SET start You see Set, the Leader of Necropolis. do_dialogue start->do_dialogue pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction set49 Sow and weep! I want you dead! Dead! do_dialogue->set49 set57 You. Vanished our water processor chip. Exchanged it . . . for your life! do_dialogue->set57 do_dialogue->set57 set52 Your presence means? do_dialogue->set52 do_dialogue->set52 set207 The time is wrong. Evening is proper for your shadow. do_dialogue->set207 set50 I spy your twist and it causes one of us pain. Short-list choice: Remove the mutants or die. do_dialogue->set50 set42 Now is bad. Walk. do_dialogue->set42 set29 Caught by mine, huh? I gave you the straight on them. Now you pay. No credit. do_dialogue->set29 set18 Well done. You've earned my sight, walker. Follow Garret for your reward. Now. I'm busy. do_dialogue->set18 set25 No word runs to my ear about the water shed mutants ceasing to breathe. Major to my plans. Tell me it's a problem buried. do_dialogue->set25 set51 Still in my shadow? Why do normie tongues waggle and take the movement from their bones? Clear-time, walk now. do_dialogue->set51 do_dialogue->set51 set30 I am Set. Why do you tread my shadow? do_dialogue->set30 set16 My name's Set. Yours is World-a-hurt. Take a deal, I change your handle. Listening? do_dialogue->set16 set00 There'd better be a killer reason for standin' in my shadow. Does 'next on the menu' ring a bell for ya . . . normie. do_dialogue->set00 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel setcbt set49->setcbt set57->setcbt Will sorry do? set57_2 set57->set57_2 We both need working chips. Apparently there is only one. Is there another method we haven't thought about? set63 Your price is to belong to Necropolis forever. set57->set63 I needed the chip to save my own vault. Sorry. set57->set63 Uhh? set64 For the chip, you may walk. set57->set64 Want it back? set03 [Groan] I'm gonna to eat you up and be singing that 'Happy Tummy' song. I got that happy tummy . . . set52->set03 Ran out of butt to kick and thought of your face. set53 Warm. Filling. Your needs are my desires. Name them. set52->set53 Not much, just spreading the news that the Master is dead. set52a You mean dead? set52->set52a Huh. Master go boom. setend set50->setend I'll get right to it. set50->setcbt It's a bigger list. #3 is: What if I twist off your head instead? set42->setend Got it. set42->setend Nuh-uh? set42->setcbt How about I walk on your face? set42_2 set42->set42_2 I deserve some information. set29->setcbt set18->setend OK. Thanks. set18->setend Mom? set18a set18->set18a That's it! Thanks, now get out? set25_2 set25->set25_2 Oh, yeah. No big deal, everything's been taken care of. Trust me. set28 Walk now. Deal with the mutants, and then return. Not before. set25->set28 Nope, still working on it. set25->set28 Nuh-uh. set51->setend set31 Normies. If you caused the trembles in me, would my gates be this open? set30->set31 I am the bringer of death. Fall to your knees and beg for mercy. set34 Laughter comes hard here. You clean-wiped the shed? set30->set34 I am the bringer of death. Fall to your knees and beg for mercy . . . Or give me a sandwich, I'm pretty hungry. set38 I cast the shadow. If that's the lot, remove yourself. set30->set38 I'm here to see the boss. That you? set40 Reasons for aggressions? Walk and mine will stand. Talk and mine will move. set30->set40 Whoa, major case of acne! set41 Ahh, the thinker-normie. You killed those at the shed, yes? Came for reward? set30->set41 Uhh, ahdunno. set16->set03 Naww. Bring on the goons. set16->set03 Nuh-uh! set17 Stride to the water shed, dirt-nap the mutants there. Do it, you continue a walker. Don't, you rest. set16->set17 Sure. Beats bleeding all over your floor. set16->set17 Uh-huh. set00_2 set00->set00_2 Oh, killer it is, no doubt. Obviously I've found the head, uh, man. set00a set00->set00a Whoa, what happened to your face? set00b set00->set00b Wow, you're pretty smart for a ghoul. set05 Well. I see some potential here . . . heh . . . I have playmates for you, my sparkling normie. Punish the mutants at the water shed for me. Yeah, yeah, can do . . . yes? set00->set05 Nuh-uh? settime settime->setcbt UpReact set00_2->UpReact set01 Simple time. I'm Set. I'm in charge. Get it? set00_2->set01 BigDownReact set00_2->BigDownReact set02 What is that? Sucking up? Listen, walker, I don't do the deal with norms, so blowing smoke up the tail ain't going to get you head seat at the table. set00_2->set02 set00a->set03 set04 Fact-time, bitch? I'm gonna enjoy squeezing you. set00a->set04 set00b->BigDownReact set00b->set02 set06 Excellent. Teach those mutants the last lesson, then amble back . . . Hmm. If I say to my ghouls to hold off you, the muties might hear and know. So I tell you what, it's favor-time. I keep shut. Got it? set05->set06 Uh, OK. set08 You eat my time! Cease to be, one way or the other! set05->set08 Nuh-uh. UpReact->ReactToLevel set09 You have no idea whose shadow you stomp. set01->set09 According to my info you're just a second rate minion. set01a Good. set01->set01a Got it. set14 No. More questions? set01->set14 Anything else I should know? BigDownReact->ReactToLevel set02->set01 Didn't mean nothin'. set02->set03 The smoke will be coming out a lotta holes when I'm through. set02a set02->set02a My apologies. I wanted to make a good impression. set09_2 set09->set09_2 A second-rate minion. I know your boss. Not happy. set09a set09->set09a Neither do you. set15 So funny my face hurts. Try again, and my Elites will juice you. Got it? set09->set15 Sorry, I have an odd sense of humor. set12 The Mutants at the water shed need dirt-naps. Makes my shadow grow. You slice 'em and rewards run to you. Info, too. set01a->set12 What can I do for you? set14->set12 Ahhh, guess not. What can I do for you? set14->set15 Yeah. Do find it difficult to floss? set12->set06 Done. set12_2 set12->set12_2 Too much trouble. See ya around. set03->setcbt set02a->UpReact set02a->set01 set06->setend Got it. set06->setend Duh, ok! set07 Avoid my ghouls, if you like your skin on. Any of mine that can't stop a normie deserve last rest. Get by as you need. set06->set07 What about the ghouls? set06->set07 Huh? set08->settime set07->setend set09_2->set03 set10 You walk for him? You're his sneak, straight? Here to skin me? Oh, I swear, you'll tombstone too. set09_2->set10 set09_2->set04 set10->setcbt Try it spaghetti face. set10a It didn't sound it. set10->set10a Whoa, Don't misinterpret. I'm not his. I'm here to help. set04->setcbt Whatever's in your holster better be bigger than your mouth . . . Unlikely as that is. set04->setcbt Squeeze this... set04->setcbt Nuh-uh? set09a->set03 set09a->set04 set15->set12 Got it. set15->set09a Your face hurts alright. set15->set12_2 I'm still a little unclear . . . set11 The Necropolis was mine. Not an all-things-great, but a straight-place for my kind. Then the Master showed. He could've fragged me good, but it was easy for him to just stand some muties and keep an eye on. set10a->set11 I understand. He's my problem, too. Talk to me. set11->set12 What can I do, and what will you do for me? set11->set08 Sounds a bit out of my league. I'm outta this. set12_2->set03 set12_2->set08 set13 You want employ, walker? Show me you can scuffle. Take down the mutants at the water shed. Show 'em the bad time and you're good. set13->set06 I'm on it. set13_2 set13->set13_2 No way, spaghetti face. set13_2->set03 set13_2->set08 set17->set03 You look funny, and you talk funny. set17->set03 Nuh-uh! set17->set06 I'm easy. Deal. set17->set06 Uh-huh. set17_2 set17->set17_2 You sound a little scared by these guys, want to talk about it? set17_2->set09 set17_2->set03 set18a->BigDownReact set19 Look before you squeak. You'll enjoy. Be a shame to anger me, now . . . that I'm happy. set18a->set19 set19_2 set20 [Groan] Yeah, yeah. Follow Garret, and be showing your pearly whites too. And don't fret, I keep a straight-word. The Master runs the twist. set19_2->set20 set23 Follow Garret and get out. set19_2->set23 set20->setend Ok, thanks. set21 You don't watch your back, you'll wear his knife, he'll wear your skin. His mutants shadow the wasteland, especially south of here. set20->set21 The Master? set23->setend Right. set23->setcbt Frag off. set19->setend Sorry, no problem. set19->set19_2 I apologize for my outburst, but I'm a little concerned here. set24 You can be left-overs. Leave now, without your reward, or you're on the table tonight. set19->set24 Hey, I'm not settling for left-overs set24->setend If that's the way you want it. set24->setcbt Frag off. set22 Children of the Cathedral, cids of the Hub, even us Ghouls. No one can push his shadow now. But our light will be brighter next time. Ho-ho, yes. set21->set22 If the Master is so strong, who can challenge him? set21a He should. set21->set21a He doesn't scare me. set22->setend Good luck. set21a->setend set26 Ahhh, filling. Follow Garret to your reward. set25_2->set26 set27 You steal my time with your lies. Leave my shadow before . . . die. Die! Just die! set25_2->set27 set28->setend set26->setend set27->setcbt set31->setcbt How about a face lift . . . It'll look good on my wall. set32 You topped those at the watershed. I find that filling. For that, I'll give words. Then we walk opposite. set31->set32 I've killed ghouls. I've killed mutants. I've killed things that you couldn't even imagine. Nobody gets in my way. set34->set18 That's the fact. set34_2 set34->set34_2 Oh, no. Wasn't me. set38->setend Thanks, I think I will be going. set38->setcbt It'd be faster if I removed you. set39 Workable. Follow Garret to gratitude, then walk another path. set38->set39 I'm here to collect the bounty for some mutants. set40->setcbt 'Bout time. Getting bored waiting for your face to clear up. set40_2 set40->set40_2 Sorry, bad attempt at humor. set41->setcbt Nuh-uh, me came kick ugly-butt. set41->set08 Uh-huh set32->setcbt Why don't we just 'walk opposite' now? set33 A warn. The South makes a big dog whimper and tuck tail. If ideas dance in your skull, I make big dogs play dead. On the other, you clean-wiped the shed. Garret will walk you to gratitude. set32->set33 Works for me. set33->setend set35 My wrong, your loss. Work grows, you should walk now. set34_2->set35 set36 Ah, yes. No tracks in the sand. Good. Filling. Walk with Garret to gratitude. set34_2->set36 set35->setend set36->setend set39->setend set40_2->set34 set48 I'm weary. You're gone. set40_2->set48 set48->setcbt set42_2->set48 set43 Fine. Fast. What? set42_2->set43 set43->set48 How in the hell can you call all this crap a reward? set44 I don't tremble. Use the tools of the time. You're used, you're rewarded, you're walking. set43->set44 You wouldn't do the mutants yourself. I ask myself why? Answer, someone has you scared. Why? set47 Why send a ghoul for a child's work? Leave me. set43->set47 Why'd you need me to kill the mutants? Why not use your ghouls? set44->setend If you say so. set46 No bluff, no twist. The Master does not tremble me. Walk. Your welcome has. set44->set46 You're bluffing. set45 You don't even read the lines. Unless Necropolis is forever your home to be, walk. I have no time for a foolish blood-bag. set44->set45 I think that's a threat! set47->setend set46->setend Thanks for your time. set46->setcbt Think smokin' you will bring back my welcome? Works for me. set45->setend Got it. set45->setcbt How 'bout your own body-bag? set45a With pleasure . . . set45->set45a Bite me. set45a->setcbt set53->setend No Thanks. set53->setend Naww. set54 Some of mine slipped the bonds. Worked that mutant task. set53->set54 Need some info on the Vats. set56 Garret will pass what's available. set53->set56 I could use some more weapons and equipment. set53->set56 Need stuff. set52a->set53 Uh-huh. set54->set56 Mutants, huh? I'll probably need more guns. set55 Big northwest, far from life. Busy with guards and tricky steering. If that's your path, walk it tight with my thoughts. set54->set55 What did they say? set56->setend set55->setend set58 A path, perhaps. An alternate pump exists, but not its actions. None of mine can breathe that life. set57_2->set58 set62 Ideas will not matter to you again. set57_2->set62 set63->setcbt Kind of expensive. How 'bout I remove you from office instead? set63->setcbt Nuh-uh! set64->setcbt I'd rather see you dead. set64->set63 Gotcha! I don't have it anymore! set65 [Set passes the water chip to a ghoul, who runs off with it.]  If your shadow touches Necropolis again, it will merge forever. set64->set65 OK, here it is. set59 Garret will walk you. Revive the pump, keep the chip. set58->set59 Perhaps I should take a look at the pump. set60 I'll drink from you warm, then take from you cold. set58->set60 Too bad. Guess you're going thirsty. set62->setcbt I take it that's a 'no?' travel set59->travel Thanks. set60->setcbt How 'bout eating dirt instead. set60->set06 I don't have it on me. set61 Then die before mine! set61->setcbt set65->BigDownReact set200 As said . . . set201 Stated before . . . set202 Don't do the deal with normies. set203 Natter to Garret. My time flies. set204 Is your head empty? set205 Yours is the only benefit. This exchange lacks. set206 Thoughts not in my possession set208 Guards! Seize the norm! set209 Guards, end this annoyance! set300 His meaning has no place here. None. set301 The future. Survival anywhere. We surpass the norms. set302 An error of the world. A blot on my sight. I hate every facet. set303 Where your shadow lies. My home. My rule. A place where strength grows. set304 The beginning. World to ashes, ashes to growth. Our life. set305 Misguided ideals. Nothing to my sight, nothing at all. set306 Many of yours. Some useful, but too many twists. set307 Relics. We surpass, they don't know. Their sight is narrow, only what they believe. set308 Center of the Necropolis water supply. Poisoned by presence of mutants. Makes me empty to think on it. set309 Provides what is needed. set310 Beneath my thoughts. set311 Not in my thoughts. LevelToReact DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes