SETDOOR start look_at_p_proc Something seems odd about this bit of wall. --- You see a solid wall. start->look_at_p_proc description_p_proc You see a sliding door. start->description_p_proc map_update_p_proc start->map_update_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc use_p_proc You detect a trap on this door. --- detects a trap on this door. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- The door is locked. --- You detect a trap on this door. --- detects a trap on this door. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- The door is locked. start->use_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc You detect a trap on this door. --- The door is locked. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- detects a trap on this door. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- You pick the lock on the door. --- The door is locked. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- This lock is too difficult for you to pick at this time. --- You fail to pick this lock. start->use_skill_on_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc You detect a trap on this door. --- detects a trap on this door. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- The door is already unlocked. --- You detect a trap on this door. --- detects a trap on this door. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- The door is already unlocked. --- You pick the lock on the door. --- The door is locked. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- You break your picks on this difficult lock. --- You fail to pick this lock. --- You detect a trap on this door. --- detects a trap on this door. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- You detect a trap on this door. --- detects a trap on this door. --- You set off the trap on the door. --- That does nothing. start->use_obj_on_p_proc damage_p_proc You set off the trap on the door. start->damage_p_proc Locked_And_Trapped You notice a highly explosive trap on this locked door. --- You notice a highly explosive trap on this door. --- You notice a trap on this locked door. --- You notice a trap on this door. --- You see nothing special about this locked door. --- You see nothing special about this door. --- You see nothing special about this locked door. --- You see nothing special about this door. description_p_proc->Locked_And_Trapped Door_Trapped You notice a highly explosive trap on this door. --- You notice a trap on this door. --- You see nothing special about this door. --- You see nothing special about this door. description_p_proc->Door_Trapped Door_Locked You see nothing special about this locked door. --- You see nothing special about this locked door. description_p_proc->Door_Locked