RHOMBUS start timeforwhat start->timeforwhat look_at_p_proc You see Rhombus. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc Stay out of my quarters! --- You were startled and dropped your loot. --- Who is there? start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc do_dialogue talk_p_proc->do_dialogue get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction rhombus51 All right, explain yourself, Initiate. do_dialogue->rhombus51 rhombus55 So you are a thief? I will show you what we do with thieves... do_dialogue->rhombus55 anger Do you not hear? I will not say it again! --- I will waste no more time with you. --- You are either stupid or making fun of me. Either way, I will not waste my time. do_dialogue->anger rhombus05 You are a disgrace to the Brotherhood. I will teach you manners. do_dialogue->rhombus05 rhombus01 May I help you? do_dialogue->rhombus01 Remove_Player do_dialogue->Remove_Player ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel rhombus51a rhombus51->rhombus51a I'm sorry. I didn't know this was your room. rhombus54 This is what we do to criminals... rhombus51->rhombus54 I need not explain anything to you freak. rhombus52 Then leave, and I will forget this little incident. rhombus51->rhombus52 I'm new here and I don't know my way around. rhombus56 rhombus55->rhombus56 No wait! I can explain! DownReact anger->DownReact kickout anger->kickout rhombusx1 rhombus05->rhombusx1 rhombus02 Yes. rhombus01->rhombus02 Can I ask you a few questions? rhombus03 Insolent pup. Apologize now and you'll not be hurt. rhombus01->rhombus03 You don't look like much of a fighter. rhombus32 You are either stupid or making fun of me. Either way, I will not waste my time. rhombus01->rhombus32 Uhhh? rhombus00 rhombus02->rhombus00 rhombus03->rhombus05 What, by you? rhombus03->DownReact rhombus03_01 rhombus03->rhombus03_01 I was trying to make a joke. I'm very sorry. rhombus07 I am Rhombus, head of the Paladins. I train those willing to learn. --- I said... rhombus00->rhombus07 Tell me about yourself. rhombus21 Like I just told you... --- I said... --- Talk to Vree in the main library. rhombus00->rhombus21 Can you give me some history behind the Brotherhood? rhombus22 rhombus00->rhombus22 Heard any good rumors? rhombus23 Like I just told you... --- I said... --- The Hub and the Boneyard are south, mountains are east, and desolate wasteland north. Whoever goes there never returns. rhombus00->rhombus23 What can you tell me about the surrounding area? rhombusx rhombus00->rhombusx Okay, thanks. DownReact->ReactToLevel rhombus04 What do you want? rhombus03_01->rhombus04 rhombus06 rhombus03_01->rhombus06 rhombus04->rhombus05 Just how cowardly are you? rhombus04->rhombus02 Can I ask a few questions? rhombus06->anger combat rhombusx1->combat rhombus06a rhombus06a->DownReact rhombus06a->rhombus06 rhombus07->anger annoyed I will not repeat myself again. rhombus07->annoyed rhombus08 Stuff? I could teach you how to fight...if you had any ability. But the High Elder decreed no training of new recruits until the threat of invasion passes. rhombus07->rhombus08 Okay, can you teach me some stuff? rhombus12 Yes. That is all there needs to be. rhombus07->rhombus12 Is that it? That's your life? rhombus19 The Scribes copy the plans for the weapons, and the Knights make them. The Paladins protect the Brotherhood from harm. rhombus07->rhombus19 What do the Paladins do? annoyed->DownReact rhombus09 It is not my place to answer. See the High Elder if you wish. rhombus08->rhombus09 What threat? rhombus17 It takes too long. I spend my time improving those  already trained. rhombus08->rhombus17 Why has he stopped the training? rhombus18 Ha ha ha! Let's see. rhombus08->rhombus18 I could easily defeat you in battle. rhombus12->rhombus03 Your life sounds really empty. rhombus13 You do not understand what it is to be a Paladin. Too bad. rhombus12->rhombus13 Really? rhombus19->rhombus13 God, that sounds boring. rhombus20 Many