THOMAS start prepare_for_combat start->prepare_for_combat destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc do_combat start->do_combat critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc lesson1 You see Brother Thomas. --- You see Brother Thomas. --- Why is overextending so bad? --- If you have the opportunity for a kill, shouldn't you go for it? --- You see Brother Thomas. --- Let's see if you've learned from the previous example. --- Not bad, that last move almost got me. --- Are you sure you want to be a Scribe Initiate? --- Those talents would be a shame to waste. --- We'll just keep you in reserve. Okay? --- Uhh. --- I'm just fooling with ya. --- You may want to reconsider a career as a Knight. --- Just think about it. --- Thank you Brother Thomas. --- I hope you all noticed how Brother Anthony did not overextend himself. --- He also tried to use my weight and bulkiness against me. --- Well that's all for now, so let's review. --- You gain 500 experience points from watching the training. do_combat->lesson1 praise Not bad. --- Stay focused. --- Never look away from your opponent. --- Excellent! do_combat->praise recover_from_combat do_combat->recover_from_combat do_round do_combat->do_round pick_a_student critter_p_proc->pick_a_student weapon_check give_skill One little shove will land you right on your ass. --- Are you sure you want to be a Scribe Initiate? --- One little shove will land you right on your ass. --- Those talents would be a shame to waste. lesson1->give_skill lesson1->give_skill lesson1->do_round lesson1->do_round lesson1->do_round lesson1->do_round lesson1->do_round lesson1->do_round lesson1->do_round lesson1->pick_a_student