Wee. Marcelles19a->Marcelles11 Marcelles21 Okay. Room #1 is yours. Have a nice stay. Marcelles19a->Marcelles21 Marcelles19b->Marcelles11 Marcelles19b->Marcelles21 Marcelles21->UpReact Marcelles24a Marcelles24->Marcelles24a I really need a place to stay. Marcelles26 Okay. One night. $100. Marcelles24a->Marcelles26 Marcelles25 No. Have a good night. Marcelles24a->Marcelles25 Marcelles27 Deal with it. Yes or no. Marcelles26->Marcelles27 What! That's outrageous! Marcelles26a Marcelles26->Marcelles26a Okay. Marcelles27->MarcellesEnd No. Marcelles27->Marcelles26a Okay. Marcelles26a->Marcelles11 Marcelles28 Good. Here you go. Room #1. Have a nice night, check out time is 11 o' clock. Marcelles26a->Marcelles28 BottomReact Marcelles31->BottomReact Marcelles29a->Marcelles31 Marcelles32 Yeah, whatever you say, but that's not what I heard. You'd better behave around here, or I'll get out ol' Betsy and ram some buckshot up your ass. Marcelles29a->Marcelles32 Marcelles30->BottomReact Marcelles32->BigDownReact LevelToReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes map_update_p_proc