MORPH start You see Morpheus. --- You gain 1000 experience points for destroying the leader of the Children of the Cathedral. do_dialogue That would be too easy against you. I'll go the more challenging route. --- No, with this . . . start->do_dialogue get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction morphcbt do_dialogue->morphcbt morph66 Master, I believe you will enjoy this . . . do_dialogue->morph66 morph04a You were warned. Guards! do_dialogue->morph04a morph28 Yes? do_dialogue->morph28 morph02 I don't remember inviting anyone to my room?  And yet I have a visitor. Why? --- I'm --- . What's yours? do_dialogue->morph02 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel morph04a->morphcbt morphend morph28->morphend Never mind. morph29 Of course, my child. morph28->morph29 Hi. I'm new to the Children and was wondering if I could ask you a few questions. morph42c Oh, my child, you make no sense whatsoever.  please, find one of our physicians and get help. morph28->morph42c Nuhhh? morph02_1 morph02->morph02_1 Oh, I'm sorry. I seem to be lost. morph02_3 morph02->morph02_3 Because I have such a deal for you... morph06 I suspect you are a spy, sent by the Followers.  I may be wrong, but I do not take chances. You must be eliminated. morph02->morph06 One of the Brothers sent me up here. morph02a No.  I'm Father Death... morph02->morph02a Mom? morph02_1->morph06 morph02_2 morph02_1->morph02_2 morph07 What could you possibly offer me? morph02_3->morph07 morph26 Here's your deal. Tell me what you know, and you'll be able to walk out of here on both legs. morph02_3->morph26 morph06->morphcbt morph02a->morphcbt morph02_2->morph06 morph03 Well, my child, it's quite dangerous to explore places where you do not belong.  Where were you heading that you ended up in my private chambers? morph02_2->morph03 morph03->morph06 I forget. I'll just go. morph03_1 morph03->morph03_1 I'm new, and I was looking for the bathroom. One of the other High Priests sent me up here. morph03_2 morph03->morph03_2 I was looking for the confessional, and one of the High Priests sent me up here. I'm really sorry I ended up here! morph23 How surprising.  Now tell me why you are here. morph03->morph23 Well, I'm not really lost. morph24 Oh, really?  And how do you plan to do that? With your stunning wit and sharp tongue? morph03->morph24 I was heading up here to kill you. morph08 Go on. morph07->morph08 I'm from a Vault. You know what that is, right? morph16 And who might my enemies be? morph07->morph16 I'd like to offer you some information about your enemies. morph07_1 morph07->morph07_1 I was sent here by the Master. He wants me to spy on you. morph26->morph16 I'd like to offer you some information about your enemies. morph12 Fine. I will take you to the Master. But if you are lying, he will know. morph26->morph12 I'm from a Vault, and I'm willing to give the Master the location. morph11 I do not tolerate insults. Guards! morph26->morph11 You're not very intimidating. morph15 No? Then I will take the information from you. Guards! morph26->morph15 I won't tell you anything. morph04 Ahh...Heh, heh heh. That would be Lasher.  He so loves getting the worshipers in trouble.  This is your lucky day, my ignorant little friend. You may leave now without incident. morph03_1->morph04 morph05 You are a pathetic liar. Tell me the real reason you are here now...before I have you skinned alive. morph03_1->morph05 morph03_2->morph04 morph03_2->morph05 morph23->morph16 I'd like to offer you some information about your enemies. morph23->morph12 I'm from a Vault, and I'm willing to give the Master the location. morph23->morph11 You're not very intimidating. morph23->morph15 I won't tell you anything. morph24->morphcbt No, with this . . . morph24->morphcbt That would be too easy against you. I'll go the more challenging route. morph24->morphcbt I think a bullet to the head will do. morphx morph04->morphx morph05->morph06 I'm just looking around. morph05a morph05->morph05a No really! I'm lost! morph05b morph05->morph05b All right, you got me. I'm here to offer you a deal. morph05a->morph06 DownReact morph05a->DownReact morph05b->morph07 morph05b->morph26 morph08a morph08->morph08a I'd like to give your master a bit of information about my Vault. morph08->morph12 I have some information for the Master about my Vault. morph14 You may keep your life. Now, tell me what you know. morph08->morph14 Not so fast. I want to know what I can get for my information. morph17 Tell me what you know. morph16->morph17 Well, the Followers, for one. morph16->morph17 From where I stand, it looks like everyone. morph20 A spy? Very foolish of you.  It will be difficult to report to him when you are dead, won't it? morph07_1->morph20 morph21 You are a bad liar. Now, tell me what you want. morph07_1->morph21 morph20->morphcbt morph21->morph08 I'm from a Vault. You do know what that is, right? morph21->morph16 I'd like to offer you some information about your enemies. morph09 I do not have a master, you imbecile! morph08a->morph09 morph08a->DownReact morph12->morphcbt You're not taking me anywhere! morphx2 morph12->morphx2 Okay, fine. morph14->morph12 I'm from a Vault, and I'm willing to give the Master the location. morph14->morph11 Or what? morph14->morph15 I won't tell you anything. morph09->morph06 Hey. Watch it with the insults!! morph10 No one controls me.  He and I morph09->morph10 Then what do you call the Master? Doesn't he control you? morph09->morph10 It sure looks like the Master controls you. morph09->morph11 I seem to have hit a nerve. morph10->morph12 It doesn't matter. I have information about a Vault he would want. morph10->morph11 Yeah, right.  You're a puppy on a short leash. morph10_1 morph10->morph10_1 He gives commands, right? And you follow them, no questions asked. morph11->morphcbt morph10_1->morph11 morph13 That is none of your concern.  But if you are truly from a Vault, the Master will find out.  Guards!  Come along. morph10_1->morph13 morph13->morphx2 morph15->morphcbt morph18 Give me the information or die a slow...lingering...death. morph17->morph18 I don't think so. Take me to the Master. Him, I'll tell. morph17->morph18 Let's just say I know something to help you out against them. morph18_1 morph18->morph18_1 Think the Master would be happy if you killed a Vault dweller? morph18_2 morph18->morph18_2 I'm only talking to the Master. morph18_1->morph15 morph19 Ahh...So you are the Vault dweller I've been hearing about. Surprised?  I have my sources. Now, I will take you as a gift to the Master. He'll be very pleased. morph18_1->morph19 morph18_2->morph12 morph18_2->morph15 morph19->morphcbt How about we take you out in a bag, instead? morph19->morphx2 And so will I. morph27 I ask the questions, not you.  Now, tell me what you are doing here. morph27->morph02_1 I'm just lost. morph27_1 morph27->morph27_1 I'm here to make you a deal. morph27_1->morph06 morph27_1->morph07 morph29->morphend Never mind. morph30 morph29->morph30 Thanks . . . morphx4 morph42c->morphx4 morph30->morphend Changed my mind. No more questions. morph31 Our plans?  We are the messengers of evolution, my child. We follow the Master in his endless quest to heal the land and the people. morph30->morph31 What are the Children's plans? morph42a You are what? morph30->morph42a What you say if I told you I'm from a Vault? morph32 We know there is a higher level, a glorious place humanity should strive to reach. Ours is the goal to find the life better, more fulfilling, than the present one, marred by hardship and strife. morph31->morph32 Really? Just what kind of evolution are you teaching? morph39 We cure the physical body to start.  You've certainly seen our hospitals. Then we offer hope and healing for the spirit. morph31->morph39 What kind of healing? morph42a_1 morph42a->morph42a_1 You heard me. Take me to see the Master, now! morph32a morph32->morph32a You're kidding, right? morph38 No, but with faith and hope, we're certain to find it. But all this should be known to you, my child. morph32->morph38 And have you found this higher level ? morph39a morph39->morph39a Wow. I almost believed that. You're good! morph39_1 morph39->morph39_1 Where are these hospitals? morph33 [Angry]Why you!...[Calmly]You are forgiven. Not everyone is capable of seeing the light. But, tell me my child, why did you join us? morph32a->morph33 morph32a->DownReact morph38->morphend I know. Goodbye. morph36 Of course. Please. Continue. morph38->morph36 I know, but just a few more questions, please. morph34 You know nothing. morph33->morph34 I had to see if this was as much of a joke as I'd heard. Now I know. morph33_1 morph33->morph33_1 Sorry. I guess I was out of line. morph34->morphx4 morph35 Yes, you were, but you are forgiven.  Now, if there are no more questions, I have work to do. morph33_1->morph35 morph37 Yes, but you are...forgiven.  Go in peace, my child. morph33_1->morph37 morph35->morphend Nope, thanks. morph35->morph36 Actually, there are some more. morph37->morphx4 morph36->morph30 morph39a->morph33 morph39a->DownReact morph40 Our glorious effort has just reached Adytum and, of course, the Hub shines with our efforts there.  But, I have a feeling there's more you wish to ask. morph40->morph30 morph41 These are wondrous days. Junktown now joins in Adytum and the Hub in our quest to save body and soul.  Is there more you wish to know, my child? morph41->morphend Nothing. I gotta go. morph41->morph30 As a matter of fact . . . morph42 The Children's vision now stretches from Adytum, to the Hub, Junktown, and now gently caresses Shady Sands.  Why do you ask? morph42->morphend Nothing. I gotta go. morph42->morph36 Just wondering. Can I ask you a few more questions? morph42a_1->morph42c morph42b Uh, yes. Well.  Please follow me. morph42a_1->morph42b morph42b->morphx2 morph45 My child, talk to Lasher.  He'll help you with that. morph46 I said... morph47 Are you deaf?  I said... morph48 I will not repeat myself again! morph49 I will not say it again! morph50 The Nightkin came to us a while ago.  They might be hideous mutants but they are extremely loyal to the Children.  As we all are. morph51 It is he who brought me the vision of the Unity and it is he who will bring peace to this troubled land. morph52 My child, you should know the Auditorium.  I give my sermons there. morph53 Don't concern yourself with that.  Only the High Priests may enter. morph54 I am but a humble servant of the Unity. morph55 We are the high priests of the great Dark God. Thirteen of us are so blessed to pass his mighty words to the rest of the Children. morph56 I've no idea what you're talking about. morph57 The Children of the Cathedral hospitals provide the best care in all of this blasted, torn land. This care is vital to the Unity. morph58 The Unity is our search for a higher level of life, and unity with our fellow man. morph59 He is another High Priest.  He spends much of his time in the studies. morph60 My heart bleeds for them. Led down a false path. They don't know their efforts will bring only pain and suffering to their fellow beings. morph61 Nicole is the unfortunate, confused leader of the Followers of the Apocalypse. morph62 Adytum is the city to the northeast of us. morph63 That's not important. morph64 That's nothing.  You may ask something else. morph65 Nothing to be concerned with. DownReact->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes