SMONE start look_at_p_proc start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc goto00 Well, how do you feel now? --- [moves his shoulder] Ah, it's still a little sore. At least the bleeding stopped. --- Good, good. Keep using your medication and you should be good as new. --- Imagine if all of our plans were ruined because of one little human. --- [laughs] Yeah, that would be a shame. --- [chuckles] start->goto00 critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc combat talk_p_proc->combat zamin talk_p_proc->zamin goto01 Excellent. When I get my hands on that little human, I'm going to crush him. --- Excellent. When I get my hands on that little human, I'm going to crush her. goto00->goto01 goto02 He sure did enough damage that last time. I hope they get him soon. --- She did enough damage that last time. I hope they get her soon. goto00->goto02 goto03 goto00->goto03 critter_p_proc->combat critter_p_proc->zamin