TRISH start critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Trish, a waitress from the Skum Pitt. --- You see a waitress. start->look_at_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc start->map_update_p_proc talk_p_proc Zzzz --- Sorry, we're closed. Come back later. --- You gain 250 experience points for saving Saul and Trish's relationship. start->talk_p_proc sleeping critter_p_proc->sleeping get_reaction talk_p_proc->get_reaction Trish0 What the hell are you doing in my room? talk_p_proc->Trish0 Trish11 Hey, I met you at the Skum Pitt. What the hell are you doing in my room? talk_p_proc->Trish11 Trish17 You got my boyfriend killed. I should hate you, but I knew it was going to happen sooner or later. Please leave me alone. talk_p_proc->Trish17 Trish3 What the hell are you doing in my room? talk_p_proc->Trish3 Trish16 Thanks for helping out with Saul. He's really a neat guy. talk_p_proc->Trish16 Trish15 Look, this is my room. Please leave. talk_p_proc->Trish15 Trish25 Welcome to the Skum Pitt. Can I get you something to drink? talk_p_proc->Trish25 damage_p_proc ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel Trish1 No way! I'm not into that! Go talk to Sinthia down the hall. She might be available, but she is never free. Trish0->Trish1 Gug! Trish2 Yeah, right. Whatever. This is my room. Get the hell out. Trish0->Trish2 Whoops, sorry. I thought this was my room. TrishEnd Trish0->TrishEnd Sorry. Bye. Trish7 Just leave me alone. Trish11->Trish7 Plato Trish12 Just leave me the hell alone, you loser. Sinthia might be your kind of woman, but I sure as hell ain't. Trish11->Trish12 I wanted to get a closer look at you. Trish13 You should leave me alone. I really don't want to talk to you. Trish11->Trish13 I wanted to get some info from you, and I didn't want to do it in front of that bartender. Trish3->Trish1 Grub! Trish3->Trish2 Whoops, sorry. I thought this was my room. Trish4 I used to think so. Now, I'm not so sure. Trish3->Trish4 Do you know a guy named Saul? Trish25->TrishEnd Nothing, thanks. Trish26 What would you like? Trish25->Trish26 Yes, what do you have? Trish27 No, as a matter of fact, you can't. If you aren't going to order a drink, then you're in the wrong place. Trish25->Trish27 Actually, can I ask you some questions? Trish28 Sorry, it looks like you're already a little gone. Trish25->Trish28 Hnnngh! Hoo! Trish5 So he says. If he did, he wouldn't be doing what he is doing. Trish4->Trish5 He really cares about you. Trish6 You would say that. you want to take his place right? Trish4->Trish6 I think you should dump him. Trish9 His fighting, of course. I don't get it. Trish5->Trish9 What's that? Trish10 Of course it's his boxing. He's a really nice guy, but he needs to get out of it before it kills him. Trish5->Trish10 His boxing, right? Trish6a Trish6->Trish6a Nah. You're too shanky. Trish6->Trish7 Sure. Trish8 Maybe you're right. Maybe I need to understand what he does and leave it at that. --- Still, working for Gizmo is going to kill him. Trish6->Trish8 No, but you can't change him, and he can't change you. If you don't like what he does, then you should look elsewhere. Trish9->Trish7 Of course not, dearie. Trish9->Trish8 It's a man thing. Trish10->Trish8 Maybe that's what he wants to do. Trish6a->Trish7 DownReact Trish6a->DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel Trish12->DownReact Trish13->TrishEnd Sorry to disturb you. Trish14 Trish18 Hey, thanks for helping me out when those Skulz jumped me. There aren't many people willing to do that sort of thing these days. Trish18->TrishEnd Hnnn. Trish18->TrishEnd You're welcome. See you around. Trish19 I guess so. Trish18->Trish19 You're welcome. Could I ask you a few questions? Trish19->TrishEnd Thanks, bye. Trish20 Neal owns the bar. He's a good guy, always treated me right. We used to date, but he got a little too serious for my liking. I don't want to be a widow. Trish19->Trish20 Who owns the bar? Trish21 Gizmo runs the Casino. He would like to take over Neal's bar, but Neal doesn't want to sell. --- Killian and Gizmo do not like each other. One of them will either have to leave town or be buried beneath it. Trish19->Trish21 Who is Gizmo? Trish22 Saul is my boyfriend. He's really good to me. Trish19->Trish22 Why did you scream about Saul? Trish24 Trish20->Trish24 Trish21->Trish24 Trish22->Trish24 Trish24->TrishEnd Thanks, bye. Trish24->Trish20 Who owns the bar? Trish24->Trish21 Who is Gizmo? Trish24->Trish22 Why did you scream about Saul? Trish23 Gizmo, well, Gizmo means to take over the bar. And if Neal won't sell, I bet some bad things will happen. --- One day, some punk is going to kill Neal for a glass of friggin' water or something stupid like that. In case you haven't noticed, running a bar is tough work these days. Trish23->Trish24 Trish26->TrishEnd Nothing, thanks. TrishCola Here you go. Enjoy. Trish26->TrishCola Nuka-cola, 3 caps. TrishBeer Here you go. Enjoy. Trish26->TrishBeer Beer, 5 caps. TrishBooze Here you go. Enjoy. Trish26->TrishBooze The hard stuff, 20 caps. Trish27->Trish19 Trish29 Hey, thanks for helping me out when those Skulz jumped me. There aren't many people willing to do that sort of thing these days. --- You gain 300 experience points for helping to defeat the Skulz in the bar fight. BigUpReact Trish29->BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes