SINTHIA start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Sinthia, the seductive sellbaby. --- You see a pouty, shapely woman. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc talk_p_proc Sinthia refuses to speak with you. --- The guards remove the raider while he is unconscious. start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping Sinthia07 talk_p_proc->Sinthia07 get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Sinthia16 You shit! You killed him! Why did you have to kill him? You bastard! I can't believe you killed him. All he wanted was someone to talk to. You don't care about human life, do you? --- You shit! You killed him! Why did you have to kill him? You bitch! I can't believe you killed him. All he wanted was someone to talk to. You don't care about human life, do you? talk_p_proc->Sinthia16 Sinthia17 You killed him! I can't believe you killed him. All he wanted was someone to talk to . . . talk_p_proc->Sinthia17 Sinthia08 Thank you for what you did. No one ever took care of me like that before. talk_p_proc->Sinthia08 Sinthia00 Hey, darling, how you doing? talk_p_proc->Sinthia00 Sinthia29 I reserve the right to refuse admittance, and honey, you ain't getting nowhere near me! talk_p_proc->Sinthia29 Sinthia20 You again. What can I help you with this time? talk_p_proc->Sinthia20 Sin talk_p_proc->Sin ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Sinthia16a Just get the hell out of my room! Sinthia16->Sinthia16a Oh, baby, I understand. You gotta run home to momma. Well, come back here when you need some luvin'! Sinthia19 Oh, sorry. I though he was dead. I though you killed him. He's not such a bad guy, after all. Just a little lonely. Sinthia17->Sinthia19 He ain't dead. He's just gonna have a hurt head when he wakes up. Sinthia18 Yeah, whatever. Get the hell out of my room! Sinthia17->Sinthia18 Hnnn. BigUpReact Sinthia08->BigUpReact Sinthia10 Is that all you can think about? Geez. Some people. Sinthia08->Sinthia10 I can really take care of you later. Sinthia11 I mean, my boss didn't even send some of his goons to help. You'd think for all the cash I make for that loser, he would at least live up to his part of the bargain. Sinthia08->Sinthia11 You're welcome. Sinthia09 Thanks again. Sinthia08->Sinthia09 Unh. SinthiaEnd Sinthia00->SinthiaEnd Okay. Bye. Sinthia00a Sinthia00->Sinthia00a Just fine, but I could be better. Sinthia00b Sinthia00->Sinthia00b Uhh. Sinthia22 Doing fine, thanks to you, sugar. Sinthia20->Sinthia22 Just stopping by to see how you are doing. Sinthia20a Sinthia20->Sinthia20a I've got $40, if you got ten minutes. Sinthia23 What do you want to know, but make it short, honey, I'm on the clock. Sinthia20->Sinthia23 I need some more info on your boss. Sinthia04 Maybe I can help you with that. Sinthia00a->Sinthia04 Sinthia03 You'll find whatever, or whoever, you're looking for, honey, and that'll make you all better, I'm sure. Sinthia00a->Sinthia03 Sinthia01 Oh, baby, I understand. You gotta run home to momma. Well, come back here when you need some luvin'! Sinthia00b->Sinthia01 Sinthia02 Yeah, sweets, same to you. Sinthia00b->Sinthia02 Sinthia05 Oh, baby, if you got to ask . . . more than you can afford. Maybe next time, sugar. See you around. Sinthia04->Sinthia05 Maybe you can. How much to you charge? Sinthia06 Oh, sugar, that's just plain disgusting. Sinthia04->Sinthia06 I wouldn't let my dog touch you. DownReact Sinthia06->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BigUpReact->ReactToLevel Sinthia10->DownReact Sinthia12 Gizmo, of course. He runs all the sin in this town. Killian sure as hell wouldn't put up with me or my kind. If it wasn't for the fact that I make Giz a whole hell of a lot of money, I'd have to do other things to him. Sinthia11->Sinthia12 Who's your boss? Sinthia15 Why, honey, I take care of men, and they take care of me in return. Gizmo gets 25% and I supposedly get his protection. You saw how well that went, huh?" Sinthia11->Sinthia15 What bargain? Sinthia12a And, honey, those thoughts just don't do my stomach a whole lot of good. Sinthia12->Sinthia12a Oh, baby, I understand. You gotta run home to momma. Well, come back here when you need some luvin'! Sinthia14 Just about every bad thing a person could do in this town. He owns the Casino. He runs me and some of the other gals, even some little kids. I hear he is trying to take over the bar. --- Giz wants to take care of Killian, if you get my meaning. Sinthia15->Sinthia14 What else does Gizmo control? Sinthia12a->Sinthia14 What else does Gizmo control? Sinthia13 You're telling me. But what else can I do? It seems like my life has been designed by someone else. Oh, well. A girl has to make a living. Sinthia12a->Sinthia13 You should just hang it up and move on with your life. Sinthia13a But sugar, this one's for free. --- Thanks again, honey. We women gotta stick together. Sinthia13->Sinthia13a Oh, baby, I understand. You gotta run home to momma. Well, come back here when you need some luvin'! SinOn Sinthia13a->SinOn Oh, baby, I understand. You gotta run home to momma. Well, come back here when you need some luvin'! BottomReact Sinthia16a->BottomReact Sinthia19->Sinthia08 No problem. Sinthia18->BottomReact Sinthia27 Only that he thinks he doesn't have any. Well, that and he's a fat slob, who can't move for a damn. He's got to have his guards help him move around. Even then, they gotta use a little tricycle. Heh heh. Sinthia20a->Sinthia27 Sinthia28 Honey, you need some more money. I like you and all, but a girl has to make a living. Sinthia20a->Sinthia28 SinthiaQuestions Sinthia23->SinthiaQuestions Sinthia27->SinOn Sinthia28->DownReact Sinthia21 Ah, honey, I don't think so. Imagine how the children would turn out. SinthiaQuestions->SinthiaEnd Thanks, doll, but I don't need to know anything else. Sinthia24 Hmm. I know about eight, personally, if you get my meaning. I think he has another ten or so. SinthiaQuestions->Sinthia24 How many guards does he have? Sinthia25 Money? How would I know? He only takes my money, he doesn't show me his. I would guess that it's in his bedroom, but for all I know, he could keep it where the sun doesn't shine. And for Giz, that's a big place. SinthiaQuestions->Sinthia25 Where does he stash the money? Sinthia26 Only that he thinks he doesn't have any. Well, that and he's a fat slob, who can't move for a damn. He's got to have his guards help him move around. Even then, they gotta use a little tricycle. Heh heh. SinthiaQuestions->Sinthia26 Does he have any weaknesses? Sinthia24->SinthiaQuestions Sinthia25->SinthiaQuestions Sinthia26->SinthiaQuestions LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel TopReact BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes damage_p_proc