RNDCOAST start choose_start start->choose_start Coast1 You see several odd floating creatures... --- There is a grisly dead corpse near by that's been partially eaten. start->Coast1 Coast2 start->Coast2 Coast3 You see a small swarm of rats rapidly approaching. start->Coast3 Coast4 You see a group of peasants being attacked by raiders! start->Coast4 Coast5 start->Coast5 Coast6 You see a couple of people out fishing. start->Coast6 hunters start->hunters Lighting start->Lighting start->Lighting stranger Coast1->stranger Place_critter Coast1->Place_critter Coast1->Place_critter Coast1->Place_critter Coast2->stranger Coast2->Place_critter Coast3->stranger Coast3->Place_critter Coast4->stranger Coast4->Place_critter Coast4->Place_critter Coast4->Place_critter Coast4->Place_critter Coast5->stranger Coast5->Place_critter hunters->stranger hunters->Place_critter hunters->Place_critter hunters->Place_critter hunters->Place_critter stranger->Place_critter add_party update_party remove_party Darkness Invasion