MICHAEL start look_at_p_proc You see Michael. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc do_dialogue talk_p_proc->do_dialogue get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction goto0 The supply room is off limits my son. Only myself and two others have access to that room. If you need something, you need to talk to me about it. goto1 The supply room is off limits ma'am. Only myself and two others have access to that room. If you need something, you need to talk to me about it. goto2 Didn't you hear me? I said that the rooms are off limits. goto3 Hello, Brother. How can I help you? --- Please excuse me for asking, but what do you do for our Brotherhood. --- What do you do around here? --- I've been injured. Can you heal me? --- I have been given authorization to check something out. Could you check the terminal to see if it went through yet? --- Urak Chufar! goto3a UpReact goto3a->UpReact goto11 Oh, nothing quite as glorious as our Paladins. I just run the supply room, checking equipment and other supplies out to people. --- I'd like to check out something. How do I do that? --- Oh, that's nice. Bye. goto3a->goto11 ReactToLevel UpReact->ReactToLevel goto4 I'm sorry, but I don't understand what you want. If you need supplies, you need to have authorization. --- Taga ma. --- Caroo! goto5 I still don't understand you. Maybe you need to see the Doctor   She's on level two. goto10 You should see the Doctor. She's on level two. goto11a goto13 [Successful Lie] Oh, you mean the laser pistol? Okay, hold on a second please. I don't have any authorization from a Bob to give anyone a laser. Oh, wait a second. I get it. Those girls downstairs think they are really funny don't they. I wish they would stop bothering me. --- Well, you know. They told me not to tell you, but it's just because they like you so much. I think one of them has a crush on you. --- Sorry, I had no idea what they were up to. They told me to come up here and tell you this, and that you would get a big kick out of it. --- I'm sorry. It was a bad joke. I was just kidding around with you. goto11a->goto13 goto12 [Failed Lie] Bob? Bob who? What are you talking about? What new high tech weapon-thingy? I need more specifics than that, and you must have the who ever it is get me the proper authorization. I cannot give anything without authorization. goto11a->goto12 goto13a goto16 [Successful Lie]  Really? You wouldn't be pulling my leg again would you? No, you seem like a good lad. They probably forced you to do this. You know, I've caught Lara looking at me during Training. I bet it was her, right? --- Yep, you got it. She's the one. Don't tell her I told you. She would kill me. --- No, I'm sorry. I was just messing with you. No one sent me here. goto13a->goto16 goto18 [Successful Lie]  Really? You wouldn't be pulling my leg again would you? No, you seem like a good lass. They probably forced you to do this. You know, I've caught Lara looking at me during Training. I bet it was her, right? --- Yep, you got it. She's the one. Don't tell her I told you. She would kill me. --- No, I'm sorry. I was just messing with you. No one sent me here. goto13a->goto18 goto14 [Failed Lie] You're doing it again! Stop tormenting me! They are so cruel! I can't believe you would stoop to their level. Us guys are supposed to stick together. goto13a->goto14 goto17 You're doing it again! Stop tormenting me! You women are so cruel! goto13a->goto17 DownReact goto14->DownReact goto17->DownReact goto13b goto22 Oh, those girls are always giving me a hard time. I don't know why they keep doing it. That Lara sure is cute though. I've liked her for quite some time. I knew her when she was younger. She was such a darling. Now she's older, and she treats me so terribly. I've never done anything to deserve this. --- Well, maybe she likes you. Did you ever think about that? She just might not know how to approach you. You should ask her. If you really do like her, what do you have to lose? --- Maybe she likes you. --- Uh, yeah. Okay. Bye. goto13b->goto22 goto15 You're lying! You're in cahoots with them. How could you be so cruel? goto13b->goto15 goto15->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel goto16a BigUpReact goto16a->BigUpReact goto19 Well, I don't know what to say. I've always sorta had a crush on here, but I didn't want to act, because I didn't know if she felt the same way or not. Next time I see her, I think I'll ask her out. Maybe I'll try and get on the same patrol as here and surprise her with a nice romantic dinner. Thanks a lot. You have really made my day. Here, take these. You should be able to find some use for them. They're pulse grenades. Very useful against robots. Hopefully, you'll never have to use them. Bye. goto16a->goto19 BigUpReact->ReactToLevel TopReact goto19->TopReact goto16b goto16b->DownReact goto20 That's not very nice of you. Why would you say something like that if it wasn't true? Some people! goto16b->goto20 goto21 Oh. You've got a strange sense of humor. Well, don't bother me unless you have something to checkout. goto23 You know, you're right. What have I got to lose? The next time I see her, I think I will ask her out. Maybe I'll try and get on the same patrol as here and surprise her with a nice romantice dinner. Thanks a lot. You have really made my day. Here, take these. You should be able to find a use for them. They are dexterity boosters. Be careful with them, as they can cause cravings. Bye. goto23->TopReact goto24 No, that's not likely. Women sure do confuse me sometimes. I can read and understand any new schematic they put in front of me; but when it comes to women, I'm at a total loss. Thanks anyways. --- No, that's not likely. You women sure do confuse me sometimes. I can read and understand any new schematic they put in front of me; but when it comes to women, I'm at a total loss. Thanks anyways. goto26 You need to have the proper authorization. only specific people can give authorization to check out items from the supply room. --- Oh. Okay, thanks. Who do I need to talk to then? --- I have been given authorization to check something out. Could you check the terminal to see if it went through yet? --- Who can give me authorization? goto27 Well, there are quite a few people actually; but Talus is the person you should probably talk to. You might also want to check with Mathia, she might be able to help you, too. --- Where can I find Mathia? --- Where's Talus? --- Okay, thanks. goto28 Mathia is Maxon's assistant. She is technically the High Elder's assistant, but she works with all the other Elders. She is normally in the Elders' Rooms. That's located on the fourth floor. --- Okay. Where's Talus? --- Okay. Thanks. Bye. goto29 Why, he's in the training room to my left. --- Great. Now, could you also direct me to where I can find Mathia? --- How about Mathia. --- Thanks. Talk to you later. goto30 Yes, during the day she is normally in the Elders' Rooms. That's located on the fourth floor. --- Thank you. You have been very helpful. goto38 Okay, I've got some of that. You never can have enough ammo right? Well, there you are. Anything else? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto39 Oh, these can really be dangerous. Just be sure you are far enough away when they go off. There you are. Anything else? --- "No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto40 Ah, nothing like a good weapon by your side. Anything else? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto41 A good defense is the best offense. Or was it the other way around? Well, it doesn't matter. Here's your armor. Be sure to take care of it. I can't give out more than one set. Was there another item you needed?" --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto42 Well, this can be useful in the right hands. Here you go. Anything else? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto43 Oh, something else? Sorry, I must have missed it. Let me see. goto49 Ah, yes. You do have authorization to check something out. goto43->goto49 goto146a Well, this can be useful in the right hands. Here you go. Anything else? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto49->goto146a goto146b Ah a rocket launcher...nothing like a good weapon by your side. So, will that be it? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto49->goto146b goto147 Ah yes, here is the fine pistol you're looking for. So, will that be it? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto49->goto147 goto148 A good defense is the best offense. Or was it the other way around? Well, it doesn't matter. Here's your armor. Be sure to take care of it. I can't give out more than one set. Was there another item you needed? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto49->goto148 goto149 Hmmm...Powered Armor. Be sure to take care of it. I can't give out more than one set. Was there another item you needed? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto49->goto149 goto150 Well, this can be useful in the right hands. Here you go. Anything else? --- No, that's it. Thanks. --- Yes, I have something else to pick up. goto49->goto150 goto144 Okay, you need some ammunition do you. Well what kind did you need. --- I don't know. --- 10mm Jacketed Hollow Point. --- 10mm Armor Piercing. --- 44 magnum Jacketed Hollow Point. --- 44 magnum Full Metal Jacket. --- 14mm Armor Piercing --- .223 Full Metal Jacket. --- 5mm Jacketed Hollow Point. --- 5mm Armor Piercing. --- Shotgun shells. goto49->goto144 goto44a goto44a->goto38 goto44b goto44b->goto38 goto44c goto44c->goto38 goto44d goto44d->goto38 goto44e goto44e->goto38 goto44f goto44f->goto38 goto44g goto44g->goto38 goto44h goto44h->goto38 goto44i goto44i->goto38 goto47 Hello, again. How are you doing today? How can I help you? --- I have something to pick up. --- Nothing, bye. --- Could you ever possibly help me? I don't think so. Get out of my way. --- I'm looking for a Systolic Motivator. --- Urak Chufar! goto47a BigDownReact goto47a->BigDownReact gotoend goto47a->gotoend BigDownReact->ReactToLevel goto48 Okay, let me see here. goto48->goto49 goto52a goto54 Guards! We have a thief! Show him what we do to those that betray the Brotherhood. goto52a->goto54 goto55 Guards! We have a thief! Show her what we do to those that betray the Brotherhood. goto52a->goto55 goto53 She is normally in the library on the third floor. goto60 What do you want. --- Just give me what I have to pick up and I'll be out or your way. --- Nothing. goto61 Well fine. Let me just check and see if I have an order. goto61->goto49 goto72 Do you have the proper authorization? --- Yes. I was sent up here to get a Systolic Motivator. --- No I don't, but it is imperative that I get that part. --- Kyle sent me up to get the part. --- No. How do I get authorization? goto73 Let me look here. (he checks his terminal) Well I don't see a Request for a Systolic Motivator? You'll need to get the proper authorization. --- Now look! I don't want any trouble. Just give me the damn part. --- Come on? Please. I really need this part. --- OK. Sorry to bother you. --- You don't? Ordinance was suppose to send one down yesterday. Look, can you help me out? If I don't get this part it's gonna be my ass. I'm sure the form will be here later today. goto73a goto74 OK. Here you go. Just don't tell anyone that I gave this to you. Rhombus would have my head if he knew I had given the parts out without proper authorization. --- Thank you. Bye. goto73a->goto74 goto80 Your not getting the part and that's final. I told you what you need to do and I'm not going to repeat myself. goto73a->goto80 goto73b goto73b->goto74 goto73b->goto80 goto73c goto73c->goto74 goto75 I would give it to you if I could. But I can't. Not without proper authorization. --- You know Michael, you're probably one of the brightest guys I've talked to here. But I don't understand why you're giving me such a hard time. I really need that part. --- Oh.. Well. I guess I understand. I don't know what I'm going to do, though. --- Just give it to me. goto73c->goto75 goto75a goto75a->goto74 goto75a->goto80 goto75b goto75b->goto74 goto75b->goto80 goto75c goto75c->goto74 goto75c->goto80 goto76 If you don't have authorization you can not get replacement parts. --- Come on? Please. I really need this part. --- OK. Sorry to bother you. Bye. goto76a goto76a->goto74 goto76a->goto75 goto77 Kyle? Is this about that old junked Power Armor? --- Yes. --- No. goto78 You can tell him that when he gets that unit back to its original glory, then and only then will he get the authorization he needs. Good Bye. goto79 You don't. First Kyle needs to see the Unit in need of repair. If he feels the repair is warranted he then puts in a parts request. Rhombus reviews the requests and determines which ones are viable. Go talk to Kyle. Bye. --- Goodbye. --- Oh...yeah, well Kyle sent me. Could you check your terminal one more time. --- But Rhombus sent me. goto79a goto79a->goto73 goto79a->goto77 goto145 Well you need to find out what type of ammunition you need before I can give it to you. Just examine the weapon that you requested ammunition for. When you figure it out, just give me a holler. do_dialogue->goto3 do_dialogue->goto47 do_dialogue->goto60 combat get_reaction->ReactToLevel LevelToReact BottomReact UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes