STAPLE start look_at_p_proc You see Mrs. Stapleton, the librarian. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc Get_Stuff talk_p_proc->Get_Stuff get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Staple00 Hi, Welcome to the Library.  I don't think I have seen you around these parts before.   What might you be looking for in the way of knowledge? talk_p_proc->Staple00 Staple13 You will have to excuse me, but I have research to do. talk_p_proc->Staple13 Staple01 Good to see you again. What might you be looking for today? talk_p_proc->Staple01 Put_Stuff talk_p_proc->Put_Stuff combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Staple02 Staple00->Staple02 Staple01->Staple02 damage_p_proc Staple03 Goodbye. --- Well, let me show you my selection. Staple02->Staple03 What do you have in the way of books? Staple04 Well, in my studies I have come across some references to such things.  Actually I have in my posession a Holodisk that contains a certain amount of information that you might find useful. Staple02->Staple04 I am looking for a Water Chip. Staple15 Yes, I've heard from Miles and I have the ones he's looking for.  They will cost you 750 bucks. Staple02->Staple15 Do you have a set of Chemistry journals? Miles in Adytum said you might. StapleEnd Staple02->StapleEnd Nothing, but thanks. Staple14 I'm sorry, I don't understand you. Somewhere I have a Holodisk on learning the English language, if you're intersted. Staple02->Staple14 Ruk? Staple03->StapleEnd Thanks. Staple03->StapleEnd Ug. Staple05 A Holodisk contains information on it, but it can only be read by a certain number of electronic devices. I see that you have a PIP Boy. You can use that to decode, review, and store the information that a Holodisk contains. Staple04->Staple05 A Holodisk, what is that? Staple06 Information is hard to come by in this day and age.  I will need to charge you 750 Hub Bucks for the disk. Staple04->Staple06 Can I have the Holodisk? Staple15->StapleEnd Sorry, don't have the cash. Staple15a Staple15->Staple15a Sounds good. Here's the money. Staple05->Staple06 Sounds great! Can I have the Holodisk? Staple06->StapleEnd Sorry, don't have the cash. Staple06a Staple06->Staple06a Sounds good. Here's the money. Staple06b Staple06->Staple06b Now that looks like a worn Holodisk if I've ever seen one.  I'll give you 500 for it. Staple06c Staple06->Staple06c How about I take a blowtorch to this whole place instead! Huh lady?! Staple09 [Mrs Stapleton takes your money.] Staple06a->Staple09 Staple07 I am sorry but I can only accept the full amount for the Holodisk.  Please return when you have that amount. Staple06a->Staple07 Staple06b->Staple07 Staple06b->Staple07 Staple10 You are right, the Disk has seen better days. Since that is the case, I will accept 500 instead of my original price. [Mrs Stapleton takes your money.] Staple06b->Staple10 Staple11 Normally, I do not give in to such methods, but to protect my collection from such a threat I will give you the Disk.  In exchange, I would ask that you never return here. Staple06c->Staple11 Staple08 I am sorry, but you wil need to keep your pyromaniacal tendencies to yourself. Please leave. Staple06c->Staple08 Staple12 As I may have explained, you will need to use this and then access the information through your PIP Boy. [Mrs. Stapleton hands you the Holodisk] Staple09->Staple12 Staple10->Staple12 Staple11->Staple12 Staple16 Here you are, sir.  Say hello to Miles for me. Staple15a->Staple16 Staple17 I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money. Please return when you have the money. Staple15a->Staple17 LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes