RICHIE start look_at_p_proc You see Richie. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Richie00 You're not supposed to do that. I'm gonna have to stop you! talk_p_proc->Richie00 Richie01 You're not supposed to be here. Do you realize I'm supposed to kill you? talk_p_proc->Richie01 Richie02 I'm not supposed to be talking to you! Scram! talk_p_proc->Richie02 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Richie00->combat Richie01a Richie01->Richie01a Your shift is over. I'm your replacement. Richie01b Richie01->Richie01b Hub vault inspector. I'm here to inspect the vault. Move aside. Richie06 Don't give me this crap! Get outta here now or I'll have to shoot you! Richie01->Richie06 Kid, fight it. End the cycle of violence now! Richie07 Oh yeah. Well no one pushes around Richie Glowsteader and gets away with it! Richie01->Richie07 Who told you that! Mister, if you attack me, it'll be the biggest mistake of your life! Richie08 Oh just about ten thousand Hub Bucks. Hope you weren't thinking of stealing it. I'd have to kill you. I almost killed someone once, so you don't want to mess with me! Richie01->Richie08 Hi kid! What's in the steel vault? Richie09 Man, you're stupid. Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. Now let's try this again. "Yes" means I blow your head off. "No" means you get your butt out of here. Which is it going to be? Richie01->Richie09 Too late, punk. You're dead. Richie01->Richie09 Uh… yeah… runk… Richie03 It's about time! It's hot in here! Boring too! If I didn't need this job to feed my family, I'd tell Lorenzo to stick it. See you tomorrow. Richie01a->Richie03 Richie04 I'm not supposed to leave this place and you're not supposed to be here. Get out! Richie01a->Richie04 Richie01b->Richie04 Richie05 You Hub officials make me sick! Inspecting my bosses' vault! What's next, higher taxes? Can't a man earn an honest living anymore without you bureaucrats trying to control everything? One of these days we're going to take a stand. Yeah, one of these days the common man is going to give you fatcats a knee to the balls like you deserve. One of these days we'll get you real good… I can't wait… By the way, it's not meant personal. I know you're just doing your job. I'll get out of your face while you do your inspection. Bye. Richie01b->Richie05 Richie07->combat Richie10 Man, I can't do it! It'd be like shooting a dumb animal. Just get outta here, okay? Richie09->Richie10 Ah . . . yes . . . Richie11 Maybe one runk means "yes" and two runks mean "no". Okay, "runk" means I kill you. "Runk, runk" means you leave. Okay? Richie09->Richie11 Uh… no… Richie12 Maybe one runk means "yes" and two runks mean "no". Okay, "runk" means I kill you. "Runk, runk" means you leave. Okay? Richie09->Richie12 Runk! Runk! Richie12->Richie10 Runk Richie12->Richie11 Runk, runk. Richie13 Three runks. Shit, this isn't working. Maybe I'll just ignore you and you'll wander off… Richie12->Richie13 Runk, runk, runk! RichieLeave RichieEnd LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes