PATRICK start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Patrick, the Celt. --- You see a man in studded leather armor with an odd assortment of knick-knacks. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc flee_dude critter_p_proc->flee_dude Patrick17 Hello again. Can I help you? talk_p_proc->Patrick17 Patrick01 Greetings, traveler. What brings you out this far? talk_p_proc->Patrick01 PatrickEnd Patrick17->PatrickEnd No, never mind, thanks. Patrick17->PatrickEnd Lub! Patrick06 Using the coastline as a referent, you've got Shady Sands about a week inland, and Junktown a few days south of there. Hub's just another couple days south of Junktown. Avoid Necropolis to the east of those, though. Not worth the trouble. Patrick17->Patrick06 Yeah, can you give me some directions? Patrick02 I see. Much like myself, then. Patrick01->Patrick02 Just wandering. Patrick03 It's not junk! It's trade goods! Patrick01->Patrick03 Um, why are you carrying all that junk? Patrick04 Hmm. Haven't seen one of those before. What seems to be the trouble? Patrick01->Patrick04 I need to find a water purification control chip. PatrickCombat Patrick01->PatrickCombat I'm killing everybody I can get within shooting distance of. Prepare to die. Patrick01->PatrickEnd Lub! Patrick02->PatrickEnd Well, see ya. Patrick05 I wander from place to place, making a living with music and a little bit of tinkering work. Patrick02->Patrick05 Oh? You're not from one of the communities out here? Patrick02->Patrick05 So what's your story? Patrick02->Patrick06 Can you direct me to a nearby settlement? Patrick03->PatrickEnd Uh, right. Bye. Patrick03->Patrick05 Uh huh. So what's your story? Patrick07 I don't think I could help you with that. I never had much of a chance to study pre-war Vault technology. Patrick04->Patrick07 This chip controls water purification for my Vault. It's blown out, though. Patrick04->Patrick07 It's broken. Patrick05->PatrickEnd Well, it's good to meet you. Bye. Patrick05->Patrick06 Can you direct me to a nearby settlement? Patrick08 Mostly a little electrical and mechanical tinkering. I helped Junktown with their lights and showed the people in Shady Sands a better design for their stoves. Patrick05->Patrick08 What kind of work do you do? Patrick09 Oh, mostly old folk songs and some Celtic music. It's a change of pace. Patrick05->Patrick09 What kind of music do you sing? Patrick06a Patrick06->Patrick06a Patrick07->PatrickEnd You see a man in studded leather armor with an odd assortment of knick-knacks. Patrick07->Patrick05 Uh huh. So what's your story? Patrick08->PatrickEnd Well, see ya. Patrick08->Patrick05 Can you direct me to a nearby settlement? Patrick08->Patrick07 Really? Think you could fix a water chip? Patrick09->PatrickEnd Well, it's good to meet you. Bye. Patrick09->Patrick05 I see. What else do you do? Patrick15 Why, certainly. Would you like to hear it? Patrick09->Patrick15 Would you happen to know "Na Gheala Mbeadh", as I think it's called? Patrick06a->PatrickEnd You see a man in studded leather armor with an odd assortment of knick-knacks. Patrick10 It was overrun by an army of mutants last I heard. I'd stay away from there, if I were you. --- Shady Sands is a small farming community. They were led by a good man named Aradesh, but I've heard he's gone. It's a pity. Without him I don't know if they'll survive. --- Shady Sands is a small, self-sufficient community led by Aradesh, a kind man and strong leader. They are peaceful and hard-working. They are probably the best chance for a new civilization here. Patrick06a->Patrick10 What do you know about Shady Sands? Patrick11 It was overrun by an army of mutants last I heard. I'd stay away from there, if I were you. --- Junktown? A small trading city. Not too remarkable. --- Junktown? A small trading city. Strange place until you get used to it. They are run by Gizmo, a gambling mogul and crime-lord. --- Junktown? A small trading city. Strange place until you get used to it. They are run by mayor Killian Darkwater, a hard but fair man. Patrick06a->Patrick11 What do you know about Junktown? Patrick12 It was overrun by an army of mutants last I heard. I'd stay away from there, if I were you. --- The Hub is a major trading center. It's said that you can find anything there, and I'd say that's not too far wrong. Patrick06a->Patrick12 What do you know about the Hub? Patrick13 It was overrun by an army of mutants last I heard. I'd stay away from there, if I were you. --- Necropolis is the city of the dead. It's inhabited by ghouls, the descendants of humans who sought shelter in a Vault there. Story goes that the Vault failed somehow, so now the only inhabitants are carrion-eating monsters. Patrick06a->Patrick13 What do you know about Necropolis? Patrick10->Patrick06a Patrick11->Patrick06a Patrick12->Patrick06a Patrick13->Patrick06a Patrick14 Possibly, but I for one wouldn't risk the ghouls. Latest word is they've some sort of powerful new leader. Patrick13->Patrick14 Do you suppose that Vault might have parts that I could salvage? Patrick15->PatrickEnd Nah. Patrick16 [Patrick sings songs and the two of you reminisce for several hours. You feel invigorated.] Patrick15->Patrick16 Sure. Patrick14->Patrick06a