VREE start look_at_p_proc You see Vree. start->look_at_p_proc pickup_p_proc start->pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc start->talk_p_proc time_p_proc start->time_p_proc critter_p_proc start->critter_p_proc destroy_p_proc start->destroy_p_proc do_dialogue talk_p_proc->do_dialogue get_reaction do_dialogue->get_reaction vree32 You will destroy the knowledge that can save the world! do_dialogue->vree32 vree34 What can I help you with? do_dialogue->vree34 vree43 Did you hear about the missing Initiate? This is terrible! do_dialogue->vree43 vree45 Good deeds should be rewarded. For helping the Initiate, please take these. do_dialogue->vree45 vree17 What can I help you with? do_dialogue->vree17 vree46 Oh, it's you. What do you want? do_dialogue->vree46 vree02 Greetings. It's a fine day for learning. Can I help you? do_dialogue->vree02 vree00 I'm sorry, you're disrupting my meditation. Please leave. do_dialogue->vree00 ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel vreecbt vree32->vreecbt Yeah, starting with you. vree33 Never! The Brotherhood will see that it never happens again! vree32->vree33 No. I'm stopping those who could bring about another nuclear war. vree36 Kedrick? He's been a loyal member of the Brotherhood forever. I doubt you would even know what that means. vree34->vree36 I've got some important news to tell you about Kedrick. He's a traitor. vree39 Do what must be done. Stamp out the heresy and remove those responsible for the stain. vree34->vree39 What you would do if there was corruption within the Brotherhood. vree35 Very good. I really can tell the lessons have helped. vree34->vree35 Nuhh. Nuh-uh-nuh! vree43->vree35 Nuh-huh. vree44 If you can help him, I would be most grateful. vree43->vree44 I agree. vree45a vree45->vree45a vree17z vree17->vree17z vree47 Thank you for your apology. --- Good day. vree46->vree47 I came to apologize. vree46a vree46->vree46a Sorry, wrong room. vree02->vree17 I need some technical information. vree31 I'm quite certain you're in the wrong place. Please leave, I'm rather busy. vree02->vree31 Uhh . . . vree03 I record the knowledge of our ancestors for future generations. vree02->vree03 I know you're the Master Scribe, but what does that mean? vree_end vree00->vree_end I'll be back. vree00a vree00->vree00a I'm sorry.  I'll come back another time. vree01 Don't raise your voice to me.  Do I have to have one of the Brothers teach you some manners. vree00->vree01 How could I know your schedule? vree00->vree31 Uhhh?. vree00a->vree_end UpReact vree00a->UpReact vree01->vree_end Sorry. vree01a vree01->vree01a Yeah, ok.  Whatever. vree01b vree01->vree01b Oh, I'm scared. vree31->vree_end vree01a->vree_end DownReact vree01a->DownReact vree01b->vree_end BigDownReact vree01b->BigDownReact vree03a Yes. I guess you could say I know, 'stuff.' vree03->vree03a Interesting.  That means you know stuff. vree03a->vree17 vree48 That sounds like a manufacturing problem. We handle theory and design only. Have one of the knights help you out. vree17z->vree48 I need a water-chip repaired. Can you help me? branch01 vree17z->branch01 I'd like to know more about the weapons we make here. branch02 vree17z->branch02 I heard something about holo-discs, how can I read them? branch03 vree17z->branch03 How can I prevent radiation poisoning? branch04 vree17z->branch04 What's causing all the mutations? vree17a Go ahead. vree17a->vree17z vree48->vree17 Can I ask something else? vree48->vree_end Thanks anyway. vree18 Speak to the knights. Ask them to show you one of the latest laser pistols I designed. branch01->vree18 vree19 You are not yet capable of properly using the sacred knowledge. branch01->vree19 vree21 Use your Pip-Boy 2000 to read the discs. Insert the disc into the reader. If you have the proper computer skills, you should be able to scan the data. branch02->vree21 vree24 You're not very bright, are you?  You're wearing a holo disc reader on your arm. branch02->vree24 vree25 You would need some anti-radiation chems. I have some. Take these immediately if you think you are near radiation. branch03->vree25 vree26 Don't drink the glowing water. branch03->vree26 vree27 Between the nuclear and biogenetic weapons used in the War, it's surprising we don't have more mutations. However, if we can hold out, everything will be ok. branch04->vree27 vree30 I don't think I should tell you anything. Perhaps later, if you prove yourself to the Brotherhood's cause. branch04->vree30 vree18->vree_end Thanks! vree18->vree17a I've got another question . . . vree19->vree_end vree21->vree_end Thanks. vree21->vree17a Can I ask another question? vree22 The Brotherhood has some automated courses that you can take. Here, I'll show you. vree21->vree22 Where can I learn the computer skills? vree23 vree24->vree_end vree25->vree_end Thanks! vree25->vree17a Can I ask you something else? vree26->vree_end vree27->vree_end You're right. We'll be fine. vree27->vree17a I've got another question . . . vree28 All the mutants I've studied have been sterile - they can't breed with another creature.  If we could clean up the mutation sources, we should be able to simply outlive the mutants. vree27->vree28 Why do you say that? vree28->vree_end Sounds like a plan. vree28->vree17a I've got another question . . . vree29 Here, take this holo-disc, it's got copies of my autopsies on mutant corpses.  It clearly shows that no mutant could possibly reproduce successfully. vree28->vree29 Interesting theory. Any proof? vree29->vree_end Thanks. vree29->vree17a Can I ask something else? vree30->vree_end vree33->vreecbt That's what they all say . . . except you. You'll be dead. vree36->vree_end Maybe so. vree36_1 vree36->vree36_1 Yeah, I do. Kedrick is a traitor and planning to overthrow your leaders. vree40 Even so.  But proof would have to be offered. vree39->vree40 Even if it was a trusted member of the Brotherhood. vree42 The High Elder and Rhombus, of course. vree39->vree42 And who would do the removal? vree35->vree_end vree37 You're certain of this? Perhaps we should go talk to the High Elder. vree36_1->vree37 vree38 Do not bother me with innuendo. Bring proof to the High Elder, or say nothing of this. vree36_1->vree38 vree37->vree_end vree38->vree_end vree40->vree_end I'll get the proof. vree41 Then we must go to the High Elder. Bring your proof and we'll go talk to him. vree40->vree41 Kedrick is a traitor. He is planning on killing the Elders. vree42->vree_end vree41->vree_end vree44->vree_end vree45a->vree_end BigUpReact vree45a->BigUpReact vree47->vree17 vree47->vree_end vree46a->vree_end vree46a->DownReact vree200 Please talk to one of the other scribes. I'm trying to finish up reports for the other Elders. vree201 I don't know anything about that. But it sounds like something I should research. vree202 Sorry, not one of my specialties. Maybe one of the other Brothers would know. vree203 Guards! Guards! vree204 You've destroyed my room! vree205 What do you think you're doing with my things? vree300 Who? Wait, that name sounds a familiar. Perhaps he is a leader of some of the mutants. vree301 I assume you're referring to the last nuclear war. The Brotherhood is doing everything it can to restore that which was lost. vree302 They are high-density, laser-readable, manufactured-crystal storage devices. Each one holds over 4,000 gigabytes of information. vree303 The only salvation this tortured planet and its people have. Without us, humanity is sure to perish. vree304 I don't know. Ask Manufacturing about it. vree305 He makes sure the Brotherhood stays on the path of righteousness. vree306 He enforces the High Elder's wishes. With force, if necessary. UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact->ReactToLevel BigUpReact->ReactToLevel LevelToReact BottomReact TopReact UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes