THERESA start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc damage_p_proc start->damage_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Theresa. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Be patient. We will only need to wait a few more weeks. --- Traitor! Why did you ever come back here? Now everybody will die! --- You gain 750 experience points for peacefully calming the Vault's revolutionary faction. start->talk_p_proc timed_event_p_proc start->timed_event_p_proc rebel_meeting critter_p_proc->rebel_meeting sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Theresa24 I didn't think you would succeed, but you did a good job. Thank you for saving us all. talk_p_proc->Theresa24 Theresa23 Please hurry and find the water chip. We cannot wait much longer. talk_p_proc->Theresa23 Theresa15 Welcome to our meeting! As you have been picked by the Overseer to go outside, perhaps you can give us some advice before our move to the outdoors as well. talk_p_proc->Theresa15 Theresa01 Hello, --- . How fares your journey? talk_p_proc->Theresa01 Theresa14 Oh, just go away! We don't need the help of one of the Overseer's pawns! talk_p_proc->Theresa14 begin_meeting timed_event_p_proc->begin_meeting say_lines It's for the best. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. timed_event_p_proc->say_lines ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel TheresaEnd Theresa23->TheresaEnd Don't worry, I will. Theresa23->TheresaEnd Hoooot! Theresa15->TheresaEnd Hoooot! Theresa16 Thank you so much. I can see you're going to be a big help. Why don't you just leave? Theresa15->Theresa16 Don't drink glowing water. Theresa17 Really? Considering our position, our lack of water, and the original purpose of this Vault, why do you think that we should stay? Theresa15->Theresa17 Yeah . . . don't go. Theresa18 Well, considering that you have some experience with the outside, perhaps you have some valuable points to make. Theresa15->Theresa18 I think that your plans to leave are ill-advised. Theresa02 It's good to hear that. I knew that the outside world couldn't be as bad as everyone says. I mean, our ancestors lived outside, right? But that paranoid Overseer won't let us leave. Theresa01->Theresa02 It's going pretty well, thanks. Theresa03 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that you're able to find the chip soon. Theresa01->Theresa03 Not very well. Theresa04 Hmm. I suppose it was too much to hope that the outside world had taught you to communicate. Oh well. Theresa01->Theresa04 Hoogh! Theresa05 And I suppose he chose you to go outside because he knew that you were under his thumb! He really just doesn't want to give up his control over us. Theresa02->Theresa05 The Overseer probably has his reasons. Theresa06 Hmm. From what I've read, the outside isn't really all that dangerous. But I suppose that you would know better than I, wouldn't you? Theresa02->Theresa06 Actually, it's pretty bad out there. Theresa07 I knew that the outside couldn't be too bad. That's why I've been trying to convince some people to come outside with me. I think that we have a better chance of survival out there. Theresa02->Theresa07 You're right; the outside world isn't all that bad. Theresa02a Theresa02->Theresa02a The Overseer is simply trying to protect us. The outside world is dangerous to the unprepared. Theresa03->Theresa06 With all of the hazards I've been running in to, it may take some time. Theresa03->Theresa07 Shouldn't be a problem. Theresa05->Theresa02a Actually, I think he believes that there's no reason to risk survival outside while it's still safe in here. Theresa09 Oh, come on! Wake up! If he thinks the outside is so dangerous, then how come he sent you out there? The man just has a control complex. You're a stupid tool and you don't even know it! Theresa05->Theresa09 I resent that remark! DownReact Theresa05->DownReact Theresa11 Oh, get real! Do you really think that we can live in this Vault generation after generation? Maybe you can find a new chip, but what happens when the next thing breaks down? And the next? Theresa07->Theresa11 What are you smoking!? Theresa12 A lot of us think so. That's why we're planning to take some supplies and head out in a few days. Say, do you have any advice for us? Theresa07->Theresa12 That's probably a good idea. Theresa08 I suppose. I always figured that he just had some sort of power trip. But I guess that he wouldn't be the Overseer if he wasn't really concerned about our welfare, would he? I guess we should just wait and see if you can find the chip. Theresa02a->Theresa08 Theresa02a->Theresa09 Theresa25 We've been over this before. Leave us alone. Theresa02a->Theresa25 UpReact Theresa08->UpReact Theresa08->TheresaEnd Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Theresa09->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel Theresa11->Theresa02a Maybe we can't stay here forever. But rushing out into the world without preparation and without the consent of the group isn't the answer. Theresa11->DownReact Theresa11->TheresaEnd Huh. I guess you're right. Theresa12->UpReact Theresa13 Okay. Well, thanks. Theresa12->Theresa13 Sorry, I haven't really found much out there. Theresa12->Theresa13 You could head to this little village called Shady Sands, a few days east. They might help. UpReact->ReactToLevel Theresa10 Honestly, if he thought that the outside was that dangerous, he'd have sent a whole team with weapons and equipment, not just you. But you're his pawn, since he doesn't want anyone to realize what they're missing. Theresa16->DownReact Theresa16->TheresaEnd Fine then. Theresa20 It's only a matter of time before we run out of water here. But the Vault was never meant to keep people inside forever! We have the people and the supplies to move outside now. We have a better chance. Theresa16->Theresa20 Sorry, I'm here to hear all of this. Theresa19 If you can't give us good reasons why we shouldn't leave, then we're not going to wait here and die of water poisoning. Please don't get in our way. Theresa17->Theresa19 It's just a bad idea, is all. Theresa21 We're well-prepared now. We have equipment and simulator training. A few hazards outside are better than dying slowly of thirst! --- Hmm. Perhaps you're right. There are probably other survivors out there, and they could be hostile, too. I guess we will need to wait for everyone else to be ready. Theresa17->Theresa21 The outside world is too dangerous to the unprepared. It's best to have time to make proper preparations before going. The Overseer is trying to give the Vault that needed time. Theresa18->Theresa19 I just need a little more time to find the water chip. Theresa18->Theresa21 The outside is too dangerous and hostile. You wouldn't last long. Theresa20->Theresa17 Outside is too dangerous. Theresa20->Theresa21 The Vault was made to release its inhabitants together as a group, not as a small band that will be quickly overwhelmed. Theresa19->TheresaEnd Very well. It's your choice. TheresaCombat Theresa19->TheresaCombat Sorry, folks, I can't let you do this. Theresa21->Theresa25 Theresa21->TheresaEnd Well, good luck then. Theresa21->TheresaCombat Sorry, I can't let you leave now. Theresa22 I don't like it, but I suppose we will wait until everyone is ready to leave together. Theresa22->TheresaEnd It's for the best. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes