TALUS start look_at_p_proc You see Talus. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc You gain --- experience points for rescuing the initiate. start->talk_p_proc TalusBackground Watch your form! --- Pay attention, people. --- No slacking off! --- Behave over there, or you'll find yourself on night perimeter patrol. --- Quiet, don't make me bring Rhombus in here. He'll whup all your asses. start->TalusBackground critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc do_dialogue talk_p_proc->do_dialogue get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction LevelToReact talk_p_proc->LevelToReact weapon_check do_dialogue->weapon_check Talus11 Excuse me, Initiate. Please don't brandish your weapon. Put it away unless you plan on using it. do_dialogue->Talus11 Talus12 Holster your weapon, Initiate. You're not in a training exercise, put it away. do_dialogue->Talus12 Talus13 Would you stop waving your weapon around like that? You should . . . oh, never mind. do_dialogue->Talus13 Talus49 Hello stranger! I heard you're the one to thank for the safe return of my missing Initiate. do_dialogue->Talus49 Talus47 Brother --- ! I've received word from Brother Jonathan. Thank you for rescuing him. do_dialogue->Talus47 Talus00 Hello, you must be the outsider initiate. Nice to meet you. What can I do for you? do_dialogue->Talus00 Talus22 You're getting on my nerves, little one. What do you want now? do_dialogue->Talus22 Talus14 Hello again, Brother --- . How can I help you? do_dialogue->Talus14 Talus51 As for your reward, I'll give you the choice of one of the following: Talus49->Talus51 You're welcome. Talus50 We don't tolerate chem users around here. I suggest you see the doctor and clean yourself up. Talus49->Talus50 Lup? Talus47->Talus51 You're welcome. Talus47->Talus50 Lup? Talus01 That would be the council of elders. More specifically, the High Elder, Maxson. The elders make all the major decisions around here. If you need to speak with them, you'll find them on the fourth floor. Talus00->Talus01 Who is the leader of your organization? Talus02 No, we are directed by the council of elders. Maxson, the High Elder, would be the person in charge. If you need to speak with him, you'll find him on the fourth floor. Talus00->Talus02 So, are you in charge around here? Talus07 In a hurry, are we? As an Initiate, you are entitled to a few things. I'll put in a clearance for combat armor and three orders for ammunition, bullets of your choice. Just see Michael in the next room for the supplies. Talus00->Talus07 How do I get better weapons and equipment? Talus28 Of course we do. She's on the second level. Next to the learning room. Talus00->Talus28 Do you have a doctor? I'm hurt. Talus00->Talus28 Do you have a doctor? TalusEnd Talus00->TalusEnd Chagga! Talus22->TalusEnd Sorry, didn't see you there. Talus22->TalusEnd Ug. DownReact Talus22->DownReact Nothing, just wanted to hear your pleasant voice. TalusAmmo Talus22->TalusAmmo Can I get some more ammo? Talus24 How did you get in here? Get out of my sight. Talus22->Talus24 Cha Toh Weh Lo! Talus14->TalusEnd Nothing, thanks. Talus14->TalusEnd Chagga! Talus16 Well, we are all important, but I know who you are referring to. Talus14->Talus16 Who are the important people around here? Talus17 That's not a problem. You should get to know your fellow Brothers well. I know there are a lot of us, and that it can be hard for some to remember us all. Talus14->Talus17 Could you tell me about those important people again? Talus15 Just see Michael in the next room for the supplies. --- I can help you with that. As an Initiate, you are entitled to a few things. I'll put in a clearance for combat armor and three orders for ammunition, bullets of your choice. Talus14->Talus15 How can I get some better equipment and weapons? Talus14->TalusAmmo Can I get some more ammo? Talus44 Well I see we have a bright new addition to our order after all... [Talus leers at you.] Don't get cocky with me, Initiate. I'm not in the mood nor have I the patience! Talus14->Talus44 I'm done climbing that mountain. Talus29 She's on the second level. Just go down to the second floor, make a left. You'll see it just past the learning room. I should get back to work. If you have any other questions just ask. --- As I said, she's on the second level. You can't miss it. It's the only other major room on the second floor besides the learning room. Talus14->Talus29 Where's your doctor located? set_requisition Goodbyes Talus01->Goodbyes Talus05 I'm the Senior Paladin, Rhombus's right-hand man. We're in charge of the Paladins and Knights. Right now I'm supervising training exercises. We're getting ready . . . for anything. Talus01->Talus05 So what do you do? Talus02->Goodbyes Talus02->Talus05 So what do you do? Talus07->set_requisition Talus07->TalusEnd Thanks a lot, bye. Talus08 Hmmm, I don't know. You may have proven yourself to be an initiate but that doesn't mean we start handing over weapons to someone that might not be qualified, especially an outsider, no offense. Talus07->Talus08 Thanks, what about some high-tech weapons? Talus42 No, I'm not and I think you should leave, 'initiate'. Talus07->Talus42 That's it? You've got to be kidding! Talus28->Talus02 Who is the leader of your organization? Talus28->Talus07 So, are you in charge around here? Talus28->TalusEnd Thanks, bye. Talus05->Talus07 How can I get some weapons and equipment? Talus05->Talus28 Do you have a doctor? I'm hurt. Talus05->Talus28 Do you have a doctor? Talus05->Goodbyes Talus06 There are rumors of a large force moving around in the mountains and desert. With the missing caravans and these rumors, we're just playing it safe. Talus05->Talus06 You're getting ready for what? Talus06->Talus07 How can I get some weapons and equipment? Talus06->TalusEnd Really? Okay, thanks. Talus08->TalusEnd Okay, bye. Talus32 You've built quite a reputation for yourself. The people I've checked with hold you in high regard. I don't think you need any help, you seem quite capable. However, if you help me with a little problem, I might be able to reward you with something. Talus08->Talus32 I really need some better firepower. Talus09 That sounds great. Why don't you start now. Talus08->Talus09 Great! What do I have to do now? Climb the highest mountain? Talus42->DownReact Talus35 I sent one of our Initiates out to the Hub a short while back and we haven't heard back from him. If you can find out what happened to him I'd be very grateful. Talus32->Talus35 Sure. What's the problem? BigDownReact Talus32->BigDownReact No thanks and thanks for nothing. Talus31a Talus32->Talus31a Sorry, I can't. Thanks for the Armor, though. Talus09->DownReact ReactToLevel DownReact->ReactToLevel Talus10 It was my idea, and I'm sort of taking some heat for it. If you can find out what happened to them, I'll make it worth your while. --- Well, I might be able to make an exception. You obviously have some good training. If you didn't you wouldn't have succeeded in that crazy quest the High Elder sent you on. --- Sometimes I don't know if he's trying to get help from the outside, or kill off the stupid. No offense. I'll tell you what. I'm sort of in a tight spot because the scouts I sent out a while back never returned. Talus10->TalusEnd I'll think about it. Talus18 There's Rhombus. He's our Head Paladin, also known as the Master Knight. Then there's Vree; she's the Master Scribe. And of course we cannot forget our distinguished High Elder, Maxson. Talus16->Talus18 Talus17->Talus18 Talus15->set_requisition Talus15->Talus08 Thanks, what about some high-tech weapons? Talus25 I can give you a little more ammunition if you really need it. I'll have it authorized by the time you can talk to Michael. TalusAmmo->Talus25 Talus27 Sorry, you've had more than your share for this week. You'll have to make do with what you have. We don't have an endless supply of ammunition. TalusAmmo->Talus27 Talus44->DownReact Talus14a Talus34 No. I think you should leave. Talus14a->Talus34 Talus19 If you ever need to talk to him, he is normally in his office . . . I mean room. That's on the other side of this level, across from the guard room. --- Rhombus is my best friend, mentor, idol, and father figure all combined into one. He's a little rough, but he has to be, to be in the position he's in. Talus18->Talus19 Tell me about Rhombus. Talus20 She spends every waking moment doing research or analyzing and reanalyzing anything she can get her hands on. If you ever need to talk to her, she can normally be found in her room, on the third floor. --- Vree is one of the most intelligent people I've ever known. I think she was born with the natural understanding of physics and chemistry. Talus18->Talus20 Tell me about Vree. Talus21 Maxson is one tough old man. He's the great, great grandson . . . or was it great, great, great grandson? Well, anyway. He's the descendant of one of our founding fathers. He, of course, is the High Elder. Talus18->Talus21 Tell me about Maxson. Talus19->TalusEnd Thank you. That's all I wanted to know. Talus19->Talus20 Tell me about Vree. Talus19->Talus21 Tell me about Maxson. Talus20->TalusEnd Okay, see ya. Talus20->Talus19 Tell me about Rhombus. Talus20->Talus21 Tell me about Maxson. Talus21->TalusEnd That's it, thanks. Talus21->Talus19 Tell me about Rhombus. Talus21->Talus20 Tell me about Vree. Talus24->DownReact Talus23 Stop wasting my time! Talus23->DownReact Talus26 I just gave you some. You should learn to be more conservative with your ammunition. Talus30 I've heard about some of the things you've done and we don't take kindly to child killers. The Elders seem to think that there's something you can offer but I don't want to have anything to do with you. Talus30->TalusEnd I don't have to answer to you. BottomReact Talus30->BottomReact Talus37 Only? I don't think our order will be able to help you. Good day. Talus30->Talus37 I only killed one. Talus38 I don't need to know the whole story. Good day. Talus30->Talus38 You don't know the whole story. Talus31 You've built quite a reputation for yourself. I don't think you need any help, you seem quite capable. However, there is something I need looking into, and I might be able to help you if you can help me. Talus31->Talus35 Sure. What's the problem? Talus31->BigDownReact No thanks and thanks for nothing. Talus31->Talus31a Sorry, I can't. Thanks for the Armor, though. Talus35->Talus31a I'll check it out. Talus46 That's okay. Anything you might find would be helpful. Talus35->Talus46 I'll try but I can't promise anything. BigDownReact->ReactToLevel Talus31a->TalusEnd Talus39 Thank you. I'll remember this and when I've seen that you've gained enough experience I might be able to give you something special from our order. Talus31a->Talus39 Talus33 Since you were able to survive the wasteland alone, I think you're probably quite capable. However, I do have a problem that I could use some help with and I might be able to reward you for your help. Talus33->Talus35 Sure. What's the problem? Talus33->BigDownReact No thanks and thanks for nothing. Talus33->Talus31a Sorry, I can't. Thanks for the Armor, though. Talus40 I shouldn't say, but it's not a weapon. It's something that only the elite in our order can have, but since you are from the outside and are in greater need of it, I might be able to make an exception. Talus40->TalusEnd Okay, bye. Talus41 I think you probably already have an idea. Let's leave it at that. Talus43 Only Paladins wear Power Armor, someday you may earn the right to wear it. Talus43->TalusEnd Okay, bye. Talus43->Talus41 Can't you tell me? Talus45 I thought you were smarter than that. I don't have to give you anything. You're lucky I don't kick you out of here, right now. I think you should leave, before I change my mind. Talus45->BigDownReact Talus51->TalusEnd Let me think about it. Talus51a Talus51->Talus51a Rocket Launcher. Talus51b Talus51->Talus51b Laser Pistol. Talus51c Talus51->Talus51c Super Sledgehammer. Talus51d Talus51->Talus51d Power Armor. Talus53 I'll key your authorization in right now. Go pick it up from Michael. Talus51a->Talus53 Talus51b->Talus53 Talus51c->Talus53 Talus51d->Talus53 Talus54 Brother --- , it is time you wore your own suit of Power Armor. This is a very special privilege for one so new to our order. Wear our Power Armor as a symbol of hope as you walk the wasteland, for someday when the world is ready we will surface and restore our battered Earth. Congratulations, you have made us all very proud. I'll send Michael the authorization. Talus55 I see someone else already gave you your Power Suit. I was hoping to give it to you myself, but that's all right. I hope it helps you in your quest. get_reaction->ReactToLevel UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Talus36 I told you to leave.