covet our technology. We have at least four attacks a week, from raiders to just people who want to steal what we have. rhombus19->rhombus20 What kind of harm can there be? rhombus09->rhombus04 All right, fine. Can I ask you a few more questions? rhombus09_1 rhombus09->rhombus09_1 Oh come on, please? rhombus17->rhombus02 Darn. Can I ask you a few more questions? rhombus17->rhombus03 Sounds very boring. rhombus17->rhombus12 That's it? That's your life? rhombus18->rhombusx1 rhombus11 No. rhombus09_1->rhombus11 rhombus09_1->rhombus11 rhombus10 There are rumors of a strange army gathering. I will not say more. rhombus09_1->rhombus10 rhombus11->rhombus02 Okay. Can I ask you a few more questions though? rhombus11->rhombus06a Oh come on, pretty please? rhombus10->rhombus02 Can I ask you a few more questions though? rhombus10->rhombus06a Oh, come on, pretty please? rhombus13->rhombus02 Nope, I guess not. Can you some more questions? rhombus13->rhombus03 Being a knight sounds stupid. rhombus14 Possibly. When the invading army is vanquished, come back to be trained. rhombus13->rhombus14 You think I could become a paladin? rhombus14->rhombus03 By you? I could wipe the floor with you! rhombus15 Was there anything else? rhombus14->rhombus15 I think I'll do that, thanks. rhombus15->rhombus02 Yes. Can I ask you a few more questions? rhombus16 Goodbye then. rhombus15->rhombus16 No, thanks. rhombus20->rhombus02 Oh. Can I ask you a few more questions? rhombus21->anger rhombus21->rhombus00 rhombus21->annoyed rhombus22->annoyed rhombus22a I do not put stock in rumors. rhombus22->rhombus22a rhombus22a->rhombus00 Fine. rhombus22a->rhombus09_1 Oh come on, just one? Please? rhombus23->anger rhombus23->rhombus00 rhombus23->annoyed rhombus24 Put that back now! rhombus24->DownReact rhombus25 This is what we do to criminals... rhombus25->DownReact rhombus25->rhombusx1 rhombus26 Stop that! rhombus26->DownReact rhombus27 So you are a thief? I will show you what we do with thieves... rhombus27->DownReact rhombus27->rhombusx1 Go ahead. Take your best shot. rhombus27_1 rhombus27->rhombus27_1 No wait! I can explain! rhombus28 All right, explain yourself, Initiate. rhombus27_1->rhombus28 rhombus30 You lie, Initiate! This is how we deal with thieves... rhombus27_1->rhombus30 rhombus28_1 rhombus28->rhombus28_1 I was just looking around! rhombus28_2 rhombus28->rhombus28_2 I'm sorry. I didn't know this was your room. rhombus30->rhombusx1 rhombus28_1->rhombus30 rhombus29 Then leave, and I will forget this little incident. rhombus28_1->rhombus29 rhombus28_2->rhombus30 rhombus28_2->rhombus29 rhombus29->rhombus05 Darn right, you will. rhombusx2 rhombus29->rhombusx2 Okay, thanks. rhombus31 rhombus31->rhombusx1 rhombus33 Talk to Talus, my second in command. He can tell you more about that. rhombus35 Like I just told you... rhombus37 Do you not hear? I will not say it again! rhombus38 She is the Head Scribe. You can find her in the library. rhombus39 That is me. rhombus40 Ah, General Maxson was the finest Head Paladin ever. When he took over as High Elder, I became Head Paladin. rhombus41 They copy the weapon documents down and come up with new ideas. What they research, the Knights make. rhombus42 They are the makers of the weapons. rhombus43 The Hub is south. We trade with them. rhombus44 Ask Vree. She would know. rhombus45 I am not authorized to discuss that. Talk to the High Elder. rhombus46 The Boneyard is far south. You will find only violence there. rhombus47 I do not know of that. rhombus48 I have never heard of that. rhombus51a->rhombus52 rhombus53 You lie, Initiate! This is how we deal with thieves... rhombus51a->rhombus53 rhombus54->kickout rhombus52->rhombus54 Go to Hell. rhombusok rhombus52->rhombusok Thank you. Bye. rhombus53->kickout rhombus56->kickout rhombus56->combat LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes rhombus34 I said... rhombus39_1 Talus is my second-in-command. rhombus49 I have no knowledge of such a thing.