SAMMAEL start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Sammael, one of the Scavs from Adytum. --- You see a grungy man in dark blue clothes. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc Sammael14 Heya. We see each other once more. What's up? talk_p_proc->Sammael14 Sammael01 Hey, I don't believe we've met. You are? --- I'm --- . talk_p_proc->Sammael01 damage_p_proc Sammael04 I'm a Scav -- a scavenger. My job is to search out all of the Boneyard for useful items and information. Dangerous work. Sammael14->Sammael04 What was your job, again? Sammael05 See you around. If you see me. Heh. Sammael14->Sammael05 Nothing, thanks. Sammael03 Nobody special. Never mind. Sammael01->Sammael03 Who's asking? Sammael15 Oh, I see. Right. Bye! Sammael01->Sammael15 Eruh? Sammael02 The pleasure's mine. I'm called Sammael. Sammael02->Sammael04 What do you do here? Sammael02->Sammael05 Nice talking to you. Sammael04->Sammael05 Thanks, bye. Sammael06 Well, you got the DeathClaws out there, and then you got the Regulators back here in Adytum. Both ain't the most forgiving types. Sammael04->Sammael06 Why is it dangerous? Sammael07 We only work at night, and we're good at what we do.  But I'll admit not everyone always comes back.  I sent a guy out last week to look for some parts for Miles, and we haven't heard from him since. The last transmission I got from him was that he'd found the parts, and was on his way back. Sammael04->Sammael07 How do you avoid the Deathclaws? Sammael08 I've done a little scouting. Who do you want to know about? Sammael04->Sammael08 Have you scouted out any of the other areas? Sammael06->Sammael05 Thanks, bye. Sammael06->Sammael07 How do you avoid the Deathclaws? Sammael06->Sammael08 Have you scouted out any of the other areas? Sammael08->Sammael05 Nobody, thanks. Sammael09 The Blades are a pretty sorry sight for a group of people. They get by though, and some of them end up here in Adytum if they agree to what the Regulators offer them to do. Sammael08->Sammael09 The Blades. Sammael10 Well if you haven't seen them before. They're mean as all hell, and like nothing more than to rip a poor Scav's heart out. --- I've heard there's a nest of them somewhere to the east of the Blades, but I haven't seen it myself. Sammael08->Sammael10 The Deathclaws. Sammael11 The Gun Runners moved into a big factory up to north-east not long ago. Can't tell you much because they have a moat filled with radioactive sludge, and you gotta get through the Deathclaws to get there. Sammael08->Sammael11 The Gun Runners. Sammael12 The Followers preach peace and tolerance. Nice idea, but impractical. They live in a big library to the north-west of us. Sammael08->Sammael12 The Followers of the Apocalypse. Sammael13 The Children of the Cathedral are based out of a big church a ways to the south of here. There are some strange things going on there. I've seen creatures that can't be human coming in and out of there. --- And if the stories are right, the church is built over an old Vault, which Adytum's predecessors lived in. Sammael08->Sammael13 The Children of the Cathedral. Sammael09->Sammael08 Sammael10->Sammael08 Sammael11->Sammael08 Sammael12->Sammael08 Sammael13->Sammael08