CCGGUARD checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc Node012 critter_p_proc->Node012 Node998 critter_p_proc->Node998 pickup_p_proc pickup_p_proc->Node998 talk_p_proc talk_p_proc->Node012 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node001 Halt! This is federal property – no admittance without proper authorization. talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node011 Halt! – You again? You were warned. Alarm! Intruder at the gate! talk_p_proc->Node011 Node009 Halt! – Back again, huh? You’d better have your pass or know your password this time. Well, I’m waiting? talk_p_proc->Node009 Node008 Halt! – You again. I see you’ve still got your group with you. (places hand on weapon) I suggest you leave this installation immediately and do not return here. Do I make myself clear? --- Halt! – Oh. I see you’ve returned and you’re alone this time. All right, recruit, what’s the password? talk_p_proc->Node008 Node005 I suggest you leave this installation immediately and do not return here without proper authorization.  Do I make myself clear? talk_p_proc->Node005 Node002 You’re a little slow, aren'tcha?? Well, just keep moving and don’t come back here. You’ll be fine. Understand? Node001->Node002 Uh... fed ur al? Node004 (places hand on weapon) Don’t give me any excuses! You need to either show me your pass or give me the password! Node001->Node004 Me got pass... where I put? Node001->Node004 I have my pass... it was right here. Node006 I see. (places hand on weapon) All new recruits are to report for duty alone. I suggest you leave this installation immediately and do not return here with your entourage. Do I make myself clear? --- I see. May I have your password? Node001->Node006 Me new. Me told you expect. Node001->Node006 I’m a new recruit. I was told you’d be expecting me. Node999 Node001->Node999 Oh. Sorry, me go. Node001->Node999 Oh, sorry. I’ll be heading out then. Node011->Node998 Damn! Node009->Node998 Screw this. Me walk in over you dead body. Node009->Node998 Oh to hell with it. Bite the bullet, asshole! Node007 One moment. (pause) Okay, you check out. Report to the drill chief. Go through the gate, past the kennel, and it’s the first door on the right. --- One moment. (pause) Okay, you check out. Report to the drill chief. Go through the gate, past the kennel, and it’s the first door on the right. Node009->Node007 Sheepshead. Node009->Node007 Sheepshead. Node010 This is your final warning. I suggest you leave this installation immediately and do not return here. Do I make myself clear? Node009->Node010 Uh... me not know. Me come back. Node009->Node010 Look, I lost my pass... Node008->Node999 Yes. Node008->Node007 Sheepshead. Node005->Node999 Yes. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a guard. --- You see the gate guard. description_p_proc You see a guard wearing power armor of an unusual design. There is an insignia on the breastplate that you are unfamiliar with. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc damage_p_proc->Node998 map_enter_p_proc timed_event_p_proc Node002->Node999 Ok. Me go. Node003 Nobody gets... Damn. (slowly) Need pass get inside. You no got pass. You go away. You no go away, you get hurt. Understand? Node002->Node003 Me want go inside. Node004->Node998 Screw this. Me kill. Node004->Node998 Screw you and everyone who looks like you! Node004->Node005 No can find pass, no remember password! Node004->Node005 I’m sorry, I lost my pass and I don’t know anything about a password. Node006->Node999 Yes. Node006->Node007 Sheepshead. Node003->Node998 How bout me hurt you instead? Node003->Node999 Ok. Me go. Node007->Node999 Ok. Node007a (mumbles) Damn jarheads are getting dumber by the hour. Node007->Node007a Node007a->Node999 Ok. Node010->Node998 In words of ancients... Fuck you! Node010->Node998 In the words of the ancients... Fuck you! Node010->Node999 Ok, me go again... Node010->Node999 All right, I’m going. Node010->Node007 Sheepshead. Node010->Node007 Sheepshead.