SSGUIDE Start look_at_p_proc You see Katrina. She has a very pretty smile. description_p_proc You see Katrina. She has a very pretty smile. talk_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction DialogWeapon I am unarmed, please put your weapon away. talk_p_proc->DialogWeapon DialogFirstTime Welcome to Shady Sands, traveler.  My name is Katrina.  My job is to greet strangers and help them understand our village.  We find that there are fewer problems if you listen to what I have to say. talk_p_proc->DialogFirstTime DialogSubsequent Hello again.  I hope you are doing well.  Is there anything I can help you with? talk_p_proc->DialogSubsequent ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel DialogWeapon1 I'll assume that means yes. DialogWeapon->DialogWeapon1 Hng! DialogWeapon2 Normally, I would agree with you.  It is very dangerous to travel unarmed.  But this is Shady Sands, and we are a peaceful people.  There is no need for weapons here. DialogWeapon->DialogWeapon2 Why should I? This looks like a dangerous world. DialogWeapon3 If you don't put your weapon away, I will not talk with you.  There are many people like me. You should only use force if the situation calls for it. DialogWeapon->DialogWeapon3 Why's that? DialogWeapon4 If you don't put your weapon away, I will not talk with you.  There are many people like me. You should only use force if the situation calls for it. DialogWeapon->DialogWeapon4 Maybe I will, maybe I won't. DialogSpecial1 It is a pity that you are dimwitted.  We will have difficultly understanding each other.  I hope the others in your Vault are not like you. DialogFirstTime->DialogSpecial1 Wubba! DialogMain5 DialogFirstTime->DialogMain5 Tell me more about yourself. DialogMain You gain 250 experience points for the knowledge you have gained from Katrina. DialogFirstTime->DialogMain Please help me... DialogMain8 DialogFirstTime->DialogMain8 I'm looking for a water-chip.  Seen one? DialogMain9 DialogFirstTime->DialogMain9 I need help finding Tandi. DialogMain10 DialogFirstTime->DialogMain10 I'm dealing with your radscorpion problem.  Any clues? DialogExit DialogFirstTime->DialogExit Thanks, maybe later. DialogSubsequent->DialogSpecial1 Wubba! DialogSubsequent->DialogMain5 Tell me more about yourself. DialogSubsequent->DialogMain Please help me... DialogSubsequent->DialogMain8 I'm looking for a water-chip.  Seen one? DialogSubsequent->DialogMain9 I need help finding Tandi. DialogSubsequent->DialogMain10 I'm dealing with your radscorpion problem.  Any clues? DialogSubsequent->DialogExit Thanks, maybe later. DialogSpecial4 Well, I take catnaps when you are not around. Besides, I find the desert air very invigorating and healthy.  And I never tire of looking at the stars.  Can you imagine never seeing the night sky for your entire life? [She pauses and looks at you] Oh, I guess you can. DialogSubsequent->DialogSpecial4 Don't you ever go to sleep? critter_p_proc damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc pickup_p_proc They usually hang thieves around here.  Be good. DialogWeapon2->DialogExit Ok.  Thanks. DialogWeapon3->DialogExit Hmm, ok. DialogWeapon4->DialogExit Hmm, ok. DialogSpecial2 Yes, I can tell you are from a Vault.  You have that look about you. I came from Vault-15, to the east.  But I had to leave my home and now I live here.  Hopefully you will find what you are looking for, even if it is just another place to live.  I hope that your Vault did not kick you out due to your wits.  I do hope there is another reason. DialogSpecial1->DialogSpecial2 Wubba-val? DialogMain5->DialogMain DialogMain->DialogMain5 Tell me about yourself. DialogMain->DialogExit That's all for now, thanks. DialogMain1 DialogMain->DialogMain1 What should I do if I get hurt? DialogMain2 DialogMain->DialogMain2 Where can I get some better equipment? DialogMain6 DialogMain->DialogMain6 Tell me more about bartering. DialogMain3 DialogMain->DialogMain3 Tell me about this place. DialogMain4 DialogMain->DialogMain4 Tell me about the rest of the world. DialogMain7 DialogMain->DialogMain7 Where was this Vault of yours? DialogMain8->DialogMain DialogMain9->DialogMain DialogMain10->DialogMain DialogSpecial4->DialogExit Ah, yeah.  Thanks. DialogMain1->DialogMain DialogMain2->DialogMain DialogMain6->DialogMain DialogMain3->DialogMain DialogMain4->DialogMain DialogMain7->DialogMain DialogSpecial3 You will need to find another way to get your answers, as you cannot communicate well enough. I hope that you do not hurt too many people in your journey.  Please be nice to the people here, we mean you no harm. DialogSpecial2->DialogSpecial3 Hng. DialogSpecial3->DialogExit Ahhh. LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes