MVCOMP start This computer is labeled Atomic Access Computer. --- There are cables running from the access computer to the warhead behind it. --- That doesn't seem to be working. --- That doesn't seem to be working. skills That doesn't seem to be working. --- You are not skilled enough to defeat the security mechanism. --- You are not skilled enough to defeat the security mechanism. --- You are not skilled enough to defeat the security mechanism. --- You are not skilled enough to defeat the security mechanism. --- You cannot use the traps skill on this computer. --- This computer cannot be repaired. --- That doesn't seem to be working. start->skills disarmit That doesn't seem to be working. start->disarmit armit You have armed the warhead. A timer with four minutes has started a countdown. start->armit skills->armit skills->armit reset You have disarmed the nuclear warhead. disarmit->reset