CCCHRIS checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc Node027 critter_p_proc->Node027 Node026 critter_p_proc->Node026 Node998 Node026->Node998 pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc talk_p_proc->Node026 Node023 Well, I don't mean to be rude or nothing, but this here's private property. If you're going to be poking around somewhere, don't be doing it here. talk_p_proc->Node023 Node028 What the...?! talk_p_proc->Node028 Node024 You're back. What can old Chris help you with? talk_p_proc->Node024 Node001 Howdy, stranger. Whoa baby! Check out that set of wheels. Ain't seen one of those in years. What can old Chris do for you? --- Howdy, stranger. Ain't seen you around these parts before. What can old Chris do for you? --- You look familiar. Old Chris thinks he's seen you before... Nope, can't be. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node999 Node023->Node999 Done. Node029 Fuck you! You want to see sorry? I got some boys who'll show you a whole new meaning for the word! (starts to turn the radio on) Node028->Node029 You use radio and me make you sorry! Node028->Node029 You use that radio and I'll make you sorry! Node004 Huh? Uh... Well sure it is. I heard tell of it a while back! Navarro military base, southeast of San Francisco. Node024->Node004 You tell me Navarro south. You lie! Me here for truth. Node024->Node004 You told me Navarro was to the south, old man. Now I want to know the truth. Node001->Node023 Me just look around. Node001->Node023 I'm just looking around. Node002 This here's my place, Chris's. It's a service station - ain't you ever seen one of those, in old magazines and such? That's what I got here - a service station. Node001->Node002 What this place? Node001->Node002 What is this place? Node003 Navarro? Ain't heard that name in ages. Old military base southeast of San Fran, and that's a ways south of here. Node001->Node003 Me look for Navarro. This it? Node001->Node003 I'm looking for Navarro. Is this it? Node008 Metal birds? Oh, you must mean vertibirds. Now why would you be asking about them here? --- Vertibirds? That's an interesting subject. Now why would you be asking about them here? Node001->Node008 You see metal bird fly here? Node001->Node008 Have you seen any vertibirds fly through here? Node018 Enclave? That a group or something? That don't ring no chimes with me. What you want with 'em? Node001->Node018 You hear Enclave? They here? Node001->Node018 Ever hear of the Enclave? Are they around here? destroy_p_proc You killed Chris before he could warn the base. --- You see an old man. --- You see Chris, the gas station attendant. look_at_p_proc You see an old man. --- You see Chris, the gas station attendant. description_p_proc You see a scruffy-looking old man wearing a purple robe. damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc map_update_p_proc map_exit_p_proc combat_p_proc Node002->Node003 Me look for Navarro. This it? Node002->Node003 I'm looking for Navarro. Is this it? Node002->Node008 You see metal bird fly here? Node002->Node008 Have you seen any vertibirds fly through here? Node002->Node018 You hear Enclave? They here? Node002->Node018 Ever hear of the Enclave? Are they around here? Node007 Well, nice talking with you. Here's some advice though - ain't nothing in these parts except wasteland and radiation. Civilization's south of here. I'd be heading that way if I was you. --- Yeah, right. --- Well, nice talking with you. Here's some advice though - ain't nothing in these parts except wasteland and radiation. Civilization's south of here. I'd be heading that way if I was you. Node002->Node007 Uh... me got go. Node002->Node007 Sorry, got to go. Node003->Node007 Okay. Me thank. Me look there. Node003->Node007 Okay. I'll take a look there. Thanks. Node003->Node004 Me been there. It not Navarro. Node003->Node004 I've been there and that's not Navarro. Node005 Fuck you! (takes a radio out of robe) You want to see sorry? I got some boys who'll show you a whole new meaning for the word! (starts to turn the radio on) Node003->Node005 You lie me. Me know Navarro here. You tell truth or me make you sorry! Node003->Node005 You're lying. I know that Navarro's here. Tell me the truth or you'll be sorry! Node009 Shaman? Look here; if your shaman says he sees things flying around and scooping up people then he's been sniffing too many herbs. Got it? Node008->Node009 Shaman say metal bird take village, fly Navarro. Me try find. Node008->Node009 The shaman of my tribe told me these vertibirds stole our people. I'm here to find them. Node010 Well, that doesn't mean anything to me, but in case I see one of these vertibirds, whom should I be telling? Node008->Node010 People interested. Me try find for them. Node008->Node010 I know some people who are interested in vertibirds. I'm trying to locate them for them. Node017 I know they fly over here from time to time. They're usually heading south toward San Fran. If you're interested in vertibirds, I'd head there. Node008->Node017 You know about? What you know? Node008->Node017 So you know about vertibirds. Tell me what you know. Node019 Join up? You're a tribal! What makes you think they'd want a tribal? --- Join up? You're a tribal! What makes you think they'd want a tribal, and his posse no less? Node018->Node019 Me want join. Node018->Node019 I want to join. Node007->Node999 Thanks. Node004->Node005 You lie me. Me no got patience. You tell truth or me make you sorry! Node004->Node005 You lie. I don't have the patience for this. Tell me the truth or you'll be sorry. Node005->Node998 Me kill you dead! Node005->Node998 That's a bad move, partner. Node006 (speaking into radio) Alert! We got an intruder at the station! Alert! Node005->Node006 What you do now? Node005->Node006 Me gone. Node005->Node006 What do you think you're doing? Node005->Node006 Hey, I'm outta here. Node006->Node998 Node009->Node007 Hakunin great shaman. If he say he see then he see. Node009->Node007 Hakunin was a great shaman. If he says he saw vertibirds, then he saw them! Node010->Node007 You tell me. Me be around. Node010->Node007 You tell me. I'll be around. Node011 The Shi, huh? Well if you say so. I'll send word to 'em down in Chiny town. Meanwhile, I got things to do. Node010->Node011 Tell Shi. Node010->Node011 You can tell the Shi. Node012 The Brotherhood... Uh, yeah, well, I'll do just that. Meanwhile, I got things to do. Node010->Node012 Tell Brotherhood of Steel. Node010->Node012 You can tell the Brotherhood of Steel. Node013 The Hubs? Yeah, sure, I'll send word if something comes up. Meanwhile, I got things to do. Node010->Node013 Tell Hubologists. Node010->Node013 You can tell the Hubologists. Node014 Damn, that's a hell of a list... Uh, well, if something comes up I'll... Yeah, well, I got some things to do. Node010->Node014 Take pick. You tell Shi or Brotherhood of Steel or Hubologists. Everybody interested. Node010->Node014 Take your pick. You can tell the Shi or the Brotherhood of Steel or the Hubologists. Everybody seems to be interested in vertibirds. Node017->Node007 Okay, me try there. Node017->Node007 Okay, I'll head that way. Node017->Node010 Me have friends who want me find vertibirds. Friends say vertibirds come here. Node017->Node010 Look, I have some friends who want me to find vertibirds. They say they come from here. Node015 Uh... Hey, I'm just told to shy off visitors and such. I don't want the kind of trouble you're talking. Node011->Node015 Wait. Me have strong friends. They say Navarro here. You tell where or things get messy! Node011->Node015 Wait a minute, pal. Obviously, I've got some powerful friends and they tell me Navarro is here. Now you tell me where or things will get messy! Node012->Node015 Wait. Me have strong friends. They say Navarro here. You tell where or things get messy! Node012->Node015 Wait a minute, pal. Obviously, I've got some powerful friends and they tell me Navarro is here. Now you tell me where or things will get messy! Node013->Node015 Wait. Me have strong friends. They say Navarro here. You tell where or things get messy! Node013->Node015 Wait a minute, pal. Obviously, I've got some powerful friends and they tell me Navarro is here. Now you tell me where or things will get messy! Node014->Node015 Wait. Me have strong friends. They say Navarro here. You tell where or things get messy! Node014->Node015 Wait a minute, pal. Obviously, I've got some powerful friends and they tell me Navarro is here. Now you tell me where or things will get messy! Node016 I suppose that would be through the trap door in the floor of my room. Just go and leave me be. Node015->Node016 Then tell best way in base... now! Node015->Node016 Then I would suggest you tell me the best way into the base... now! TriggerRadio Node016->TriggerRadio Okay, me go. Node016->TriggerRadio All right. I'll do that. Node019a Node019->Node019a Me serious. Me join Enclave. Node019->Node019a I'm serious. I'm looking to join the Enclave. Node019b Node019->Node019b Me serious. Me Join Enclave. Node019->Node019b I'm serious. I'm looking to join the Enclave Node019a->Node007 Node020 Wait a minute,dummy. Are you trying to say you're one of the Enclave replacements? --- Wait a minute. Are you trying to say you're one of the Enclave replacements? Node019a->Node020 Node019b->Node007 Node022 Wait a minute, dummy. Are you trying to say you're one of the Enclave replacements? If that's the case, then why aren't you alone? --- Wait a minute. Are you trying to say you're one of the Enclave replacements? If that's the case, then why aren't you alone? Node019b->Node022 Node021 Damn. Sorry for the hassles. I'm supposed to clear a bunch of newbies coming through here but I got to weed out the trash. Anyway, just go up to the gate, through the woods there, and give 'em the password. It's 'sheepshead.' Oh, and stay on the path! Node020->Node021 Uh... yeah. Node020->Node021 That's right. Node022a Node022->Node022a Uh... escort? Node022->Node022a I hired an escort! Node997 You conned Chris to give you the password. --- You see an old man. --- You see Chris, the gas station attendant. Node021->Node997 Thanks! Node022a->Node007 Node022a->Node021 Node025 Node029->Node998 Me kill you dead! Node029->Node998 That's a bad move, partner. Node029->Node006 What you do now? Node029->Node006 Me gone. Node029->Node006 What do you think you're doing? Node029->Node006 Hey, I'm outta here. timed_event_p_proc He's pulling out a radio. He's going to alert the whole base! I've got to deal with him quickly.