MRHANDYC start critter_p_proc You gain 1000 experience points for doing a little clean-up work. start->critter_p_proc combat_p_proc start->combat_p_proc description_p_proc The robot is non-functional. The layer of dust on it suggests that it hasn't been active recently. --- The robot has been repaired, but it is still not functioning. --- The hardware is not a problem, it must be the software. --- The hardware is not a problem, it must be the software. start->description_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc You cannot access the robot's functions, as it is disabled. --- You reboot the onboard computer, and successfully restart the robot. You notice that the robot's radio is broken. --- You spend some time working on the robot's computer, but cannot get it restarted. --- The robot has been repaired, but it is still not functioning. --- You tinker with the malfunctioning components, but need more time to make the fix. start->use_skill_on_p_proc MrHandyC00 Unit #462 online. Self-test. Adjusting unit location data. Fixed. Rebuilding memory file. Fixed. Error - task incomplete. talk_p_proc->MrHandyC00 MrHandyC01 [Click] Okey-dokey! Restarting task. MrHandyC00->MrHandyC01 Rogga. MrHandyC00->MrHandyC01 Well, just do it and get out of my way! MrHandyC02 Unit #462 is a cleaning model. Must finish cleaning and maintenance of this level. MrHandyC00->MrHandyC02 What is your incomplete task? MrHandyC02->MrHandyC01 Go to it! MrHandyC03 Vat Control Room. [Click] End of list. MrHandyC02->MrHandyC03 What do you have left to clean? MrHandyC03->MrHandyC01 Heh. Finish your task.