MAXSON start look_at_p_proc You see General Maxson. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc You gain --- experience points for scouting the Northern area. start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Maxson34 Ahh . . . Hello again, Initiate. Are things going well? --- Ahh . . . Hello again, Initiate. Are things going well? talk_p_proc->Maxson34 Maxson22 Whaddya got? talk_p_proc->Maxson22 talk_p_proc->Maxson22 Maxson20 Ahh . . . Hello again, Initiate. Are things going well? talk_p_proc->Maxson20 Maxson01 Hello, youngster. Cabbot said you wanted to talk. Look I'm uh . . . I'm pretty stacked up right now, so I'll uh . . . I'll help you out as long as you don't start flappin' your gums too much. You know, outsiders are like that, always jawin' . . . Hehehe. Kinda like me, huh? talk_p_proc->Maxson01 Maxson21 What the hell do you want now? talk_p_proc->Maxson21 Maxson19 What the hell do you want now? talk_p_proc->Maxson19 Remove_Player talk_p_proc->Remove_Player combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Maxson27 Maxson34->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson18 Then get out. I have work to do. Maxson34->Maxson18 Thank you. Maxson22->Maxson27 Can I ask you some questions? Maxson22->Maxson18 Sorry, I didn't really have anything. Maxson22->Maxson18 Nevermind. Maxson23 Finally! Well this'll get the Elders  off their butts. We'll fortify the Fortress and surprise those damn mutants. Maxson22->Maxson23 I saw the mutant base to the north. They follow a leader they call the Master. Maxson22->Maxson23 I saw their base. It's crawling with mutants. Maxson35 Good. Anything else you need to ask? Maxson22->Maxson35 I've been to the Mutant base in the north. Let's just say they are no longer a threat. Maxson20->Maxson22 I have some information on the area north of here. Maxson32 Contrary to opinion, we don't want soldiers will no brains whatsoever. Maxson20->Maxson32 Duh? Maxson20->Maxson27 Can I ask you some questions? Maxson20->Maxson18 Nevermind. Maxson01->Maxson32 Duh? Maxson14 Well the Merchants from the Hub told us a bunch of caravans disappeared on their way up north. I think there's an army in the mountains, but the Elders, well, they don't want to act until they're sure. Maxson01->Maxson14 Maybe you can tell me? Everyone here seems to be on edge. It's like you are getting ready to go to war, but no one knows with who. Maxson06 When we heard about the missing caravans, we sent out a few scouts east and the north. The ones who went north never returned. One came back from the east. He talked about a score of strange beings, all muscle with burnin' eyes. The Elder's aren't doin' squat, but I'm getting ready just the same. Maxson01->Maxson06 Do you have any clues as to what's behind the disappearance of the caravans? Maxson01->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson01->Maxson18 Thank you. Maxson21->Maxson22 I have some information on the area north of here. Maxson21->Maxson32 Duh? Maxson21->Maxson27 Can I ask you some questions? Maxson21->Maxson18 Nevermind. Maxson19->Maxson32 Duh? Maxson19->Maxson14 Why does it seem that everyone here is on edge? Everyone here seems to be on edge. It's like you are getting ready to go to war, but no one knows with who. Maxson19->Maxson06 I need to talk to you about the disappearance of the caravans. Do you have any insight on the matter. Maxson19->Maxson27 I need to ask you some questions. Maxson19->Maxson18 Nevermind. Maxson32->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson32->Maxson18 Thank you. Maxson02 Then you understand the problem. To survive, we need someone who knows the outside. Like you. Maxson14->Maxson02 I have found proof that it is this army which is causing that disappearance of the caravans. It is an army of mutants. You have good reason to be worried. They look very formidable. Maxson06->Maxson02 I believe I have ran into these creatures you are describing. They are not to be taken lightly. Maxson07 They may or may not be good scouts, but don't question the truthfulness of my men. We can revoke your Initiate status at any time. --- They may or may not be good scouts, but don't question the truthfulness of my men. We can revoke your Initiate status at any time. Maxson06->Maxson07 How do you know that your scouts didn't desert? Maxson27->Maxson18 Nevermind. Maxson28 Look I don't have time for a story that long right now. Here. All of us grew up on this. Maxson27->Maxson28 What can you tell me about the Brotherhood's history? Maxson29 Our main goal is to survive. The Scribes