THORNDYK start look_at_p_proc You see Thorndyke. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Thorn00 I do not use my skills to heal my enemies. Get out of here. talk_p_proc->Thorn00 Thorn28 I still remember your insults, sir. You can rot in the Glow before I treat you. --- I still remember your insults, madam. You can rot in the Glow before I treat you. talk_p_proc->Thorn28 Thorn29 Mother Jain wishes that no one speaks with you. Good bye. talk_p_proc->Thorn29 Thorn01 I have heard about you. You are a ruthless killer. I will not heal one who has harmed so many. Get out of here. talk_p_proc->Thorn01 Thorn02 Sir, I am a healer. You have no need for my services. --- Madam, I am a healer. You have no need for my services. --- Sir, I have already given you medication. I dare not administer a second dose now. --- Madam, I have already given you medication. I dare not administer a second dose now. --- Sir, you are injured. I can treat you if you wish. I am a healer. --- Madam, you are injured. I can treat you if you wish. I am a healer. --- Sir, you are seriously injured. I strongly recommend that you permit me to treat you. I am a healer. --- Madam, you are seriously injured. I strongly recommend that you permit me to treat you. I am a healer. talk_p_proc->Thorn02 combat critter_p_proc->combat ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel flee_dude Thorn00->flee_dude Thorn01->flee_dude Thorn02a Thorn02->Thorn02a Tell me about your work. Thorn02->Thorn02a Tell me about your work. Thorn05 For me, sir, it is a place to practice the gift of healing. For others, it is a place where stray souls may be gathered and put on a productive path. Forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please excuse me. --- For me, madam, it is a place to practice the gift of healing. For others, it is a place where stray souls may be gathered and put on a productive path. Forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please excuse me. Thorn02->Thorn05 What's this place about? Thorn02->Thorn05 What's this place about? Thorn06 There were a few wise ones among the ancients who believed virtue is its own reward. That is my belief as well. Perhaps if more people shared this opinion, there would have been no need for the Holy Flame… Forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please excuse me. Thorn02->Thorn06 How much do you charge for your services? Thorn07 Farewell. Should you need me, I will be here. I do hope that you will never need to meet me again. Thorn02->Thorn07 Maybe later… Thorn02->Thorn07 Sorry to bother you, Doc. Thorn08 This is a service, not a business. And your talent is not one which I would brag about. Now please excuse me. Thorn02->Thorn08 You know, I could help drum up some business. I'm very good at hurting people! Thorn02->Thorn08 You know, I could help drum up some business. I'm very good at hurting people! Thorn09 Alas, your injuries may be beyond my ability to cure. It is said that the Holy Flame can guide those who are cursed with idiocy and lead them to redemption; I shall pray for you. Thorn02->Thorn09 Huh? Thorn02->Thorn09 Huh? Thorn27 This debate has become tiresome. Please leave me. Thorn02->Thorn27 That's pretty sad medication. Maybe you should find something stronger? Thorn10 You are injured. Save the casual conversation for later… Please let me heal you… Thorn02->Thorn10 Tell me about your work. Thorn02->Thorn10 What's this place about? Thorn02->Thorn10 Tell me about your work. Thorn02->Thorn10 What's this place about? Thorn11 I am a healer, not a moneylender. The Cathedral sees to my needs, so I might see to the needs of others. Now, let me see to your injury, shall we? Thorn02->Thorn11 How much? Thorn02->Thorn11 How much? Thorn12 Very good. Thorn02->Thorn12 Go ahead. Thorn02->Thorn12 Go ahead. Thorn13 Your choice. I will be here if you change your mind. Thorn02->Thorn13 No thanks. Thorn02->Thorn13 No thanks. Thorn14 [Smiles.] Terrible people. I sympathize entirely. [Smile fades] I will be here if you change your mind. You are excused. Thorn02->Thorn14 I hate doctors! Thorn02->Thorn14 I hate doctors! Thorn15 I'll take that as a yes. Please don't kill me . . . Thorn02->Thorn15 Oooo! Owwwww! Thorn02->Thorn15 Oooo! Owwwww! Thorn16 I'll take that as a "no". You are excus... uh… You go now. Go! Thorn02->Thorn16 Rarrrr!!! Thorn02->Thorn16 Rarrrr!!! damage_p_proc Thorn03 The Holy Flame commands that I heal people. Its wisdom is incontrovertible, so I obey. I have already learned much about the world beyond the Cathedral. Thorn02a->Thorn03 Thorn04 Sir, forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please, excuse me. --- Madam, forgive me, but I have no patience for long conversation. There are other people who may instruct you better than I. Please, excuse me. Thorn02a->Thorn04 Thorn10->Thorn11 How much do you charge? Thorn10->Thorn12 Go ahead. Thorn10->Thorn13 No thanks. Thorn10->Thorn14 I hate doctors! Thorn20 You are breaking my concentration! Do you wish to be healed or not? Thorn10->Thorn20 Not much for bedside manner, are you Doc? Thorn10->Thorn20 I'd really like to know about this. Thorn11->Thorn12 Go ahead. Thorn11->Thorn13 No thanks. Thorn11->Thorn14 I hate doctors! Thorn24 Who the Hell do you think you are? Get out of my sight, you little thug! Thorn11->Thorn24 Forget it.  If you were any more of a quack, you'd be swimming in a pond. Thorn03->Thorn05 What's this place about? Thorn03->Thorn07 Sorry to bother you, Doc. Thorn03a Thorn03->Thorn03a Tell me about the Cathedral. Thorn03b Thorn03->Thorn03b What have you learned? Thorn19 It is indeed, but there are others here who can expound on its glories far more eloquently than I. Good-bye. Thorn03->Thorn19 That must be some flame! Thorn03a->Thorn04 Thorn17 It's a very beautiful place, although a little overcrowded these days. It's far to the south of us. We faithful gather to praise our master, the Holy Flame, and to pray for peace and Unity. Now, if that will be all… Thorn03a->Thorn17 Thorn03b->Thorn04 Thorn18 I have learned we are a spiteful, violent and stupid species, unworthy of the Holy Flame. I have seen greed and evil everywhere. And unless we do something drastic, we shall be burned by Holy Flame again… Thorn03b->Thorn18 Thorn17->Thorn27 Where exactly is this place? Thorn17->Thorn27 So what's causing the overcrowding? Thorn17->Thorn14 I hate doctors! Thorn17a Thorn17->Thorn17a Tell me about peace and Unity… Thorn18->Thorn27 How many religions have promised that people will burn? Thorn18->Thorn14 I hate doctors! Thorn18->Thorn24 Your religion bites the Bone, pal! Thorn18->Thorn24 Define "drastic" for me. Thorn18a Thorn18->Thorn18a Tell me more about the Holy Flame . . . Thorn20->Thorn12 Go ahead. Thorn20->Thorn13 No thanks. Thorn20->Thorn14 I hate doctors! Thorn20->Thorn24 You don't look like you have much concentration to begin with! Thorn23 When I ask someone to do something, I do not expect to be ignored. If you choose to ignore my wishes, I can ignore your injuries. Good-bye. Thorn20->Thorn23 What are you getting so upset about? Thorn17a->Thorn04 Thorn21 Peace is, as ever, forged by war and hardship, as is unity. Alas, my gifts will be needed in the days to come. Thorn17a->Thorn21 Thorn21->Thorn27 Is Unity worth the price? Thorn21->Thorn27 Why does everyone think war is the answer to peace? Thorn21->Thorn24 Let me get this right. You're serving a religion that's planning death and destruction, and you don't have a problem with this? You're an idiot! Thorn25 You've pried enough information from me for one day. Good bye, sir. --- You've pried enough information from me for one day. Good bye, madam. Thorn21->Thorn25 Tell me about the war? Thorn18a->Thorn04 Thorn22 The old world was filled with evil and decadence. The Holy Flame destroyed it. We can either fear the Holy Flame, or worship it and attempt to understand it. The Children have chosen understanding. Although we do not wish to see the Holy Flame unleashed again. Thorn18a->Thorn22 Thorn22->Thorn27 If the Holy Flame is so great, why don't you want to see it all the time? Thorn22->Thorn27 Let me get this straight. In order to understand something, you have to worship it? Thorn22->Thorn24 You people are nuts! Thorn22a Thorn22->Thorn22a How do you know what the old world was like? Thorn22b Thorn22->Thorn22b Worship? The Bomb? What's so great about a bomb? Thorn22a->Thorn04 Thorn22a->Thorn25 Thorn22b->Thorn04 Thorn26 The Holy Flame is a metaphor for the death of the old world and the beginning of the new. It is the power of life and death. What is more worthy of worship than that? Thorn22b->Thorn26 Thorn26->Thorn07 Maybe you're right. I'll have to think about it. Thorn26->Thorn27 My gun has the power of life and death, but you don't see a screwball cult worshipping that! Thorn26->Thorn27 You're not very convincing, Doc. Thorn26->Thorn24 Uh, well there's food, and sex, and a big gun… I can think of lots of things I'd rather worship! Thorn26->Thorn24 You don't get out much, do you? LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes