ZARK start You see a thug. do_dialogue start->do_dialogue weapon_check do_dialogue->weapon_check zark14 Hi there. Nice weapon you got. Now try lowering it. do_dialogue->zark14 zark01 Yeah. What do you want? do_dialogue->zark01 zark13 Yeah, I really want your company. Like I enjoyed it last time! Get lost! do_dialogue->zark13 zark00 Hey, aren't you the bastard who's been screwing us over? Man, did you come to the wrong place! --- Hey aren't you the bitch who's been screwing us over? You're in the wrong place, lady, and it's gonna cost you! do_dialogue->zark00 zark02 Hey, haven't I heard about you? You've killed all sorts of shit, haven't you? What brings you here? do_dialogue->zark02 do_dialogue->zark02 zark45 Wait a minute, aren't you that guy who.. oh shit, I'm outta here! --- Wait a minute, aren't you that woman who.. oh shit, I'm outta here! do_dialogue->zark45 do_dialogue->zark45 zark03 You wanna talk, you better get that weapon outta my face! Lower it now! do_dialogue->zark03 zark04 You got something to say, say it fast. do_dialogue->zark04 zark18 Where the Hell did they dig you up? And why don't you just go back to where you came from? Get out of here! zark14->zark18 I ain't dead yet, so I ain't lowering it. zark14->zark18 What you say? zark17 You aren't Nightkin. Guards! We have a spy.. zark14->zark17 I'm on guard duty. zark14a zark14->zark14a It's a force of habit. You drop the attitude and I'll lower the weapon. zark16 If you weren't wearing those robes, I'd kill you. As it stands, I want to kill you. Get away from me. Now. zark14->zark16 What's the problem? I just want to talk. zark14->zark16 Thanks for the complement. Dork. zark12 Mister, you're nuts! Why don't you get outta here? --- Lady, you're nuts! Why don't you get outta here? zark01->zark12 To see a valley filled with my enemies' heads mounted on spears. A silent valley, except for the wind whistling through their ears. zark01a zark01->zark01a Man, I just want to speak with a real human being. These zombies are giving me the creeps. zark39 The Master can kiss my ass. Just as long as I end up on the winning side, I don't give a shit. You got that, zombie! zark01->zark39 Brother, will you not praise the Master with me? zark46 I ain't anybody's friend. I ain't that type. [long pause] I'd suggest you get out of my way, now. zark01->zark46 Hey, just looking for a friendly face. zark08 Talk to Morpheus, and hope he doesn't kill you for asking. zark01->zark08 I want to see the Master. zark01->zark18 Food! Me want food! zark00a zark00->zark00a I'm on your side now. So get outta my way! zark00b zark00->zark00b You're mistaken. Everyone looks the same out in the Wastes. zark11 Everybody! Take this asshole out now! zark00->zark11 Wrong place? Looks right to me! zark00->zark11 Wrong place? I not lost! zark00c zark00->zark00c You wanna start something, I'll make sure you go down before I try something. C'mon punk, start it up! Let's see some balls! zark02->zark46 Just looking for a friend. Someone to talk with. zark02a zark02->zark02a I heard about some strange stuff happening here. What's going on? zark25 Ya know, there are a lot of other people around here who think like that. Go bother them. zark02->zark25 Peace, unity, that sort of stuff. zark31 That's Morpheus. Our leader. He's up in the tower, I think. zark02->zark31 Where's the Master? zark30 Man, I wish we had some of that stuff! After hours of listening to 'Hail this' and 'Peace', 'Unity', and the Bullshitting Way, I wanna get drunk too! zark02->zark30 I heard the booze is pretty good around here. zark35 You gotta be joking. Talk to the zombies, man! zark02->zark35 My feet. zark03->zark18 I'm not dead yet, so I'm not lowering it. zark03->zark18 What you say? zark26 I ain't saying nothing to you, pal. Go to Hell. zark03->zark26 What's the problem? I just want to talk. zark03a zark03->zark03a It's a force of habit. You drop the attitude and I'll lower the weapon. zark03->zark17 I'm on guard duty. zark04->zark18 It! It-it-it-it-it-it-it! zark04->zark26 I want to speak with the Master. zark04a zark04->zark04a What's going on around here? zark04b zark04->zark04b I want to speak with whoever's in charge here. zark00a->zark11 zark10 Fine. I don't really care who you are. Now get out of my face! zark00a->zark10 zark00b->zark11 zark00b->zark10 zarkcombat zark11->zarkcombat zark00c->zark11 zark00c->zark12 zark12->zark11 Because I haven't killed you yet! zark21 And I thought I was nuts! You'd better get outta here before someone kills you! zark12->zark21 Because I'm having such a good time. What's you're problem? I haven't disemboweled you - yet - where's your guts? zark38 Don't give me bullshit, pal. What do you really want? zark01a->zark38 zark01a->zark26 zark39->zark18 I give a shit. If someone called himself 'Master' and tried to kiss my ass, I'd kill him. zark29 In future, find somebody else to bug. zark39->zark29 Yeah, you made it pretty clear. zark39a zark39->zark39a Finally! I've