KCALDO checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node018 Hello there, Friend -- you look a bit perplexed. What you need is an friend here in town. I’m Aldo, the town greeter. --- Friend? Heh, heh, --- like friend. talk_p_proc->Node018 Node001 Hello there, I haven’t seen you in Klamath before. I’m Aldo, the town greeter. (hic) It’s my job to greet anyone new in town and to answer any questions they might have about our bucolic little burg. Welcome to Klamath. (hic) Who might you be? --- My name’s --- . Thanks for welcoming me here. --- My name’s --- of Arroyo. I’m the Chosen One. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node012 Hey there, friend, good to see you again. Can you spare some money for a bit of medicine? My throat is getting dryer and scratchier (hic) all the time. I could even throw in another official (urp) greeting. talk_p_proc->Node012 Node011 I know that you couldn’t spare any money for the official town greeter earlier, but perhaps (hic) this time you are feeling more generous and are ready to be greeted ‘officially’ to Klamath. talk_p_proc->Node011 Node013 Thanks for nothing. How can you be so cruel to someone as unwell as myself? Damn tribals! (Aldo spits on the ground at your feet, dribbling a bit on his scruffy chin) Node018->Node013 Urk, (sniff, sniff) bad smell. Go away now. Node004 Well stranger, since you’re (hic) new to these parts, you probably don’t (urp) know that it’s (hic) customary to tip the town greeter before asking any questions and such. Node001->Node004 Uhh, thanks for the greeting. I’m just a traveler. Node007 Thanks for nothing. I hope you don’t stay in town too long. We don’t need your kind here. Humph. Tribals -- they’re all the same. Node001->Node007 You don’t need to know my name or anything else about me. Go away, you filthy drunkard. Node001->Node007 I don’t think a town like Klamath would have a drunk like you as a greeter, or anything else. Node910 Node012->Node910 Sure, I can always spare $5 for a friend’s medicine. Node012->Node013 I think you’ve had enough medicine. You should sweat that poison out of your system with some hard work. Node015 I could sure use some money for medicine. I feel pretty weak - but if you can’t (cough, cough) spare any (cough), I guess I understand. Maybe next time, if I’m still around (cough) by then. Node012->Node015 Sorry, Aldo I can’t spare any right now. Node011->Node910 I felt that something was missing. Here’s $5; I’m ready to be Greeted. Node005 Thanks for the money, friend. (urp) I’m going to use it to get some (hic) medicine for my dry throat. Consider yourself officially (hic) greeted to the town of Klamath. Do you have any questions about our fair (urp) metropolis? Node011->Node005 I guess I could spare $5 to keep you off my back. Node011->Node013 I think I’d rather have your insides greet my blade. Node011->Node015 No, thanks, I don’t think I need your official greeting. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a sickly man dressed in very dirty robes. description_p_proc You see Aldo, the Town Greeter. You think you can see his breath from here. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc push_p_proc Node910->Node005 Node910->Node013 Node014 I’m certain that your generosity to someone as needful as myself (hic) will bring you good luck. I hope to see you again soon. Node005->Node014 No thanks, I think I can figure things out here on my own. Node006 Ask away, oh benefactor of mine. Node005->Node006 Well, actually, I was curious about a thing or two. Node021 Old stuff, huh? (urp) Well the only (hic) trader I know who trades much old stuff is (hic) Vic. Node005->Node021 Aldo, I’m looking for a trader that sells beforetime things. You know, really old stuff. Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node005 Node997->Node004 Node004->Node910 A tip, huh? Well I guess it’s worth $5 to get you off my back. Node004->Node910 Well, I wouldn’t want to go against custom. Is $5 enough? Node004->Node007 Here’s a tip for you - stay away from the booze for a while. Node004->Node007 You should give me a tip, just so I won’t take the time to rid Klamath of your filthy hide. Node004->Node007 Sorry, I can’t spare any money for you. Node999 Node002 The Chosen One. Oh mighty --- , you must be very important and powerful among your people. Surely one of your great (hic) stature would be happy to follow our custom of tipping the town greeter. (urp) Node002->Node910 A tip, huh? Well I guess it’s worth $5 to get you off my back. Node002->Node910 Well, I wouldn’t want to go against custom. Is $5 enough? Node002->Node007 Here’s a tip for you - stay away from the booze for a while. Node002->Node007 You should give me a tip, just so I won’t take the time to rid Klamath of your filthy hide. Node002->Node007 Sorry, the Chosen One has little use for money -— I have none to give you. Node003 Well, friend --- , since you’re new to these (hic) parts, and look as though you could use (urp) some pointers, I’ll let you know that it’s customary to tip the town greeter before asking any questions and such. Node003->Node910 A tip, huh? Well I guess it’s worth $5 to get you off my back. Node003->Node910 Well, I wouldn’t want to go against custom. Is $5 enough? Node003->Node007 Here’s a tip for you - stay away from the booze for a while. Node003->Node007 You should give me a tip, just so I won’t take the time to rid Klamath of your filthy hide. Node003->Node007 Sorry, I can’t spare any money for you. Node006->Node014 Thanks, I think that’s all I need to know for now. Node008 Here in Klamath some people farm, some raise brahmin, but trapping geckos is what most of the people do. Node006->Node008 What do folks do here in Klamath? Node010 You can buy or trade things at Buckner House and also the Golden Gecko. Sometimes they even have healing herbs available -- not that they’d give me any for my (hic) condition. They’re both run by real skinflints. Just get a little behind on your (hic) tab and out you go, into the cold and rain. Node006->Node010 Where can I trade things or find healing? Node016 You mean my much needed medicine? (hic) Well, I used to buy it at either the Golden Gecko or the Buckner Place (urp), but they won’t sell it to me until I pay some money on my bill. Lucky for me, Whiskey Bob's been making a bit of medicine for some of his friends. Node006->Node016 Where do you buy your booze? Node020 A Geck? Heck, you mean a gecko. Never heard about a geck but I’ll tell you about geckos. Node006->Node020 Do you know where I might find a GECK? Node022 Well now (hic), I haven’t seen Vic for a while. I don’t rightly (urp) know where he might have run off to. You might talk to (urp) Jenny over at the bath house. She and Vic were pretty (hic) thick. Heh, heh, heh. Get it? Oh my, I haven’t lost my touch. Node021->Node022 Vic? Where can I find this Vic? Node008->Node014 Oh, thanks. I guess that’s all I need to know. Node008->Node006 That’s interesting. I have another question, though. Node009 A gecko is a large lizard that’s hunted by the trappers round these parts for its meat and hide. But, it sure is a lot of work to catch them dang critters - and dangerous too. My advice to a friend...avoid it. It's far too much work. Node008->Node009 What’s a gecko? Node010->Node014 Thanks for the information, that’s all I need for now. Node010->Node006 I’ve always found the fresh air invigorating. Hmm, I have another question for you. Node016->Node014 I’m glad you found a source for your medicine. I guess that’s all I need to know for now. Node016->Node006 Thanks, Aldo. Tell me about something else, though. Node017 Whiskey Bob is usually (urp) at Buckner’s Place right here in downtown. I don't think he's been able to get out to tend his still lately. He's just not a reliable source of medicine for someone as (hic) unwell as myself. Node016->Node017 Interesting. Where would I find this Whiskey Bob? Node020->Node009 Tell me about geckos. Node009->Node014 Oh, thanks. I guess that’s all I need to know. Node009->Node006 Hmm. One more thing, Aldo. Node017->Node014 Thanks for the information, Aldo. That’s about all I need to know. Node017->Node006 Glad you found another supplier. Uh, could you breathe a bit more downwind? I’ve got another question for you. Node019 If you give me $20 I’ll be your friend and I’ll make sure everyone else is, too. That’s how it works here in the big city. Node019->Node013 Toowa-eee-nty? Ook?  Beeg Cee-tee? Ook? Node019->Node013 Give man pretty leaf now? Node022->Node014 Thankfully, you’re one-of-a-kind, Aldo. I guess that’s all I need to know. Node022->Node006 It’s nice to know that no matter how low you sink, you can’t lose something you never had. Let me risk asking you something else.