PEASANTC start destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc start->map_update_p_proc pickup_p_proc Please leave me alone! start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Please leave me alone! --- Get out of here! --- I've heard bad things about you, are they true? start->talk_p_proc sleeping map_update_p_proc->sleeping PeasantC00 I hope you're not going to kick me out of here. talk_p_proc->PeasantC00 damage_p_proc PeasantCEnd PeasantC00->PeasantCEnd No. PeasantC00a PeasantC00->PeasantC00a That's a strange way to start a conversation. PeasantC01 Oh, well, if you want to stay a while, go right ahead. I think we are safe here. PeasantC00->PeasantC01 Hnnn. PeasantC03 Well, it's true. After what happened to my friends, I gotta protect my turf. I just hope you're not gonna kill me. PeasantC00a->PeasantC03 PeasantC02 Well, you gotta be careful these days. I hope you're having a better life than I am. PeasantC00a->PeasantC02 PeasantC03->PeasantCEnd No. PeasantC04 Gack! PeasantC03->PeasantC04 No, I won't hurt you. Much. PeasantC03a PeasantC03->PeasantC03a Why do you say that? PeasantC06 Those 'helpful' healing guys wanted my friend's place, so they took it. I don't know what happened to my friends. --- There's nobody around to help me. --- Gizmo laughed at me when I asked for his help. --- Killian is too busy cleaning up Gizmo's mess to help. --- And Killian is too busy to help me. PeasantC03a->PeasantC06 PeasantC05 No reason. Really. PeasantC03a->PeasantC05 PeasantC06->PeasantCEnd That's a shame. PeasantC07 I hope so, I really hope so. PeasantC06->PeasantC07 Are you safe?