VCONCOMP start damage_p_proc The explosion destroys the vat control system. Without regulation, it will certainly cycle out of control in minutes. start->damage_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see the Vats Control Computer. start->look_at_p_proc description_p_proc You notice that the maintenance panel is removed, exposing the fragile computer components. start->description_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc use_p_proc You try to use the computer, but are unable to get any useful information out of it. start->use_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc You slide the security card across the terminal's reader. The terminal clicks and whirrs, and an unencrypted screen comes up. start->use_obj_on_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc You manage to get an interface screen out of the vats control computer. --- You try to use the computer, but the system is too complex for you to understand easily. You'll have to keep trying. start->use_skill_on_p_proc Update_Invasion damage_p_proc->Update_Invasion VConComp01 Access granted. Command? talk_p_proc->VConComp01 VConComp00 Access denied. talk_p_proc->VConComp00 VConComp01a VConComp01->VConComp01a VConComp02 Command? VConComp01a->VConComp02 Display security codes. VConComp11 Invalid command. End input session. VConComp01a->VConComp11 Search logs. VConComp05 Executing 55658-8678-1251533 VConComp01a->VConComp05 Set base to alert status. VConCompEnd VConComp01a->VConCompEnd [Exit system] VConComp02->VConComp05 55658-8678-1251533 VConComp03 Executing 17652-1028-1285362 VConComp02->VConComp03 17652-1028-1285362 VConComp04 Executing 67209-5574-7805564 VConComp02->VConComp04 67209-5574-7805564 VConComp06 Executing 31914-1041-1251514 VConComp02->VConComp06 31914-1041-1251514 VConComp07 Executing 53478-2565-7763929 VConComp02->VConComp07 53478-2565-7763929 VConComp08 Executing 44309-3674-1254730 VConComp02->VConComp08 44309-3674-1254730 VConComp02a VConComp02->VConComp02a [Attempt to hack the firewall to get more data] Display security code encryption table. VConComp12 Download log of Richard Grey? VConComp11->VConComp12 Grey VConComp14 Unexpected end of line. Bad data encountered. Command? VConComp11->VConComp14 Boyarsky VConComp11->VConComp14 Anderson VConComp13 Download log of Capt. Maxson? VConComp11->VConComp13 Maxson VConComp09 [You have successfully hacked into the encryption table.] Command? VConComp02a->VConComp09 VConComp10 Invalid command. End input session. VConComp02a->VConComp10 VConComp09->VConComp05 55658-8678-1251533 set base to alert status VConComp09->VConComp03 17652-1028-1285362 initiate 1 minute silent self destruct sequence VConComp09->VConComp04 67209-5574-7805564 initiate 30 second self destruct sequence and set base to alert VConComp09->VConComp06 31914-1041-1251514 initiate 3 minute silent self-destruct sequence VConComp09->VConComp07 53478-2565-7763929 initiate 3 minute self-destruct sequence and set base to alert VConComp09->VConComp08 44309-3674-1254730 immediate self-destruct VConComp12a VConComp12->VConComp12a Yes. VConComp15 Command? VConComp12->VConComp15 Return to main menu. VConComp14->VConComp01a VConComp13a VConComp13->VConComp13a Yes. VConComp12a->VConComp15 VConComp15->VConComp01a VConComp13a->VConComp15 VConComp16 Uplink successful. What is your command? VConComp16->VConComp15 Return to main menu. VConComp17 Current status on patients as follows: FEV batch #23872-A consists of four male units and two female units. All individuals suffering from FEV exposure. Vital signs are within normal parameters. FEV process on all subjects is approxiamtely 50% complete. Expect full FEV transformation within 12 hours. VConComp16->VConComp17 What is the current status of the patients? VConComp17->VConCompEnd Search logs. VConComp17a VConComp17->VConComp17a I think something is happening to one of the patients. Is there anything I can do? VConComp17b VConComp17->VConComp17b Patient suffering arrhythmia. Display patient status logs. VConComp18 Available options are: VConComp17a->VConComp18 VConComp20 Invalid authorization code. Command? VConComp17a->VConComp20 VConComp17b->VConComp18 VConComp17b->VConComp20 VConComp18a VConComp18->VConComp18a VConComp20->VConComp18a VConComp18a->VConCompEnd Log off. VConComp19 Please enter authorization code. VConComp18a->VConComp19 Status report on individual patients. VConComp18a->VConComp19 Shut down life support systems. VConComp18a->VConComp19 Increase dosage of original DNA strands of subjects to 100%. VConComp19->VConComp20 Authorization 3578X287A. VConComp19->VConComp20 Alpha Delta 287 Foxtrot VConComp21 Authorization code accepted. Please stand by. Accessing data. Ready to process request. VConComp19->VConComp21 Z876342BCD VConComp19a VConComp19->VConComp19a [Attempt to hack the computer] VConComp21->VConCompEnd Log off. VConComp27 Are you sure you wish to terminate the life support systems on FEV batch #23872-A? VConComp21->VConComp27 Terminate life support systems on FEV batch #23872-A. VConComp30 Are you sure you wish to increase the dosage? Auto-correction will be disabled if you do this. VConComp21->VConComp30 Increase original DNA strand dosage to 100% on all subjects. VConComp19a->VConComp20 VConComp19a->VConComp21 VConComp28 FEV batch #23872-A terminated. Command? VConComp27->VConComp28 Yes. VConComp29 Available options are: VConComp27->VConComp29 No. VConComp30->VConComp29 No. VConComp31 Increasing dosage of original DNA to 100%. WARNING: Auto-correction has been disabled. VConComp30->VConComp31 Yes. VConComp22 Access granted. Which patient file would you like to examine? VConComp23 Patient file #23869. Subject: Male. Age 25. Radiation count: 40. FEV exposure: 50%. Original DNA strands remaining: 50%. Vital signs are high but within normal parameters. VConComp22->VConComp23 Patient file #23869. VConComp24 Patient file #23870. Subject: Male. Age 23. Radiation count: 15. FEV exposure: 60%. Original DNA strands remaining: 40%. Vital signs are within normal parameters. VConComp22->VConComp24 Patient file #23870. VConComp25 Patient file #23781. Subject: Female. Age 20. Radiation count: 10. FEV exposure: 55%. Original DNA strands remaining: 45%. Vital signs are within normal parameters. VConComp22->VConComp25 Patient file #23871. VConComp26 Patient file #23782. Subject: Male. Age 26. Radiation count: 35. FEV exposure: 60%. Original DNA strands remaining: 40%. Vital signs are above normal but within acceptable parameters. VConComp22->VConComp26 Patient file #23872. VConComp23->VConComp18 Return to main menu. VConComp23->VConComp22 I would like to examine another patient file. VConComp24->VConComp18 Return to main menu. VConComp24->VConComp22 I would like to examine another patient file. VConComp25->VConComp18 Return to main menu. VConComp25->VConComp22 I would like to examine another patient file. VConComp26->VConComp18 Return to main menu. VConComp26->VConComp22 I would like to examine another patient file. VConComp28->VConCompEnd Log off. VConComp32 You manage to get an interface screen out of the vats control computer. VConComp28->VConComp32 Return to main menu. VConComp29->VConComp18a VConComp32->VConComp02 Display security codes. VConComp32->VConComp11 Search logs. VConComp32->VConComp05 Uplink to medical computers. VConComp31->VConCompEnd Log off. VConComp31->VConComp32 Return to main menu.