found a real human being in this place! zark39b zark39->zark39b My friend? Why is your life so filled with pain and suffering? Open your heart to the Master! zark40 Because I do my job good. I've killed three Apocalypse scum in the last month. Nobody gives me shit. You want to? zark39->zark40 How can you survive around here with that attitude? zark08->zark18 Well, this world is 'kill or be killed', and I'm still here! zark08->zark31 What's this about Morpheus? zark08a zark08->zark08a I don't think he'll want to do that. I have important information. zark49 Because people who get on his bad side don't stay alive very long! zark08->zark49 Why would he want to do that? zark38->zark11 Just looking for a friend. zark38->zark30 All I want is some booze. Maybe some rad scorpion juice? zark20 I don't know! The only person who's seen him is Morpheus, and he's up in his tower. Man, you're creeping me! zark38->zark20 Where's the Master? zark38a zark38->zark38a Have you noticed any unusual happenings around here? zark38b zark38->zark38b What's going on around here? zark38c zark38->zark38c I want some boy with a punk attitude to piss me off enough that I'll remove his tongue, preserve it, and wear it on a necklace as a reminder of just how stupid people can be. zark02a->zark26 zark19 We're getting ready for war! We're going to save the world! So we can fill it with all of this Peace and Unity bullshit. zark02a->zark19 zark31->zark30 He got any booze on him? Is there any smooch in the joint? zark31->zark29 You've been helpful. Thank you friend. zark31->zark21 Hmm, a nice private place, nobody to bother me when I kill him. zark28 There's Lasher. Man, stay away from him! He's completely.. I dunno if I can really describe him. Imagine the one person on Earth you don't wanna know. Lasher's worse. zark31->zark28 Who else is important in this joint? zark31a zark31->zark31a Leader? What's he leading you to? zark31b zark31->zark31b C'mon, man. That tells me nothing. Share some of the dirt! zark30->zark21 If I don't get enough booze, I start drinking blood. zark37 There ain't any booze man! Life's a bigger bitch than Lasher! Now why don't you go find someone else to talk to you, you little puke? Get outta here! zark30->zark37 You got to be kidding. This place is a Church! There's gotta be booze! zark30->zark37 No booze? Shit! zark19->zark18 Just as long as I get a chance to kill something. zark19->zark25 Bullshit? Tell me you're joking! It must be true! [straight faced] zark19a zark19->zark19a War? Where's the first move? zark24 [Laughs] Me, I'd rather screw someone rather than get screwed. But we shouldn't talk like this out in the open. The zombies don't like it. zark19->zark24 Bullshit? Tell me you're joking! It must be true! [wink] zark19->zark24 If it's bullshit, why are you here? zark03a->zark11 zark06 Fine. What do you want? zark03a->zark06 zark17->zarkcombat zark06->zark11 To finish what the nuke started. zark06->zark46 Just looking for a friend. zark06a zark06->zark06a Have you noticed any unusual happenings around here? zark06b zark06->zark06b What's going on around here? zark06->zark20 Where's the Master? zark04a->zark11 zark05 A ton of shit. Peace. Unity. Love. Lots of idiots running around like zombies. Morpheus counting his bottlecaps upstairs. Lasher living up to his name. You want a piece of this, you're welcome to it? zark04a->zark05 zark04b->zark26 zark04b->zark31 zark05->zark31 What's going on with Morpheus? zark05a zark05->zark05a I've heard that you're doing a lot of stuff that isn't exactly peace and love. zark07 Man, stay away from him! He's completely.. I dunno if I can really describe him. Imagine the one person on Earth you don't wanna know. Lasher's worse. zark05->zark07 Who's this Lasher character? zark05a->zark26 zark23 I hear we're moving North, or planning to move North soon. They don 't tell us much except all the usual bullshit. But what are we doing talking about this out in the open? You must be nuts! zark05a->zark23 zark07a zark07->zark07a Does he and Morpheus get along? zark33 There ain't nothing else to tell, and if you're smart, you don't wanna know! zark07->zark33 So what's he done? What makes him so bad? zark36 Maybe you belong together after all! zark07->zark36 You ain't met me yet pal. zark06a->zark26 zark06a->zark19 zark06b->zark11 zark06b->zark19 zark20->zark26 I have that effect sometimes. You keep cooperating, and you'll have no reason to be afraid. zark20->zark30 You need to be more social. You know where they stash the booze? zark20->zark29 You've been helpful. Thank you friend. zark20->zark21 Too bad. I was hoping that you stiffs would have some balls. zark27 The guy dresses in black, he does his preacher act, then he goes upstairs and counts his scripts. Man, I wish I had it that easy! But I better stop talking about him behind his back, or the Nightkin might hear. zark20->zark27 Tell me more about Morpheus! zark20->zark28 Who else is important in this joint? zark07a->zark26 zark07a->zark26 zark08a->zark18 zark09 Yeah, what sort of information? zark08a->zark09 zark09->zark12 Somebody in the Cathedral's gonna die soon. Maybe lots of people. zark09->zark31 There's a spy here. I need to see the person in charge at once. zark47 We try something here, and the Nightkin will tear us to pieces. Maybe we can meet outside later. zark09->zark47 I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you. zark09->zark29 Uh.. well.. I can't talk about it. zark47->zarkcombat Let's do it now. zark47a zark47->zark47a Maybe. Or maybe we can both can the attitude and just talk about stuff. Like what's going on around here. zark48 You asshole! zark47->zark48 Coward! zarkend zark47->zarkend Sure. Could be fun. zark14a->zark16 zark15 Fine. What do you want? zark14a->zark15 zark15->zark46 Just looking for a friend. zark15->zark20 Where's the Master? zark15a zark15->zark15a Have you noticed any unusual happenings around here? zark15->zark15a What's going on around here? zark15c zark15->zark15c To see your head drop off your shoulders, so I can kick it around this room like a soccer ball until your skull has been completely smashed to pieces! zark15a->zark19 zark15a->zark16 zark15c->zark21 zark22 Please don't kill me! I'll tell you what you want to know. zark15c->zark22 zark22->zark31 Who's in charge here? zark22->zark19 What's going on around here? zark22->zark20 Where's the Master? zark22->zark21 Who the Hell wants to know anything? I just like to smell a person's fear before I kill them. Man, what a high! zark19a->zark26 zark19a->zark23 zark27->zark35 What's he preaching about? zark27->zark33 I want to know more. zark27->zark21 Bring 'em on! I could use a little action! zark32 You gotta be joking. The Nightkin are killers. You look at them the wrong way, and they'll cut off your body parts, cook 'em, and feed them to you a piece at a time. They can't be killed. They're the Master's enforcers and they're gonna tear apart the world for him. And I ain't saying nothing else! zark27->zark32 What are you afraid of? zark34 I dunno. I looked for them myself! I hear Morpheus got a stash, but the Nightkin guards the main one. I've known guys who went looking around for secret passages who were never seen again. I stopped looking after awhile, and if you're smart, you won't start! Ain't worth it! zark27->zark34 Where's all the caps around here? zark28->zark33 So what's he done? What makes him so bad? zark28->zark36 Hey, you ain't met me yet, pal! zark28a zark28->zark28a Does he and Morpheus get along? zark28->zark28a What's his role in the scheme of things? zark28a->zark26 zark28a->zark26 zark28b zark31a->zark26 zark31a->zark23 zark31b->zark26 zark31b->zark27 zark38a->zark19 zark38a->zark16 zark38b->zark26 zark38b->zark19 zark38c->zark21 zark38c->zark22 zark39a->zark38 zark39a->zark26 zark39b->zark25 zark39b->zark16 zark40a zark40->zark40a I'm impressed. A guy like you must know the real story about what's going on around here.. zark41 Hey! A guy with a weapon's still a guy with a weapon! You think you can do better? zark40->zark41 Apocalypse, eh? They're supposed to be tough? zark42 I ain't heard anything about you, pal, so cut the bullshit and get out of my face. zark40->zark42 Three? That's all? You should see my bodycount! zark40->zark42 I'll bet yours didn't scream as loudly as mine did. I like it when they scream. zark43 Thought so. Why don't you just go back to your zombie chants and leave the real work to guys like me. zark40->zark43 Nope. zark40a->zark26 zark40a->zark19 zark41->zark25 No, my friend. I am devoted to peace, love, and unity. zark41->zark47 No way to tell. You wanna get it on and find out? zark41->zarkcombat Think? Who needs to think? I'll just show you what I can do. Die, asshole! zark41a zark41->zark41a A guy with a weapon is dangerous. A guy or a woman with a weapon AND a brain is lethal. zark41->zark41a A guy with a weapon is dangerous. A guy with a weapon AND a brain is lethal. zark41b zark41->zark41b Yeah, I can do better. zark41a->zark45 zark41a->zark42 zark41b->zark45 zark41b->zark42 zark41c zark41c->zarkcombat zark44 Yeah. I heard that about you. You may've killed your share of rad scorpions, but I'm badder! What's your angle? Why are you here? zark44->zark46 Just looking for a friend. zark44->zark31 Where's the Master? zark44->zark30 I heard the booze is pretty good around here. zark44a zark44->zark44a Have you noticed any unusual happenings around here? zark44b zark44->zark44b What's going on around here? zark44a->zark19 zark44a->zark16 zark44b->zark26 zark44b->zark19 zark47a->zark26 zark47a->zark26 zark48->zarkcombat zarkdone get_reaction ReactToLevel get_reaction->ReactToLevel LevelToReact UpReact UpReact->ReactToLevel DownReact DownReact->ReactToLevel BottomReact TopReact BigUpReact BigUpReact->ReactToLevel BigDownReact BigDownReact->ReactToLevel UpReactLevel UpReactLevel->LevelToReact DownReactLevel DownReactLevel->LevelToReact Goodbyes