MILES Start look_at_p_proc You see Miles, the chemist of Adytum. --- You see a thin man in a white smock. description_p_proc You see Miles, the chemist of Adytum. --- You see a thin man in a white smock. talk_p_proc Nice to see you, but I'm right in the middle of some research. --- Nice to see you, but I'm right in the middle of some research. get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Miles01 I don't believe we've met. I'm Miles. What can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Miles01 Miles04 talk_p_proc->Miles04 Miles13 Have you found the parts yet? talk_p_proc->Miles13 Miles18 Were you able to take the parts over to Smitty? talk_p_proc->Miles18 Miles19 [Miles takes the fixed parts from you] Looks like Smitty did a great job on these. Thanks for the help, and here's some stuff for your trouble. --- [Miles hands you some caps and some stimpacks.] --- If you ever get back this way, you might want to look me and Smitty up. We might be able to help you out with some adjustments to some of your equipment. Smitty can work wonders with certain weapons, and I can help out with certain sorts of armor. talk_p_proc->Miles19 Miles22 Looks like you found some Power Armor. I've heard of a chemical process that I could use to harden the surface of the armor. However, I'm missing some information which could give me the last few clues to the formula and reagents necessary. I've heard the Librarian in the Hub, Mrs. Stapleton, has some journals and books that might be of use. If you could get those from there, I could probably test the process on your armor. talk_p_proc->Miles22 Miles22a Nothing I can do with that type of armor. Sorry. talk_p_proc->Miles22a Miles24 Had a chance to get to the Hub yet and visit Mrs. Stapleton? talk_p_proc->Miles24 Miles29 What happened to your power armor? I can only help you out if you have power armor. talk_p_proc->Miles29 talk_p_proc->Miles29 Miles28 [Miles takes your armor from you.] --- [Miles hands your armor back to you, it seems to glint a little more than it did before.] Well, I think it worked! Hope it helps you out. talk_p_proc->Miles28 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Miles02 Well, enjoy your stay in our little town. Miles01->Miles02 I'm just looking around, thanks. Miles03 Miles01->Miles03 That smock makes you look like a scientist. What are you studying? Miles09 Oh dear. I'm afraid I can't help you. Miles01->Miles09 Huh? damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Miles03->Miles04 Miles05 Yes, although Smitty is the one who actually casts the bullets. I just refill the brass casings. Miles06 Miles06->Miles04 Miles07 Miles07->Miles04 Miles08 Any time. Miles11 Yes, well, we have to make a living. Since the hydroponic farms aren't functioning, we have to buy food from the merchants, and bullets are the only thing we have to sell. Miles12 Really? That would be wonderful! We're just missing a few parts, but I'm sure that  if you could scrounge up the right pieces, we could be self-sufficient! Sammael might be able to give you some help. Miles14 You'll need to talk to Sammael. You'll usually find him in a tent down by the farms during the day. Miles15 [Miles looks over the parts] Those are them, but it looks like Smitty is going to have to do a little work on them. Can you take them over to him? Miles16 Sure, I appreciate you finding them for us. Miles17 Oh. I almost forgot. Here is some stuff, for your trouble. [Miles hands you some caps and some stimpacks.] --- If you ever get back this way, you might want to look me and Smitty up. We might be able to help you out with some adjustments to some of your equipment. Smitty can work wonders with certain weapons, and I can help out with certain sorts of armor. Miles17a Oh. I almost forgot. Here is some stuff, for your trouble. [Miles hands you some caps and some stimpacks.] --- If you ever get back this way, you might want to look me and Smitty up. We might be able to help you out with some adjustments to some of your equipment. Smitty can work wonders with certain weapons, and I can help out with certain sorts of armor. UpReactLevel Miles17a->UpReactLevel LevelToReact UpReactLevel->LevelToReact Miles23 Well, if you ever change your mind, just go see Mrs. Stapleton and then head on back here. Miles25 [Miles takes the books from you, and starts flipping through them.] Hmmmm. Yes, hmmmm. [He mumbles to himself for a few more minutes.] Well, I think I can figure it out, but it will take a full day for the bonding to occur. Is that acceptable? Miles27 Well, when you have the time, come back and I'll do the process on your armor. MilesEnd UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes