SOPHIA start look_at_p_proc You see Sophia, an instructor for the Brotherhood Initiates. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction goto20 I don't like your attitude, and I choose not to talk to you. talk_p_proc->goto20 goto16 How can I help you? talk_p_proc->goto16 goto14 Greetings.  I have not seen you here before, are you lost? May I be of service? talk_p_proc->goto14 goto00 Greetings.  I have not seen you here before, are you lost? May I be of service? talk_p_proc->goto00 combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel goto01 I can't believe the kind of people we accept as initiates these days.  God help us. goto20->goto01 Uh...... gotoend goto20->gotoend So be it. Good bye! goto20b goto20->goto20b I'm sorry, I was very rude and I apologize. goto16->goto01 Uh...... goto16->gotoend Sorry, I thought you were someone else.  Good bye. goto17 I am Vree's assistant. goto16->goto17 What do you do here? goto16b goto16->goto16b Could you tell me about the Brotherhood's history. goto14->goto01 Uh...... goto02 This is the library. Here we keep records of all technical data on weaponry and technology, and, of course, the history of the Brotherhood. goto14->goto02 Could you direct me to the library? anger goto14->anger If I was lost I wouldn't be asking an idiot like you for help! goto15 You didn't get far with that did you?  Vree is to busy with her "experiments" to care about history any more. goto14->goto15 I was sent here to ask Vree about the history of the Brotherhood. goto00->goto01 Uh...... goto00->goto02 Could you direct me to the library? goto00->goto02 What is this place? goto03 I am Vree's assistant. Vree is over there. goto00->goto03 I am looking for Vree. goto00->anger If I was lost I wouldn't be asking an idiot like you for help! goto02->anger I'm looking for a big gun to improve my people-killing skills. goto04 My area of expertise is the history of the Brotherhood.  It sounds like a manufacturing problem, perhaps you should ask Vree? goto02->goto04 I need a water-chip repaired.  Can you help me? goto05 You must speak with Vree, the head scribe, about that.  I have more important things to do. goto02->goto05 I'd like to know more about the weapons you make here. goto06 We have many holo-disks here in the library. They are divided between history, technology and weapon design. goto02->goto06 Is this the place where I would find holo-disks? goto02->gotoend Nevermind, thank you for your time. goto03->gotoend Thank you. goto07 My area of specialty is the Brotherhood's history.  It seems that some people around here have forgotten the importance of our history. goto03->goto07 What is it you do as Vree's assistant? anger->goto01 DownReact anger->DownReact goto04->anger Lotta help you are! goto04->goto06 I'd like to know about the Brotherhood's history. goto04->gotoend OK, thanks for your help. goto04->goto07 I thought the scribes knew this kind of stuff. goto05->gotoend I will go ask Vree. goto08 Like keeping the history of the Brotherhood.  It seems some people around here have forgotten just how important our history is. goto05->goto08 More important things to do?  Like what? goto09 Vree seems to think that the research of new weaponry and the information gathered from Mutant autopsies is more important than our history.  She has forgotten that our history is a vital part of our lives. It has gotten so bad that many of the new initiates don't even know who Roger Maxson is or what exactly he did for us. goto05->goto09 You don't consider the Brotherhood's weaponry to be important? goto06->goto07 I was sent here to ask Vree about the history of the Brotherhood. goto11 These are things that only Scribes and Paladins have access to. Vree may be able to help you. goto06->goto11 I would like to see a holo-disk on your technology. goto06->goto11 I would like to see a holo-disk on weapon design. goto12 Well, it's good to see someone interested in our great history. Unlike others around here.  Here you go. This is a disk of some of our earliest writings. goto06->goto12 I would like to see a holo-disk on the Brotherhood's history. goto07->goto01 Must be near your time of the month, huh? goto07->goto05 I'd like to ask somebody about weapons. goto07->goto09 What could be more important than history? goto07->goto12 What can you tell me about the Brotherhood's history? goto09->goto01 It sounds like Vree's got the right idea!  Who needs to know this garbage anyway!?! goto09->goto12 I'd like to learn more about the Brotherhood's history.  Do you have any information you can give me? goto09->DownReact Hmmm, it looks like Vree is the person I want to talk to. Good Bye. goto10 You need to speak with Vree about things of that nature. goto09->goto10 I agree that history is important, but new technology and better weapons is what I'm looking for. goto11->gotoend Thank you, I'll go ask Vree. goto11->DownReact You're obviously not the right person to be talking to. Good Bye. goto13 Our history is available to everyone.  So that they may learn of our great history...Not that any one ever looks at them. goto11->goto13 Is there any holo-disks that I can have access to? goto12->gotoend Thank you. goto12->DownReact I don't care about this crap.  Thanks for nothing. DownReact->ReactToLevel goto13->anger Really? I don't care either, just show me the guns. goto13->gotoend Thank you. goto13->goto12 I would like to see anything you have on the Brother's history. goto15->anger Yeah, the Brotherhood seems to be filled with idiots. goto15->goto07 Well, then who can I talk to about the history of the Brotherhood? goto15->DownReact Neither do I.  Good Bye. goto17->gotoend Thank you. goto17->goto07 What is it you do as Vree's assistant? goto16b->goto12 goto18 I gave you the disk with some of our early writings on it.  Just load it up into your PIPBoy 2000 and you will be able to read it. goto16b->goto18 goto18->gotoend Thank you. goto18->DownReact I don't care about this crap.  Thanks for nothing. goto19 I gave you the disk with some of our early writings on it.  Just load it up into your PIPBoy 2000 and you will be able to read it. goto19->gotoend Thank you. goto19->DownReact I don't care about this crap.  Thanks for nothing. goto20b->goto01 goto21 I accept your apology. Now how can I help you? goto20b->goto21 goto21->gotoend Sorry, I thought you were someone else.  Good bye. goto21->goto17 What do you do here? goto21->goto16b Could you tell me about the Brotherhood's history. UpReact goto21->UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel gotostory LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes