MEDIC start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc damage_p_proc start->damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see the Vault-13 medic. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc Please don't do that. start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc The medic refuses to speak with you. start->talk_p_proc flee_dude critter_p_proc->flee_dude get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Medic00 I can't believe the things that you have done. talk_p_proc->Medic00 Medic03 Oh my, you're seriously wounded. Here, let me help you. talk_p_proc->Medic03 Medic24 I heard what you did, saving the Vault. Thank you. talk_p_proc->Medic24 Medic04 Welcome back, --- . How goes the search? talk_p_proc->Medic04 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Medic01 No. I have taken a vow to not hurt life, but I will not help you. Medic00->Medic01 I don't care. I'm hurt. Heal me. Medic02 Lack of intelligence is no excuse for what you have done. Go away, I will not speak to you anymore. Medic00->Medic02 Hngh! Medic16 Lie down here, and we will start the healing process. Medic03->Medic16 Medic04a Medic24->Medic04a I need help. Medic05 Ah. Yes. Here, I found these. Try them when you need a boost. Medic24->Medic05 Lol? medicend Medic24->medicend No. I have taken a vow to not hurt life, but I will not help you. Medic06 Good, keep up the good work. And let me know if you need anything. Medic04->Medic06 It's going ok. Medic04->Medic04a I need help. Medic04->Medic05 Lol? Medic17 You are fully healed. Take care of yourself in the future, but come back if you need any more healing. Medic16->Medic17 Medic14 You look hurt. Here, let me help you. Medic04a->Medic14 Medic13 You seem ok to me. Come back if you need some healing. Medic04a->Medic13 pushdrugs Medic05->pushdrugs Medic14->Medic16 Medic07 What can I do for you? Medic07->Medic04a I need healing. Medic08 I'm not authorized to give you any. Sorry. Medic07->Medic08 I need some chems. Medic11 Stimpaks are being rationed. You are welcome to what we have in the medical container on the wall. Take as many as you need, but use them sparingly. It will be a while before we can get you some more. Medic07->Medic11 I need some more stimpaks. Medic12 Hmm. Let's see if you are hurt. Medic07->Medic12 Doh! Medic15 If you need healing, come back here to me or use some of the stimpaks we have. You can get more stimpaks from the wall. Medic07->Medic15 Duh! Medic08->medicend Thanks, anyways. Medic08a Medic08->Medic08a I have an urgent need for them. Without the chems, the safety of the Vault is in jeopardy. Medic12->Medic04a Medic10 Well, since you put it that way. But don't tell anyone that I let you have these. They cause cravings and they are dangerous to use. Medic08a->Medic10 Medic09 Sorry, I can't give them to you. Medic08a->Medic09 Medic10->pushdrugs Thanks. Medic18 The medical scanners picked up some deadly radiation poisoning. Would you like us to attempt a healing? It will take a while. --- The medical scanners picked up some serious radiation poisoning. Would you like us to attempt a healing? It will take a while. --- The medical scanners picked up some major radiation poisoning. Would you like us to attempt a healing? It will take a while. --- The medical scanners picked up some mild radiation poisoning. Would you like us to attempt a healing? It will take a while. Medic17->Medic18 Medic19 It's your body. Medic18->Medic19 No. Medic18->Medic19 Na. Medic22 Medic18->Medic22 Okay, do it. Medic18->Medic22 Ya. Medic20 It will take --- minutes. Do you want to start the process? Medic18->Medic20 How long? Medic21 It will take --- minutes. It will be able to remove about --- percent. Do you want to start the process? Medic18->Medic21 How long will it take, and how much radiation can you remove? Medic23 Ok, you should be feeling much better. Be careful out there. Medic22->Medic23 Medic20->Medic19 No. Medic20->Medic22 Yes. Medic21->Medic19 No. Medic21->Medic22 Yes. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes