ACMORLIS checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node017 What do you think you are doing, child? This is no way for the Chosen One to act. Now get out of my sight! --- If this flint is so important that you are willing to disgrace the name of the Chosen One, then here. Take the flint and get out of my sight. talk_p_proc->Node017 Node001 Why do you bother me, nephew? Can't you see I'm busy? --- Why do you bother me, niece? Can't you see I'm busy? talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node006 Now don't waste my time. Do you have the powders? talk_p_proc->Node006 Node002 What is it? You know I have a lot to do! talk_p_proc->Node002 Node014 So, child. Once again you stand before me. Are you empty-handed yet again? talk_p_proc->Node014 NOde013 The fact that you are standing here must mean that you have completed your quest. You wouldn't waste precious time returning here empty-handed, would you? talk_p_proc->NOde013 Node011 Well, here you are again. Have you once again failed to complete your quest? talk_p_proc->Node011 Node009 So you've returned. Did you find the holy Thirteen? talk_p_proc->Node009 Node999 Node017->Node999 Yes, Aunt Morlis. Node007 Here is the flint.  Now off with you! I don't have time to gossip. Node006->Node007 Yes, here they are. Node008 Again you waste my time, worthless nephew! How did you ever become the Chosen One? Node006->Node008 Umm, I guess not. Node003 Mynoc said what? Out with it, child! Node002->Node003 Ummm, Mynoc said... Node015 Listen, --- . People are dying, cattle are dying, and crops are failing. Everyone is either hungry, sick, or both. Our time draws near. If you do not find the GECK soon, we are doomed. Do you understand me? Node014->Node015 Yes, Aunt Morlis. NOde013->Node999 Yes, Aunt Morlis. I mean no, Aunt Morlis. Uh, I've got to go, Aunt Morlis. Node012 Then get yourself out of here and don't come back until you do! Why waste time coming back here, when you could be using that time to continue your search!? Node011->Node012 Yes, Aunt Morlis, but... Node010 Then get yourself out of here and find it! People are depending on you! Node009->Node010 No, Aunt Morlis, I... destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see Morlis, one of your aunts -- the one who never liked you. description_p_proc You see Morlis, one of your aunts -- the one who never liked you. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node998 Node004 I do. You want some, is that it? Node003->Node004 That, umm, you might have some flint. Node005 Well... I want three doses of healing powder. Bad times are coming and I'm going to be ready. Bring them to me and you can have the flint. Now get to it! Node004->Node005 Well, yeah. Node005->Node999 Yes, ma'am! Node005->Node007 Uh, Aunt Morlis, I have three right here. Node018 Well... Oh, very well. Here is the flint. I wish you a safe journey, child. --- No, I don't. Now stop wasting my time and get out of here! --- You see Morlis, one of your aunts -- the one who never liked you. --- Why do you bother me, nephew? Can't you see I'm busy? Node005->Node018 Aunt Morlis, I'm on a perilous quest for the salvation of our village. My chances of success will be greatly enhanced if I keep the healing powders for myself and you give me the flint. Don't you agree? Node007->Node999 Thank you, Aunt Morlis. Node018->Node999 Yes, Aunt Morlis. Node008->Node999 Yes, Aunt Morlis. Node010->Node999 Yes, Aunt Morlis. Node012->Node999 Yes, Aunt Morlis. Node016 Then get yourself out of here and find the GECK! People are depending on you! Node015->Node016 Yes, Aunt Morlis. Node016->Node999 Yes, Aunt Morlis.