RNDDESRT start From the look of things, they can't have traveled very far. They must have a lair nearby. --- They appear to have traveled here from somewhere nearby. --- It looks like they traveled from somewhere far north of here. --- Apparently, they were just wandering the wastes. North_table start->North_table start->North_table South_table start->South_table start->South_table Shady_table start->Shady_table Raider_table start->Raider_table Junk_table start->Junk_table Hub_table start->Hub_table Necrop_table start->Necrop_table Steel_table start->Steel_table Vats_table start->Vats_table Glow_table start->Glow_table Death_table start->Death_table Bone_table start->Bone_table Scenes Scene_Type == start->Scenes Lighting start->Lighting start->Lighting choose_start North_table->choose_start North1 You have stumbled on to a fierce battle between Rad Scorpions and Mole Rats. North_table->North1 North2 Uh oh . . . a raiding party! --- AMBUSH!!! North_table->North2 North3 You have stumbled upon a large pack of radscorpions! North_table->North3 North4 You have stumbled upon a pack of Rad Scorpions. North_table->North4 North5 You have stumbled upon a family of Mole Rats. North_table->North5 North6 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. North_table->North6 hunters North_table->hunters South_table->choose_start South_table->hunters South1 STAMPEDE!!! South_table->South1 South2 You stumble onto a large pack of Rad Scorpions! South_table->South2 South3 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. South_table->South3 South4 Raiders!!! South_table->South4 South5 You have stumbled on a large gathering of Mole Rats. South_table->South5 South6 You encounter a band of wild radscorpions. South_table->South6 Shady_table->choose_start Shady_table->hunters Shady1 You encounter some peasants under attack. Shady_table->Shady1 Shady2 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. Shady_table->Shady2 Shady3 You stumble into a family of Rad Scorpions. Shady_table->Shady3 Shady4 You come across a traveling merchant and guards. --- You come across what's left of merchant Duc's hostile guards. Shady_table->Shady4 Shady5 You encounter a dead traveler. Shady_table->Shady5 Shady6 You have stumbled across some items laying on the ground. Shady_table->Shady6 Raider_table->choose_start Raider_table->hunters Raider1 You spot the remains of a caravan, being looted by raiders. Raider_table->Raider1 Raider2 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. Raider_table->Raider2 Raider3 Radscorpions, incoming! Raider_table->Raider3 Raider4 Uh oh . . . a raiding party! Raider_table->Raider4 Raider5 You see a lone raider in the distance. Raider_table->Raider5 Raider6 You come upon the remains of a battlefield, with bodies strewn about. Raider_table->Raider6 Junk_table->choose_start Junk_table->hunters Junk1 Radscorpions, incoming! Junk_table->Junk1 Junk2 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. Junk_table->Junk2 Junk3 You spot a wandering pack of wild coyotes. Junk_table->Junk3 Junk4 You notice several individuals scouting about. Junk_table->Junk4 Junk5 You come across a small party of merchants and guards. Junk_table->Junk5 Junk6 You have stumbled across some items laying on the ground. Junk_table->Junk6 Hub_table->choose_start Hub_table->hunters Hub1 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. Hub_table->Hub1 Hub2 Raiders ambush you! Hub_table->Hub2 Hub3 A pack of nasty radscorpions strikes from the desert! Hub_table->Hub3 Hub4 You encounter a group of guardsmen on patrol. Hub_table->Hub4 Hub5 You come across a merchant with several guards. Hub_table->Hub5 Hub6 You see a peasant herding several brahmin. Hub_table->Hub6 Necrop_table->choose_start Necrop_table->hunters Necrop1 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. Necrop_table->Necrop1 Necrop2 You've run into some Radscorpions hunting Mole rats. Necrop_table->Necrop2 Necrop3 Skinny hostile humanoids with greenish skin approach. Necrop_table->Necrop3 Necrop4 Junk and rocks are scattered about. Necrop_table->Necrop4 Necrop5 Skinny hostile humanoids with greenish skin approach. Necrop_table->Necrop5 Necrop6 You note a partially-eaten corpse here. Necrop_table->Necrop6 Steel_table->choose_start Steel_table->hunters Steel1 You see a small war going on -- men versus mutants! Steel_table->Steel1 Steel2 A tremendous horde of radscorpions is coming this way! Steel_table->Steel2 Steel3 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. Steel_table->Steel3 Steel4 Several men in power armor are approaching you. Steel_table->Steel4 Steel5 You see a group of merchants and guards. Steel_table->Steel5 Steel6 You see a vicious battle underway between several desert raiders and a group of men in power armor. Steel_table->Steel6 Vats_table->choose_start Vats_table->hunters Vats1 You see several mutants exploring a patch of hostile ground. Vats_table->Vats1 Vats2 You see some strange creatures ahead . . . Vats_table->Vats2 Vats3 A patrol unit of mutants is passing close by, along with them are some strange creatures! Vats_table->Vats3 Vats4 A patrol unit of super mutants is passing close by! Vats_table->Vats4 Vats5 You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional hour. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of an hour fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in, causing you --- points of health damage. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for an hour, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained a point of health damage. --- You search for water in the high desert landscape for --- hours, but you do not find enough to fully satisfy your thirst. You have sustained --- points of health damage. Vats_table->Vats5 Vats6 Ahead you can see junk strewn about the sands. Vats_table->Vats6 Glow_table->choose_start Glow_table->hunters Glow1 You stumble upon a Super Mutant war party. Glow_table->Glow1 Glow2 You stumble upon a pack of bizarre creatures. Glow_table->Glow2 Glow3 You stumble across a pack of hungry Radscorpions. Glow_table->Glow3 Glow4 You feel nauseous, and the air seems to waver with heat. Glow_table->Glow4 Glow5 You have stumbled across a bizarre floating creature. Glow_table->Glow5 Glow6 You encounter something out of an old SciFi movie. Glow_table->Glow6 Death_table->choose_start Death_table->hunters Death1 The Deathclaw!! --- You stumble into a migrating pack of Rad Scorpions. Death_table->Death1 Death2 You encounter a mutated creature of the desert. Death_table->Death2 Death3 You manage to avoid dehydration due to your supplies of water. --- You manage to avoid a serious case of dehydration by searching for water. The search takes an additional --- hours. --- Your water supply runs low, and your search of --- hours fails to locate more water. Severe dehydration sets in causing you --- points of health damage. Death_table->Death3 Death4 You see several radscorpions some distance away. Death_table->Death4 Death5 You run across a ragged peasant. --- You encounter a Mole rat. Death_table->Death5 Death6 The Deathclaw!! --- You stumble into a migrating pack of Rad Scorpions. Death_table->Death6 Bone_table->choose_start Bone_table->hunters Bone1 You are ambushed by a small Super Mutant war party. Bone_table->Bone1 Bone2 Looks like you've stumbled into a vicious gang war! Bone_table->Bone2 Bone3 A group of hostile gangers bursts forth! Bone_table->Bone3 Bone4 A small group of raiders attack! Bone_table->Bone4 Bone5 A small group of gangers attack! Bone_table->Bone5 Bone6 You are suddenly attacked by a swarm of Mantis! Bone_table->Bone6 stranger Place_critter stranger->Place_critter choose_start->Scenes North1->stranger North1->Place_critter North1->Place_critter North2->stranger North2->Place_critter North2->Place_critter North3->stranger North3->Place_critter North3->Place_critter North4->stranger North4->Place_critter North5->stranger North5->Place_critter hunters->stranger hunters->Place_critter hunters->Place_critter hunters->Place_critter hunters->Place_critter South1->Place_critter South2->stranger South2->Place_critter South4->stranger South4->Place_critter South5->stranger South5->Place_critter South6->stranger South6->Place_critter Shady1->stranger Shady1->Place_critter Shady1->Place_critter Shady3->stranger Shady3->Place_critter Shady4->Place_critter Shady4->Place_critter Shady5->stranger Shady5->Place_critter Shady5->Place_critter Raider1->stranger Raider1->Place_critter Raider1->Place_critter Raider1->Place_critter Raider1->Place_critter Raider1->Place_critter Raider1->Place_critter Raider1->Place_critter Raider3->stranger Raider3->Place_critter Raider4->stranger Raider4->Place_critter Raider5->Place_critter Raider6->Place_critter Raider6->Place_critter Junk1->stranger Junk1->Place_critter Junk3->stranger Junk3->Place_critter Junk4->Place_critter Junk5->Place_critter Junk5->Place_critter Hub2->stranger Hub2->Place_critter Hub3->stranger Hub3->Place_critter Hub3->Place_critter Hub4->Place_critter Hub5->Place_critter Hub5->Place_critter Hub6->Place_critter Hub6->Place_critter Necrop2->stranger Necrop2->Place_critter Necrop2->Place_critter Necrop3->stranger Necrop3->Place_critter Necrop5->stranger Necrop5->Place_critter Necrop6->Place_critter Steel1->stranger Steel1->Place_critter Steel1->Place_critter Steel1->Place_critter Steel2->stranger Steel2->Place_critter Steel4->Place_critter Steel4->Place_critter Steel5->Place_critter Steel5->Place_critter Steel5->Place_critter Steel6->stranger Steel6->Place_critter Steel6->Place_critter Steel6->Place_critter Vats1->stranger Vats1->Place_critter Vats1->Place_critter Vats2->stranger Vats2->Place_critter Vats3->stranger Vats3->Place_critter Vats3->Place_critter Vats3->Place_critter Vats3->Place_critter Vats4->stranger Vats4->Place_critter Vats4->Place_critter Vats4->Place_critter Vats6->stranger Vats6->Place_critter Vats6->Place_critter Vats6->Place_critter Glow1->stranger Glow1->Place_critter Glow1->Place_critter Glow2->stranger Glow2->Place_critter Glow2->Place_critter Glow3->stranger Glow3->Place_critter Glow4->Place_critter Glow5->Place_critter Glow5->Place_critter Glow6->stranger Glow6->Place_critter Glow6->Place_critter Bone1->stranger Bone1->Place_critter Bone1->Place_critter Bone2->stranger Bone2->Place_critter Bone2->Place_critter Bone3->stranger Bone3->Place_critter Bone3->Place_critter Bone4->stranger Bone4->Place_critter Bone4->Place_critter Bone5->stranger Bone5->Place_critter Bone5->Place_critter Bone6->stranger Bone6->Place_critter Death1->stranger Death1->Place_critter Death1->Place_critter Death2->stranger Death2->Place_critter Death4->stranger Death4->Place_critter Death5->stranger Death5->Place_critter Death5->Place_critter Death6->stranger Death6->Place_critter Death6->Place_critter add_party update_party remove_party Darkness Invasion