RAZOR Start look_at_p_proc You see Razor, leader of the Blades. --- You see a very beautiful woman with a sad look in her eyes. description_p_proc You see Razor, leader of the Blades. --- You see a very beautiful woman with a sad look in her eyes. talk_p_proc Please go away. I'm very busy. get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Razor45 Never mind. --- A...Wha? --- I can't believe it.  You were able to kill them all.  The Blades and I thank you. talk_p_proc->Razor45 Razor42 Hi, can I help you? talk_p_proc->Razor42 Razor48 Never mind. --- A...Wha? --- Hello again,  I've heard that you have been playing with the Regulators.  I wanted to thank you for getting rid of them.  My people will be able to live with the people of Adytum in freedom now. talk_p_proc->Razor48 RazorFin Thank you for helping us with the Regulators. Please feel free to stay as long as you want. You might want to check in with Miles and Smitty, they may be able to help you with your further travels. talk_p_proc->RazorFin Razor33 Thank you for all your help. We're going to invade Adytum, we could use someone like you on our side. talk_p_proc->Razor33 Razor20 Can I help you? talk_p_proc->Razor20 Razor26 How's our plan coming along? talk_p_proc->Razor26 Razor30 What's wrong? talk_p_proc->Razor30 Razor46 I have heard that the Regulators still control Adytum.  Are you not able to kill them all like you had hoped. talk_p_proc->Razor46 Razor01 Hello, what can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Razor01 Razor37 You (male)Bastard! (female)Bitch! With the Gun Runners gone we will never even have the chance to arm our selves. Get outta here your not welcome here. talk_p_proc->Razor37 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Razor41 What happened to you did someone shoot you in the head? Razor42->Razor41 Hootzpah! Razor43 The name is Razor, I am the leader of the people you see here.   We live here at the whim of the Regulators of Adytum. Razor42->Razor43 Who are you? Razor33->Razor41 A...Wha? Razor34 Well, thanks again for you help. Goodbye. Razor33->Razor34 No thanks, I've seen enough action this week. Razor35 Great. Let's go. Razor33->Razor35 Sure, I'd be glad to take the Regulators down. Razor36 I don't think that's a good idea, but you're welcome to try. Razor33->Razor36 I'd like to talk to Zimmerman first. RazorEnd Razor20->RazorEnd Never mind. Razor20->Razor41 A...Wha? Razor21 Gang?  We're hardly a gang.  But I am the one they all come to for direction. Razor20->Razor21 Are you the leader of this gang? Razor26->Razor41 A...Wha? Razor29 I hope that you can find a way to help us. Goodbye. Razor26->Razor29 I'm still trying to get everything worked out. Razor30->Razor41 A...Wha? Razor31 ....Now we have no choice but to get those weapons from the Gun Runners. Will you help us? Razor30->Razor31 They killed Zimmerman! Razor02 Razor's the name.  I'm the closest thing we have to a leader. --- Good to meet you.  I'm Razor01->Razor02 Who are you? Razor03 Gang?  We're hardly a gang. But I am the leader here. Razor01->Razor03 Are you the leader of this gang? Razor01->RazorEnd Never mind. Razor01->Razor41 A...Wha? Razor37->RazorEnd I'm sorry. Razor37->RazorEnd Go stuff it. Razor37->Razor41 A...Wha? Razor22a Razor37->Razor22a You know what? I'm going to kill you. Razor38 Go ahead. It's your funeral.  With out those guns we have nothing to back us up. Razor37->Razor38 I'm Going to go talk to Zimmerman give him this holodisk disk everything is going to be OK. damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc map_update_p_proc Razor04 That's Adytum. It's a slave labor camp run by a group called the Regulators, but they tell everyone it's a "town". They come here and take our people to work them until they die. Then they come and take more of us. Razor04a BottomReact Razor04a->BottomReact Razor05 So.  What brought you to this corner of the wastes? Razor06 We are just people tryin' to survive.  Adytum put us in this position. They keep us down  and use our friends and families like animals. We don't even have a way to defend ourselves. Razor07 I wish we were a gang. At least then we'd have decent weapons to defend our selves with. Razor08 Well, I can't help you with that. Razor09 We need better weapons. The Gun Runners, a little ways from here, have weapons, but we can't get to them. Razor10 The Regulators .  They are the ones that really run Adytum. Not Zimmerman.  They come here and drag our people back to Adytum as slaves. They kill us when we try to fight them off. Sometimes they just come and kill a couple of us to bring to Zimmerman , so they can say we tried to break into their town, or some other ridiculous story. Those sons of bitches even killed Zimmerman's son! Razor11 There's a Death Claw nest between us and them.  We have never even spoken with any of the Gun Runners.  The Regulators have the fire power to clear out the Death Claws, but they don't for some reason. Razor12 Josh lived here with me... a... I...I mean us. He knew the truth behind what was going on.  The Regulators told him if he ever tried to contact his father or return to Adytum that they would kill him. Razor13 Late one night he tried to sneak into town to tell his father what was really going on.  I was monitoring the Regulators radio transmissions the night that .. they.. he got ...caught. [She looks down and shakes her head slowly.] Here, it's all on this holodisk. Razor14 It's not like any of us can even get close to Adytum. We'd be shot dead before we even reached the gates. Razor15 You would risk your life to help us? Razor16 Thank you.  This really could help us.  Good luck. [She hands you the holodisk.] Razor17 Very well. I hope you make the right decision. Razor18 The Gun Runners are over to the east  and then north of here.  But be careful - Death Claws are not to be taken lightly. I've seen a Death Claw tear a man in half with one swipe. Razor19 I'm sorry you feel that way.  I think it would be best if you leave. Razor22 (Looking a little nervous) What? Did he... Razor23 WHAT!!!  THOSE FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT BASTARDS! I"LL KILL THEM, I"LL SEND THEM ALL TO HELL!! Razor24 ... the Regulators.  They were the ones that killed Josh!  I never would do any thing to hurt Josh. It's the Regulators who are running Adytum, not Zimmerman. Razor25 Josh lived here with me... a... I...I mean us. He knew the truth behind what was going on.  The Regulators told him if he ever tried to contact his father or return to Adytum that they would kill him. They laughed at him... they were so sure he couldn't get to his father.... Razor27 I'm not so sure it would help without the threat of violence to back it up. What we really need are some weapons from the Gun Runners. Razor28 They're a little to the east of here, but there's a Death Claw nest between us and them.  We have never even spoken with any of the Gun Runners. Razor32 Thank you. May the Gods be with you on your journey. TopReact Razor34->TopReact Razor35->TopReact Razor44 Never mind. --- A...Wha? --- You've killed them all? That's not a problem at all.  My people can now live free lives with the people of Adytum Razor46a Thank you. Razor47 We would go with you, but without weapons the Regulators would kill us all.  There might be another possibility [Razor ponders a moment] If you could get the Gun Runners to supply us weapons then a number of us could go with you. Razor47a Thank you. RazorReg You will?  Well if you need help or have done it come back and talk to me. RemoveBlades LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes