PALADINB start look_at_p_proc Paladin start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc PaladinBRandom You shouldn't be in here, Initiate. --- What are you doing in here? --- The guard room is for guards. You are not a guard. You are in the guardroom. Therefore, YOU should leave. --- Please leave. You shouldn't be here. --- Hey, no Initiates. --- This is not the library, my boy. If you want to browse, go to the library. --- This is not the library, my girl. If you want to browse, please go to the library. talk_p_proc->PaladinBRandom