RAZLO start combat_p_proc start->combat_p_proc map_update_p_proc start->map_update_p_proc talk_p_proc I'm looking for Tandi. Can you help? --- Razlo looks at you for a moment, and then turns away. start->talk_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc critter_p_proc Please do not take my things. start->critter_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Razlo. start->look_at_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction razlo00n It's late. Come back in the morning. talk_p_proc->razlo00n razlo01 You look distraught. Are you in need of assistance? talk_p_proc->razlo01 talk_p_proc->razlo01 razlo23 Can I help you? talk_p_proc->razlo23 talk_p_proc->razlo23 razlo10 I'm Razlo. Can I help you? talk_p_proc->razlo10 razlo18 Hmmm, I don't like your looks. I hope that you have come for business, and will be moving on shortly . . . talk_p_proc->razlo18 razlo09 My grief knows no end. Tandi, the only child of my good friend, is gone. I cannot work right now. talk_p_proc->razlo09 razlo08 I heard that you helped save Tandi. Congratulations and thank you. Anytime you need healing, come here. talk_p_proc->razlo08 razlo07 I hope Tandi gets back soon. Aradesh must be feeling terrible right now. talk_p_proc->razlo07 razlo00 I'm sorry but I can't help you. talk_p_proc->razlo00 razlo19 Hello, again. How can I be of service? talk_p_proc->razlo19 razlo21 Of course. It's you again. Now what? talk_p_proc->razlo21 remove_items talk_p_proc->remove_items ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel razlo02n Are you hurt? razlo00n->razlo02n But I need your help. razlo09n Why would I be able to help you kill radscorpions? I'm a doctor, not a warrior. For that you should see Aradesh, or even Tandi, or her boyfriend, Seth. Leave me. razlo00n->razlo09n I'm trying to kill some radscorpions. Do you have anything to help? razlo15n razlo00n->razlo15n I'm looking for Tandi. Can you help? razlo01n Hnn?! What is that? Great, I get awakened by the great mumbling beast of the north. Come back in the morning. razlo00n->razlo01n Hnn. razlo03 Hmm, Tandi is gone? I find this hard to believe, but maybe she ran away with Seth. I know that they have been eyeing each other lately. Aradesh was always a little bit of a prude, perhaps it was too much for her finally. razlo01->razlo03 Tandi has been kidnapped. razlo22 Of course you do. razlo01->razlo22 I need healing. razlo23a razlo01->razlo23a I've been poisoned! razlo02 Tandi is gone? That is a terrible thing. I hope they find her. razlo01->razlo02 Hng, Tanny boo. razlo23->razlo22 I need healing. razlo23->razlo23a I've been poisoned! razloend razlo23->razloend No. razlo11 Hmmm. I think I've seen Brahmin with more brain cells then you. Well, let's see if you're wounded. razlo23->razlo11 Luki! razlo27 And how such a large creature can even be possible by natural evolution, or even radiation induced mutation is beyond me. --- Not too much. They seem to be extremely large versions of the north American Emperor scorpion. Contrary to my medical knowledge, their poison has grown more potent, not diluted, as I would expect. Seth has been hunting them, which helps some of my tests. razlo23->razlo27 What do you know about Radscorpions? razlo30 Let me see the sac! Yes, I can do something with this. razlo23->razlo30 I have a sample of the Radscorpion poison, can you do something with it? razlo23->razlo30 Scorpin, Scorpin? razlo10->razlo23a I've been poisoned! razlo10->razloend Not right now, but it was nice meeting you. razlo14 Let's see here. razlo10->razlo14 I need healing. razlo10->razlo11 Hnngh! razlo18->razlo23a I've been poisoned! razlo18->razloend No need to get defensive, I'm just looking around razlo18->razlo14 Help, I need some healing. razlo19->razlo22 I need healing. razlo19->razlo23a I've been poisoned! razlo19->razlo11 Ug! razlo20 It was nice seeing you again. Have a good day. razlo19->razlo20 Hello again. Just stopping by. razlo21->razlo22 I need healing. razlo21->razlo23a I've been poisoned! razlo21->razloend Nothing. razlo21->razlo11 Luki! razlo00a Razlo looks at you for a moment, and then turns away. razlo04 How awful! If that is the case, I hope she is not hurt. Who is looking for her? razlo03->razlo04 I don't think so, I think that she was kidnapped. razlo03->razloend Hmm, I didn't think of that. razlo03->razloend Perhaps, I'll go talk to some other people. razlo22->razlo14 razlo25 Here, let's see. --- Yep, just as I thought. Let me get the cure. --- You seem fine, now. Be careful in the future. razlo23a->razlo25 razlo24 Sorry, I can't cure any poisons. I don't have the proper ingredients to make a decent anti-venom. razlo23a->razlo24 razlo05 I hope she is found before it is too late. razlo04->razlo05 Almost everyone. razlo06 If she is hurt, it could be bad. Here, take these . . . I hope that you won't need them. razlo04->razlo06 Many people, including myself. givestuff razlo06->givestuff razlo06na Let me see the sac! Yes, I can do something with this, as well as heal you for this great gift. razlo06nb You gain 250 experience points for helping make the antidote. --- This will take a little bit of time. Come, relax in the back, while I work with the sac. You might have a slight headache from the junja juice, as well. Come, come . . . razlo06na->razlo06nb razlowmpa You're barely hurt. I suggest a good nights sleep and some rest; you will heal naturally over time. razlo14->razlowmpa razlofixa Ouch, that does look a little painful. That will be $25. razlo14->razlofixa razlofixb Oh Great Brahmin! That is very, very serious. It will cost $50. razlo14->razlofixb razlofixc How can you still be walking?! This looks extremely serious. We'll need some special prayers for this one and a lot of luck. Not to mention $100. razlo14->razlofixc razlo11->razlo14 razlo12 Well, you seem fine to me. Perhaps later, then? razlo11->razlo12 razlofixa->razloend Nunga. razlo08n razlofixa->razlo08n OK, here you go. razlofixa->razlo08n K, me giv? razlo06n You don't have enough money! I'm sorry, but my work ethic doesn't permit me to heal for free, you know. Come back when you have enough money. razlofixa->razlo06n I don't have enough money. razlofixb->razloend Nunga. razlofixb->razlo08n OK, here you go. razlofixb->razlo08n K, me giv? razlofixb->razlo06n I don't have enough money. razlofixc->razloend Nunga. razlofixc->razlo08n OK, here you go. razlofixc->razlo08n K, me giv? razlofixc->razlo06n I don't have enough money. razlo15 I have already given you as much as I can. Good luck. Razlo17 Let's see here. Razlo17->razlo08n razlo08n->razlo06n razlo14n This will take a little bit of time. Come, relax in the back. You might have a slight headache from the junja juice, as well. Come, come . . . razlo08n->razlo14n razlo08n->razlo14n razlo29 Doc Morbid in Junktown taught me some. And just because we live in stone huts, does not mean we are less intelligent or educated. Have a nice day. razlo27->razlo29 You seem well educated. What are you doing here? razlo28 They seem to be sensitive to light. Nocturnal. If I could get a sample of their poison, especially the venom production sac located in their tail, I could create an anti-venom. razlo27->razlo28 Anything else? razlo27a razlo27->razlo27a Thanks. razlo31 You gain 250 experience points for helping make the antidote. --- Here, take this as a free sample. It seems to work well against radscorpion stings, of course, but it shows much potential as a general anti-venom and poison cure. razlo30->razlo31 razlo26 Stop by again, but stay healthy next time. razlo25->razlo26 razlo28->razloend Thanks. UpReact razlo27a->UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel razlo04n Great Brahmin! Why didn't you say so? razlo02n->razlo04n Yes. razlo03n You will be, if you keep me from my sleep. Now come back in the morning. razlo02n->razlo03n No. razlo10n If I had a sample of their poison, I could create a cure. razlo09n->razlo10n I need something for their poison. razlo11n Hmm, Tandi is gone? I find this hard to believe, but maybe she ran away with Seth. I know that they have been eyeing each other lately. Aradesh was always a little bit of a prude, perhaps it was too much for her finally. razlo15n->razlo11n razlo16n I have already given you as much as I can. Good luck. razlo15n->razlo16n DownReact razlo01n->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel razlo05n razlo04n->razlo05n Uhhh. I did . . . razlo03n->DownReact razlo05n->razlofixa razlo05n->razlofixb razlo05n->razlofixc razlowmpb You're barely hurt, you wimp. Come back in the morning. razlo05n->razlowmpb razlo06n->razloend Thanks for nothing. razlo06n->razloend Nunga. razlo06n->razlo06na How about a Radscorpion tail instead? razlo06n->razlo06na Scorpin, Scorpin? razlo06n->Razlo17 Can you take something in trade? razlo06n->Razlo17 My giv dis? razlo07n Sorry, not today. razlo11n->razlo04 I don't think so, I think that she was kidnapped. razlo11n->razloend Perhaps, I'll go talk to some other people. razlox sleeping LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes