SETCOLER start see_stuff You see Set's lockbox. start->see_stuff trap_stuff That skill won't help here. start->trap_stuff find_iq You find a crude explosive device connected to the footlocker. --- You set off an explosive trap! start->find_iq close_cooler start->close_cooler open_cooler start->open_cooler disarm_trap You disarm the trap. --- You accidentally set off the explosive! --- You did not disarm the trap. trap_stuff->disarm_trap disarm_mech You disarm the trap. --- You accidentally set off the explosive! --- You did not disarm the trap. trap_stuff->disarm_mech find_trap You find a crude explosive device connected to the footlocker. --- You set off an explosive trap! trap_stuff->find_trap explode find_iq->explode failure You accidentally set off the explosive, because you were smart enough to find it, but not smart enough to leave it alone. find_iq->failure disarm_trap->explode disarm_mech->explode find_trap->explode failure->explode