VCONDOOR start description_p_proc This looks like the door to the Vats Control Room. start->description_p_proc map_enter_p_proc start->map_enter_p_proc use_p_proc The door is electronically locked. start->use_p_proc use_obj_on_p_proc The door is already unlocked. --- You unlock the door. --- You short out the electronic lock, fusing it shut. So much for that. --- You fiddle with the lock but can't yet bypass the code. Gotta keep trying! start->use_obj_on_p_proc use_skill_on_p_proc The door is already unlocked. --- You unlock the door. --- You short out the electronic lock, fusing it shut. So much for that. --- No luck. You'll need to use electronic lockpicks here. start->use_skill_on_p_proc