CCMASTER checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node030 What do you want? talk_p_proc->Node030 Node001 <Skzzzt-spork> -the armory! talk_p_proc->Node001 talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 What the- <zzzzaaark!>> talk_p_proc->Node002 talk_p_proc->Node002 Node005 Who are you? What are you doing here? talk_p_proc->Node005 Node028 Wait a minute -— you’re not one of us! GUARDS! Node030->Node028 Droog? Node026 You deaf? Who are you? Node005->Node026 What? Node027 New guy, eh? Suppose you want your issue. Why don’t anybody ever tell me these things? What’s your name? Node005->Node027 Uh… I’m new here? Node005->Node028 Peek-a-boo! destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc Big surprise —- it looks like a guy in power armor. description_p_proc Yep, it’s still a guy in power armor. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc combat Node950 Node008 (What, are you deaf? I said I got a suit; just sign here.) --- Clown, are you? Well, I don’t need this. You explain to Sarge why you don’t have a uniform! Node950->Node008 Node008->Node950 Huh? Node999 Node008->Node999 Just forget it, okay? Node010 Okay, what’s your name? Node008->Node010 Okay, fine. I’ll do it. Node951 Node990 Node992 Node013 You’ll get the damn armor when I’m good and ready! Now, answer the question. Node992->Node013 Node015 Look, clown, don’t be making trouble or I’ll have your insubordinate ass up on report. Just answer the question. Node992->Node015 Node011 Right. Unit? Node013->Node011 [Player name] Node012 That with an S or a C? Node013->Node012 Pisces? Node013->Node012 Swordfish. Node017 The 42nd, eh? Good unit. Okay. Here’s your gear. Dismissed, soldier. Node015->Node017 42. Node016 That’s it! Get your ass over to your sergeant. I’m sending you up on charges. Dismissed. Node015->Node016 Arroyo. Node993 Node993->Node015 Node019 Okay, let’s make this quick. Take that off and I’ll give you a new suit. Node993->Node019 Node019->Node998 You’re gonna off me? I don’t think so! Node019->Node951 Okay. Node007 What do you mean? This suit’s working fine! You gonna sign the papers or not? Node019->Node007 You’re nothing but static. Node018 What are you, deaf? Are you the guy or not? Node019->Node018 Huh? Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node005 Node004 You the guy Arch radioed about? --- Are you sure you’re not the guy? Node997->Node004 Node004->Node019 Yes. Node004->Node018 Huh? Node020 Oh, well never mind. Node004->Node020 No. Node003 (So, Sarge sent you. Something about needing power armor.  Well, all I got is one in for maintainence. Might have a few problems still, so take it easy. Just sign here.) Node003->Node008 Uh… Could you repeat that? Node003->Node999 No way. Forget it. Node003->Node007 I think there’s something wrong with your suit. Node009 Your speaker’s not broken. I can hear you just fine. Just sign the papers and we can get this done. Node003->Node009 Sure, I’ll do that. Node007->Node008 I’m not understanding a word of this. Node007->Node999 To hell with this! Node007->Node009 Your speaker’s broken. Node007->Node010 Sure, whatever. Node009->Node008 Huh? Node009->Node999 You want me to what? I’m not that kind of person! Node009->Node010 Fine, I give up! Node018->Node019 Yes. Node018->Node020 Not. Node021 The power armor. Give me the power armor, you moron. Node018->Node021 Like a fish in water. Node026->Node027 I’m the new guy? Node026->Node028 Nope, never heard of ‘em. Node027->Node998 Not if I shoot first! Node027->Node008 Huh? You ain’t nothing but static. Node027->Node011 [Player name] Node028->Node998 Node006 What the- <zzzzaaark!>> Node006->Node998 Node010->Node013 I want the power armor. Node010->Node011 [Player name] Node010->Node012 Pisces? Node010->Node012 Swordfish. Node011->Node015 Nope. Node011->Node015 I got better. Node014 Arroy— Wait a minute! We just hit that place. You’re a damn tribal! Guards! Node011->Node014 Arroyo. Node011->Node017 42. Node012->Node011 I don’t know. Node025 Right, J. Okay, Unit? Node012->Node025 Yes. Node012->Node025 No. Node014->Node998 Node025->Node015 Nope. Node025->Node015 I got better. Node025->Node014 Arroyo. Node025->Node017 42. Node021->Node998 You bet I got something for you, you bastard. Node021->Node951 Okay. Node024 What the hell are you talking about? Give me the suit. Node021->Node024 I already made the deal. I’m not giving you any more. Node024->Node951 All right, already! Node024->Node999 Screw this! Node022 Okay, here’s the suit. Now get out of here. Node023 You moron; you don’t have the suit. Get out of here! Node029 Look soldier, I already gave you your gear, so get on out of here. Node980 Node980->Node019 Node980->Node018 Node981 Node981->Node019 Node981->Node018 Node982 Node983 Node994 Node994->Node018 Node994->Node017