copy old plans for weapons or design new ones, and the Knights make the guns from 'em. Most guns come from us. Maxson27->Maxson29 What is the Brotherhood's main purpose? Maxson30 Well you see there's four of them and that's about all they can ever agree on. They can't even agree if they want to piss, much less pick a pot to piss in. Maxson27->Maxson30 Who are the Elders? Maxson31 Oh. Just another stupid rumor. Some people say it's a huge fanged monster and others say it's a vampire. Maxson27->Maxson31 Do you know anything about the Deathclaw? Maxson04 Good. Anything else you need to ask? Maxson02->Maxson04 I'll go scout out the area to the north and then report what I find. Maxson09 Pretty interesting set of priorities and loyalties you got there. Maxson02->Maxson09 For 500 caps, I'll check out what's going on up there. Maxson02a Maxson02->Maxson02a For 1000 caps, I'll check out what's going on up north. Maxson08 Then you need to get sure. Because being unsure is bound to get you killed. Maxson02->Maxson08 I'm not sure if I want to get involved right now. Maxson04->Maxson27 Just a few questions first. Maxson04a Maxson04->Maxson04a Would it be possible for me to get a hold of some better weapons? MaxsonEnd Maxson04->MaxsonEnd No, I'll see you after I find out what's going on up there. Maxson09->Maxson18 Nevermind. Maxson09->MaxsonEnd Ok, Ok, I'll do it for free. Maxson09a Maxson09->Maxson09a Take it or leave it. Maxson02a->Maxson09 Maxson12 Well, how about nothing! Guards, kick this fool out. By God! We'll defend the Brotherhood without your damn help. Maxson02a->Maxson12 Maxson08->Maxson18 Sorry, but it would be too risky for me to go up there right now. Maxson08->Maxson04a Alright, I'll go, but can I get some better weapons first? Maxson08a Maxson08->Maxson08a Ok, I'll do it for 1000 caps. Maxson03 Maxson05 Well, I suggest you talk to my assistant, Mathia, about that. Maxson04a->Maxson05 Maxson05->MaxsonEnd Ok, bye Maxson07->Maxson14 Please forgive me. What do you think is the cause of the disappearance? Maxson13 That's it. Guards! Take this idiot away! Maxson07->Maxson13 Go ahead. Revoke it. See if I care. Maxson08a->Maxson04 Maxson10 I'll take it. We need the information to save lives. Maxson08a->Maxson10 Maxson10->MaxsonEnd Very well, I'll see you when I get back. DownReact Maxson10->DownReact Maxson09a->Maxson10 Maxson11 Well, how about nothing! Guards, kick this fool out. By God! We'll defend the Brotherhood without your damn help. Maxson09a->Maxson11 DownReact->ReactToLevel Maxson15 I got a gut feeling there's a small force in the east and a much bigger one in the north. The Elders are collecting dust because none of the scouts returned from the north. I can't do anything but watch. Maxson15->Maxson02 It's apparent that someone needs to go up there and check it out. Maxson16 Pretty interesting set of priorities and loyalties you got there. Maxson15->Maxson16 It's going to take more than a "gut feeling" to get me to risk my life by going up there. Maxson16->Maxson18 I just don't think I am ready for the task. Maxson17 Your choice. Hope you can live with it. Maxson16->Maxson17 I consider my life to be a fairly important priority. Maxson16->Maxson17 I'm loyal to only one person. Maxson17->MaxsonEnd I can. Maxson24 So what's your alternative? Maxson23->Maxson24 You can't play defense on this one Maxson. Maxson35->Maxson27 Can I ask you some questions? Maxson35->Maxson18 Nevermind. Maxson25 Hmmm. Not a bad plan. Tell you what, let me go try and beat it into the Elders. No guarantees, but I'll try. Maxson24->Maxson25 Well, it's obvious something needs to be done. It would be best if we attack the mutants before they attack us. We're going to need the Elders on our side for this one. Maxson33 Goodbye, Initiate. --- Goodbye, Initiate. Maxson24->Maxson33 I'm not quite sure what we should do about it right now. Let me gather some more information, and I'll get back to you. Maxson33->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson33->Maxson18 Thank you. Maxson26 Uh . . . What's he plan to do with this . . . army of his? Maxson26->Maxson23 He plans to take over any human settlements he can. Maxson28->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson28->Maxson18 Thank you. Maxson29->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson29->Maxson18 Thank you. Maxson30->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson30->Maxson18 Thank you. Maxson31->Maxson27 Can I ask you another question? Maxson31->Maxson18 Thank you. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes