RADIO start talk_p_proc You gain 1,500 experience points for tricking the mutant guards. start->talk_p_proc use_p_proc start->use_p_proc RadioEnt [There is a squeal of static, then you hear a deep voice over the radio.] Command to patrol, command to patrol. What is your status? Over. talk_p_proc->RadioEnt RadioStrg1 talk_p_proc->RadioStrg1 RadioStrg2 talk_p_proc->RadioStrg2 RadioVats1 talk_p_proc->RadioVats1 Radio08 There is only static on the radio. talk_p_proc->Radio08 talk_p_proc->Radio08 use_p_proc->RadioStrg1 use_p_proc->RadioStrg2 use_p_proc->RadioVats1 use_p_proc->Radio08 use_p_proc->Radio08 RadioEnt->Radio08 Radio01 Understood, patrol. We are sending assistance now. Over. RadioEnt->Radio01 Eek! Radio02 Who is this? What is your purpose? RadioEnt->Radio02 Uh, nothing is wrong here. We're fine, uh, how are you? Radio03 Understood, patrol. What are your coordinates? RadioEnt->Radio03 Command, we are under attack by a large group of armed humans. Request assistance. Over. Radio07 Roger, patrol. We're sending help now! Hold on! RadioEnt->Radio07 Help! Unknown attackers! Heavy damage! Coordinates follow: 10 . . . Argh! Radio11 The radio has a red blinking light. You hear a high pitched squealing over the radio speaker. --- It sounds like encrypted audio. RadioStrg1->Radio11 Radio12 You send the command code to toggle the force field settings. RadioStrg1->Radio12 Radio13 There is only quiet static on the radio channel. RadioStrg1->Radio13 Radio14 The radio is not functioning. --- This radio is in perfect condition. The source of the problem must be external. RadioStrg1->Radio14 RadioStrg2->Radio14 Radio21 RadioStrg2->Radio21 Radio22 There is nothing but the squeal of encrypted data over the radio. RadioStrg2->Radio22 Radio23 [Squeal-snick-pop] Command here, go ahead patrol. RadioStrg2->Radio23 RadioVats1->Radio12 RadioVats1->Radio22 RadioVats1->Radio23 Radio31 You send the command code to toggle the force field settings. RadioVats1->Radio31 Radio36 [You dial the frequency of the radio to the security control channel] [Click!] Enter access number. [Click!] RadioVats1->Radio36 RadioAlert Radio02->RadioAlert My purpose is to shut the hell up. Radio04 Understood, patrol. Command, out. Radio02->Radio04 I'm, uh, oh, never mind. I'm just going to kill you all anyways. Radio02a Radio02->Radio02a This is, hmm, Fred. My purpose is patrol. I guess I'm a, uh, little dazed after that fall. Radio02a->Radio04 Radio06 Ah, that explains it. We are sending help now. Radio02a->Radio06 Radio03->Radio04 224 by 104. Radio05 Understood, patrol. We are sending reinforcements. Radio03->Radio05 Four miles, south-southwest. Radio03a Radio03->Radio03a Gamma sector, at Omicron-Delta-Beta. Radio03a->Radio04 Radio03a->Radio05 Radio10 You hear some chatter on the radio. You listen for a while, and discover nothing of importance. Radio24 Intruders in the base! Sound the alert! Radio23->Radio24 Ack! Radio23a Radio23->Radio23a Uh, sorry, Command. I hit the talk button by mistake. Radio23a->Radio24 Radio25 Roger Patrol, Command out. Radio23a->Radio25 Radio37 Automatic security channel shutdown. Radio36->Radio37 Hng! Radio36->Radio37 Uh, 69. Radio36a Radio36->Radio36a 5566534571 RadioEnd Radio36->RadioEnd End access.