NEAL start critter_p_proc Hey! You stole my urn! --- Ya damn kids, I'll show you a thing or two! --- What the hell ya doin'? We're closed. Get on out of here! start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc description_p_proc He looks overworked. start->description_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Neal, the bartender. --- You see a bartender. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Ya damn kids, I'll show you a thing or two! start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc Hey! Don't think you're going to get away with that, thief! start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc We're closed. Come back around four o'clock. --- Thank you. You can't know what this means to me. You'll never pay for a drink in this bar again. --- Zzzz --- Here ya go. Enjoy. start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Get the hell outta here you goddamn punks! If any of ya ever touch her again I'll kill the whole lot o' ya! --- The day I can't handle little shits like you is the day I die! start->timed_event_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc start->use_obj_on_p_proc sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping Neal01 Welcome to the Skum Pitt. What can I do ya for? --- My name's --- . What is this place? talk_p_proc->Neal01 damage_p_proc Goodbyes Neal01->Goodbyes Neal02 Great. Whaddya want? Neal01->Neal02 Uh, I'll have a drink. Neal03 Okay, so whaddya wanna know? Neal01->Neal03 I'm looking for information. Neal09 That's not a trophy, it's an urn. It contains my wife's ashes - besides this bar, it is the most important thing in my life. --- Some slime stole it. It wasn't a trophy, it was an urn. It contained my wife's ashes - besides this bar, it was the most important thing in my life. Neal01->Neal09 What’s that trophy on the shelf? Neal01->Neal09 What happened to that trophy you used to have up there? NealEnd Neal01->NealEnd Gaa hnnngh! Neal11 Thank you. You can't know what this means to me. You'll never pay for a drink in this bar again. Neal01->Neal11 I've got your urn back for you. Neal02->Goodbyes NealCola Come back when you've got some money. Neal02->NealCola Nuka-cola, 3 caps. NealBeer Come back when you've got some money. Neal02->NealBeer Beer, 5 caps. NealBooze Come back when you've got some money. Neal02->NealBooze The hard stuff, 20 caps. Neal03->Goodbyes Neal06 Well, just over there to the west of us is Gizmo's casino. I'd be surprised if you didn't know about it; most of the people here are the ones who just finished losing their money there. Over in the other part of town you got Killian's general store, and Marcelles's Crash House. Killian's a good guy, runs a straight joint, carries everything you need. The Crash House is where you sleep it off when you've been in here for too long. [Neal chuckles.] Neal03->Neal06 What's the scoop on this town? Neal07 Fella's called Tycho. Apparently a ranger from back east or something. Pretty nasty fighter, from what I hear, but a straight-up character. Neal03->Neal07 Who's the dangerous-looking stranger in the corner? Neal08 Oh, them. They're the Skulz. They're a local gang. All the riff-raff. Sometimes they start fights or cause a little trouble. Usually Killian keeps them in line, though. Neal03->Neal08 Who're the jerks? Neal10 Anything else? Neal09->Neal10 Oh. Neal06->Neal02 Thanks. Can I get a drink? Neal06->Neal10 Thanks for the information. See you around. Neal07->Goodbyes Neal07->Neal03 Mind if I ask some other questions? Neal08->Goodbyes Neal08->Neal03 Mind if I ask some other questions? Neal04 [Neal looks at you quizzically for a moment.] Haven't you ever seen a bar before, stranger? This is my place, the Skum Pitt. You buy drinks here. And you tip me. Neal04->Neal02 Uh, right. I knew that. So, can I get a drink? Neal04->Neal03 Yeah. Um, can I get some other information? Neal04->NealEnd Oh. Thanks. Neal05 Yeah, same to you, buddy. Neal10->Neal02 Yeah, I'll have a drink. Neal10->Neal03 Looking for some more information. Neal10->NealEnd No thanks. get_reaction ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact