MORBID start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Doc Morbid. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc start->map_update_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc The doctor is out. --- I'm Doc Morbid, can I help you? start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc get_eye Doc Morbid reaches up with a surgical tool, and, before you can react, removes one of your eyes. It is extremely painful. critter_p_proc->get_eye sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping map_enter_p_proc->sleeping get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Morbid09L Now, half of what you have just seen is mine again. talk_p_proc->Morbid09L Morbid00L Trespasser! This is a private room! talk_p_proc->Morbid00L Morbid01L Don't try to talk your way out of this one! talk_p_proc->Morbid01L Morbid17 Oh, It's a customer! What can I help you with? talk_p_proc->Morbid17 Morbid21 Ahh, a repeat customer. Excellent these days! How can I help you? talk_p_proc->Morbid21 Morbid04N You again. I hope you have another good reason for disturbing me . . . talk_p_proc->Morbid04N Morbid00N I hope you have a good reason for disturbing me. My time is extremely valuable. talk_p_proc->Morbid00N Morbid13 Oh, back so soon. What can I help you with? talk_p_proc->Morbid13 Morbid16 Oh, It's you again. I like your style, even if I don't like you. What can I help you with, now? talk_p_proc->Morbid16 Morbid00 I'm Doc Morbid, can I help you? talk_p_proc->Morbid00 Morbid15 Hmmm. I don't like your looks, stranger. But what can I do for you? I never, ever turn away a paying customer. talk_p_proc->Morbid15 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Morbid10L Now, now. Watch your language. Morbid09L->Morbid10L YOU RIPPED OUT MY EYE! YOU MOTHER . . . MorbidCombat Morbid00L->MorbidCombat Throw down, butcher! Morbid00L->MorbidCombat Ack! Morbid00La Morbid00L->Morbid00La Wait! := 1 := 1 Morbid01L->:= 1 Morbid03 Hmm, lets have a look. Morbid17->Morbid03 I need healing. Morbid17->Morbid03 Wock! Morbid27 Wh . . . what could you possibly mean? Morbid17->Morbid27 I know about you and Iguana Bob, you filthy butcher. UpReactLevel Morbid17->UpReactLevel Morbid19 Well, if you do need anything, please stop by. No one can beat my service! Morbid17->Morbid19 Nothing, just making small talk. Morbid18 My business has dropped off recently. I'm happy to see any customers, these days. Not that I mind your company, of course. Morbid17->Morbid18 You seem exited to see me. Why? Morbid21->Morbid03 I need healing. Morbid21->Morbid03 Nothing, just making small talk. Morbid21->Morbid03 Wock! Morbid21->Morbid27 I know about you and Iguana Bob, you filthy butcher. Morbid00Na Morbid04N->Morbid00Na I'm dying here! Please help! Morbid00Nb Morbid04N->Morbid00Nb I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I need some assistance. Morbid03N I'm sorry, I don't treat idiots at night. Something about full moons and lunacy, I suppose. Have a good night. Morbid04N->Morbid03N Aggh! Morbid00N->Morbid00Na I'm dying here! Please help! Morbid00N->Morbid00Nb I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I need some assistance. Morbid00N->Morbid03N Aggh! Morbid13->Morbid03 I need healing. Morbid13->Morbid03 Wock! Morbid13->Morbid27 I know about you and Iguana Bob, you filthy butcher. Morbid14 Please make it somewhere else, I'm busy. Morbid13->Morbid14 Nothing, just making small talk. Morbid16->Morbid03 I need healing. Morbid16->Morbid03 Wock! Morbid16->Morbid14 Nothing, just making small talk. Morbid00->Morbid03 Yeah, I need some help. Morbid00->Morbid03 I need some medical assistance. Morbid00->Morbid03 Ya. Morbid02 Well, if not today, then perhaps sometime in the near future. Morbid00->Morbid02 No, not today. Morbid00a Morbid00->Morbid00a Nng. Morbid00->Morbid27 I know about you and Iguana Bob, you filthy butcher. Morbid15->Morbid03 I need some help. Morbid15->Morbid03 I need some medical assistance. Morbid15->Morbid03 Hep. Morbid15->Morbid02 Nothing today, thanks. Morbid04 You seem to be in nearly perfect health. That will be $10 for the examination. Morbid03->Morbid04 Morbid09 You are --- perfectly healthy, --- slightly wounded, --- moderately wounded, --- seriously wounded, --- near death, --- You have minor radiation poisoning. --- You have some serious radiation poisoning. --- Your body has absorbed an incredible amount of radiation. --- I have never seen such readings on my radscanner. I think you are about to die. I give you two to three weeks. --- There is not much I can do about it. --- Ok, I have your test results: Morbid03->Morbid09 DownReact Morbid02->DownReact We'll just have to see, now won't we. But I doubt it. MorbidEnd Morbid02->MorbidEnd Hopefully not. Bye. Morbid00a->DownReact Morbid01 Well, ok, then. Do come back. Morbid00a->Morbid01 Morbid28 [He looks shiftily from side to side] That proves nothing. Gretch is a little . . . slow in the head. No one listens to him around here. You had best leave. Morbid27->Morbid28 I had a little conversation with your troll . . . DownReact->ReactToLevel Morbid04a Morbid04->Morbid04a Ten caps for you to tell me that? You gotta be kidding. Morbid07 Thank you for your business. Come again. Morbid04->Morbid07 Here you go. Take your money. Morbid09a The total cost will be $ --- . Payment is due before treatment. No exceptions. Will you pay? Morbid09->Morbid09a Morbid04a->DownReact Morbid04a->DownReact Morbid05 I never joke. Especially when it comes to physical trauma. You will pay or I'll have to resort to other forms of compensation, many of which are much more painful then just paying my fee. Morbid04a->Morbid05 Morbid08 You do not have enough money. I have a very special way of dealing with debtors - I don't. Flash and Cougar, take our new found source of income to the lab for processing. Morbid07->Morbid08 Morbid05->Morbid07 Ok, here's your money. Morbid05a Morbid05->Morbid05a Bite me. I'm leaving. Morbid05a->DownReact Morbid05a->DownReact Morbid06 Have it your way. Cougar, Flash. Show our 'patient' to the lab. Morbid05a->Morbid06 Morbid12 Excellent. Let's begin. This might hurt a little . . . --- There you go. Come back again! Morbid09a->Morbid12 Yes, I will pay. Morbid09a->Morbid12 Ya. Morbid10 No. I don't loan anyone, and I mean anyone, any amount of money. Go away, you pauper. Morbid09a->Morbid10 No, I don't have the money. Will you float me? Morbid11 It's your life. Good-Bye. Morbid09a->Morbid11 No. Morbid09a->Morbid11 Nuh. Morbid12->Morbid08 UpReact Morbid12->UpReact Morbid10->DownReact UpReact->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReactLevel->LevelToReact Morbid18->Morbid03 Excellent, I need some healing. Morbid18->Morbid19 Of course, I understand. Have a good day. Morbid20 In case you haven't noticed, I got some competition. --- Complaining to Killian won't do anything. He doesn't see anything wrong with the newcomers. --- Those damn Children have moved in next door, and all, um, much of my business has gone to them. I don't like it, but I can't lower my prices to match theirs. I can only provide better service. Morbid18->Morbid20 Why has your business dropped off? Morbid20->Morbid03 Ahh, I do need some healing. Morbid20->Morbid19 Hmm, better prices, interesting. Thank you. Morbid22 I hope you have a good reason for disturbing me. My time is extremely valuable. Morbid22->Morbid03 I'm dying here! Please help! Morbid22->Morbid03 I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I need assistance. Morbid22->Morbid03 Aggh! Morbid23 I don't find your humor funny. Please leave so I can return to my work. Morbid24 Hmm. Well, you seem fine to me. Perhaps you need some rest. Try the Crash House, around the corner. Good night. Morbid25 I'm sorry, I don't treat idiots at this time of night. Something about full moons and lunacy, I suppose. Have a good night. Morbid26 You again. I hope you have another good reason for disturbing me . . . Morbid26->Morbid03 I'm dying here! Please help! Morbid26->Morbid03 I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I need assistance. Morbid26->Morbid03 Aggh! BottomReact Morbid28->BottomReact Morbid00La->Morbid01L Morbid02L Why should I? Morbid00La->Morbid02L Morbid02La Morbid02L->Morbid02La I'm no danger to you! Morbid03L No! I won't let you shut down my operation! Gretch, get Morbid02L->Morbid03L I'm putting a stop to your operation, right here, right now! Morbid02La->Morbid01L Morbid04L Why?! Morbid02La->Morbid04L Morbid03L->:= 1 Morbid06L Fine. Have it your way! Morbid04L->Morbid06L I know what you are doing here, and I won't stop you. Morbid05L That is true. Unfortunately, you have seen too much. Hmm. --- You must prove your sincerity. And I might be able to make a little profit out of this deal. Morbid04L->Morbid05L You are obviously far more powerful than I am. Morbid06L->:= 1 Morbid05L->Morbid06L No deals, no way. Morbid07L I will take something from you. And then we will be even. Morbid05L->Morbid07L What do you mean? Morbid07L->Morbid06L No way. Morbid08L Excellent! Morbid07L->Morbid08L Okay. Morbid00Na->Morbid03 Morbid00Na->Morbid01 Morbid00Nb->Morbid03 Morbid02N Hmm. Well, you seem fine to me. Perhaps you need some rest. Try the Crash House, around the corner. Good night. Morbid00Nb->Morbid02N Morbid01N I don't find your humor funny. Please leave so I can return to my work. Morbid01N->DownReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes combat_p_proc damage_p_proc