MATHIA start look_at_p_proc You see Mathia. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Mathia09 The Elders have called a meeting. They wish you to meet them in the conference room right away. talk_p_proc->Mathia09 Mathia08 Ok. Maxson has cleared a weapons upgrade for you. What would you like? talk_p_proc->Mathia08 Mathia01 Hello, Initiate. So, you are the one who made it out of the Ancient Order alive. talk_p_proc->Mathia01 Mathia06 Hello again Initiate. How can I help you? talk_p_proc->Mathia06 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Mathia05 I can't believe an idiot like you is the one who made the Ancient Order run. Go figure. Mathia09->Mathia05 Wha? MathiaEnd Mathia09->MathiaEnd Ok, thank you. Mathia10 It's on this floor. The northeast corner, right behind the assembly hall. Mathia09->Mathia10 Where is the conference room? Mathia08->Mathia05 Wha? Mathia08a There you go. Glad you are on our side Initiate. Mathia08->Mathia08a Sniper Rifle. Mathia08b There you go. Glad you are on our side Initiate. Mathia08->Mathia08b Rocket Launcher. Mathia08c There you go. Glad you are on our side Initiate. Mathia08->Mathia08c Laser Pistol. Mathia08d There you go. Glad you are on our side Initiate. Mathia08->Mathia08d Power Fist. Mathia08e There you go. Glad you are on our side Initiate. Mathia08->Mathia08e Ripper. Mathia01->Mathia05 Wha? Mathia02 The name is Mathia. I am officially Maxson's assistant, but I am also here to make sure no one messes with the old man. Mathia01->Mathia02 And who are you? Mathia01->MathiaEnd Sorry, I thought you were someone else. Bye. Mathia06->Mathia05 Wha? Mathia06->Mathia02 I'm sorry, I forgot your name. Mathia06->MathiaEnd Sorry, I thought you were someone else. Good day. Mathia02->MathiaEnd Good to meet you. Bye. Mathia03 No, no, not at all. He's a good guy. (Jokingly) Besides, I wouldn't bad mouth him while he is standing next to me. Mathia02->Mathia03 Old man? That sounds a bit disrespectful. Mathia04 I take care of all the paper work. He could not do paper work to save his life. Also, if he clears a Weapons Upgrade for one of the Brothers, I process the order. Mathia02->Mathia04 What do you do as Maxson's assistant? Mathia03->MathiaEnd Goodbye. Mathia03->Mathia04 So, what is it that you do for Maxson as his assistant. Mathia04->MathiaEnd Ok, thanks for the information. Mathia07 Alright, let's go. (He grabs you by the arm) Mathia07->combat Uh uh. Mathia07->combat Get the hell away from me. I'm not going anywhere. Mathia11 Mathia07->Mathia11 Uh huh. Mathia07->Mathia11 Alright, Alright. I'm moving. Mathia10->MathiaEnd Ok, thank you. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes