KCBOB checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Bob doesn't seem to want to talk to you. Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node017 Somebody done smashed up my still! And you’re the only person I told about it. Why, if I were a younger feller, more full of piss and vinegar, I’d have a mind to teach you a lesson. Just get out of my sight, you double-crosser! talk_p_proc->Node017 Node001 Howdy, my name’s Whiskey Bob. What’s yours, fella? --- Ain’t you a cute little thing. My name’s Bob, Whiskey Bob -- what’s yours? --- Me talk_p_proc->Node001 Node040 Howdy, what can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node040 Node018 Thanks. Now I don’t have to gimp on out there myself -- even if it did cost me $65. Here’s your money. Any questions that I can answer for you? --- Well, thanks for refueling my still for me. Here’s your $50, too. Got any questions that I can answer for you? talk_p_proc->Node018 Node029 I sure wish you had kept your word to me. You didn’t get to my still in time and my latest batch of hootch is plum ruined! I don’t want to have anything more to do with you and I hope no one else does, either. talk_p_proc->Node029 talk_p_proc->Node029 Node016 Finished fueling my still? Naw, I don’t reckon that you have yet. Well be sure and come back when you have. talk_p_proc->Node016 Node004 Humph, if you’re not gonna be any drinking buddy of mine, then git. --- Humph, I think that I’d rather go to Sally’s bathhouse than spend time with you. Now git. talk_p_proc->Node004 Node005 Howdy stranger, my name’s Whiskey Bob. What’s yours? --- My name’s --- . Nice to meet you Whiskey Bob. --- I’m --- . What’s happening here in town? talk_p_proc->Node005 Node015 Hello there, feller. Back to see Whiskey Bob again, huh? Ready to talk about drinks and business and suchlike? --- Hey there, gal. Want to talk to Whiskey Bob again about drinks and business and such? I’ll let you sit on my lap! (heh, heh) Just kidding. talk_p_proc->Node015 Node002 You ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed, are ya? Well, nice talking to you anyhow. So long. --- Sweetheart, you break my heart every time you open your mouth. Maybe some other time I can take you back to Trapper Town and I’ll show you my etchings (heh, heh). Bye, cutie. Node001->Node002 Whicky Gob? Zug, zug? Node001->Node002 Shiny nose (heh, heh) Node003 Well, mister, maybe I’ll be seeing you around here later. Bye. --- Well, hope to see you again ‘round here, cute stuff. Goodbye Node001->Node003 Goway Node999 Node040->Node999 Nothing, thanks. Node019 All sorts of things going on hereabouts lately. We’ve got brahmin mutilators,  walking spirits, gigantical rats, and missing people. Some even say the Den’s involved. Node040->Node019 What is going on around here? Node950 Node018->Node950 Node955 Node018->Node955 Node018->Node003 No thanks, Bob. I think I know what I need to already. Node018->Node003 No thanks, Bob. I think I know what I need to already. Node018->Node019 Yes. Tell me what’s going on in town lately. Node018->Node019 Yes. Tell me what’s going on in town lately. Node029->Node999 Your hootch tastes like dogpiss anyway. Node030 I don’t want to hear your damn excuses. Just get the heck out of my sight! But I’ll tell you one thing; everyone’s going to know just how worthless your word is before I’m through. Node029->Node030 But I, I thought I had more time…. Node029->Node030 It probably tastes the same whether I refueled the still or not. Node029->Node030 The fuel didn’t seem to provide a flame of the correct temperature for proper fermentation. Node005->Node003 I don’t think you need to know my name. Node015->Node003 I think I had enough of that the last time. Node006 Always nice to find another drinking buddy. Wanna buy me a drink? Talking always makes me thirsty. Node015->Node006 Sure, Bob - tell me about drinks and business. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an older man with a scraggly beard and a big red nose. description_p_proc You see Whiskey Bob. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc push_p_proc Node910 Node007 Thanks for the drink, partner. Now that my whistle’s wet, I feel that I can share a little problem I have. Hey -- maybe you can help me out? Node910->Node007 Node910->Node999 Node008 Looks as though you’re purse has run dry. You don’t have enough money to buy old Bob a drink. Node910->Node008 Node007->Node003 Well, I’m pretty busy right now. I don’t think I can help you out. Node009 Well, you see, I have a little side business that I need some help attending to. I have a moonshine still outside of town that needs to be fueled up every so often. Since a gecko done bit my leg, I can’t hobble out to it before it runs out of fuel. If I tell you where it is, would you refuel it for me? It’s worth $50 to me. Node007->Node009 How can I help you out? Node010 Now then, it’s not going to take you too long and it’s not too dangerous at all. Probably. You want to hear about it or not? Node007->Node010 If it won’t take too long, I guess I could help you. For a price, of course. Node007->Node010 I might be able to help you, as long as it’s not too dangerous. Node007->Node019 Anything unusual going on in town lately? Node008->Node003 [MORE] Node920 Node920->Node004 Node011 Fair enough. You’re a sharp one, there’s no denying it. Here’s some booze. Now in return, you get to listen to my little problem. Node920->Node011 Node011->Node009 [MORE] Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node004 Node997->Node005 Node006->Node004 I don’t want to buy you a drink, Whiskey Bob. Node006->Node910 Sure, Bob. Don’t mind a bit. Node006->Node920 With a nickname like yours, Whiskey Bob, maybe you should be providing the drinks. Node006->Node003 I can’t afford to right now. Node009->Node003 I don’t think I want to do that for you. Sorry, Whiskey Bob. Node012 All you have to do is find a little shack just south of town. Go inside and dump some firewood into the still. Then come back here and I’ll give you your money. But it needs to be done within the next day, or my batch of hootch will go bad. Node009->Node012 That doesn’t sound too bad -- tell me more. Node010->Node999 I think I’ve heard enough. Goodbye. Node010->Node009 OK, go ahead and tell me about it. Node019->Node003 I don’t think I need to listen to all of that right now. Node021 They say that critters that look like giant man-shaped bugs, in a shell and everything, are mutilating brahmin at night. All they find are the torn open, horribly hacked up brahmin corpses. Node019->Node021 Tell me about the brahmin mutilations. Node023 There’s a canyon just to the west of town that had a bright light in it a few months back. Ever since, every now and then, there’s been a horrible squealing sound that comes from the canyon. Brahmin that wander in don’t come back. Everyone’s afraid to get too near. Node019->Node023 Tell me all about the walking spirits. Node024 Well, out back of Trapper Town, just to the west of downtown, there’s a back section that’s overrun by rats. The further back you, go the bigger they get. Some say that there’s one huge great rat spirit that’s leading them all. Some of the trappers won’t even stay there anymore. They say it’s too dangerous. Node019->Node024 Gigantical rats? I’ve gotta hear more about those. Node025 Not ‘A den,’ - ‘The Den.’ You’ll not find a greater hive of scum and villainy. Now where did I hear that? In any case, it’s a rough sort of place a few days travel south of Klamath. Anything can be had there for a price...even slaves. But you have to be very careful there -— lots of short tempers attached to dangerous weapons. I don’t think they have much to do with us, though; we’re too poor here. Node019->Node025 A den? What kind of den? Node026 Lately, we’ve had a couple of people go missing. A trader, named Vic, who specialized in pre-war stuff, and one of our best trappers. Node019->Node026 Missing people? Tell me more. Node031 A Garden of Eden Creation Kit? Why I think I saw one of those listed on a page of an old catalog I was looking through while I was sitting down, out back. But I don’t know much more about it than that. Node019->Node031 I need to ask you about something else. Have you ever heard of something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit? Node012->Node003 I don’t want to help you with this. Sorry, Bob. Node013 You’ll do it? Great. Remember, you gotta do it soon or my hootch will go bad. Thanks a heap. See you back here soon. Node012->Node013 That sounds pretty easy. OK, I’ll do it. Node014 Well, you’re a sharp deal maker and there’s no denying it. OK, I’ll make it $65. Will you do it? --- Nice try there, but $50 is all the job’s worth to me. Heck, I can’t afford to pay any more. Node012->Node014 $50 doesn’t sound like nearly enough for a job like that. Node013->Node999 No problem, Bob. See you in a day. Node013->Node019 Happy to help. But first, tell me what’s going on in town lately. Node014->Node003 I don’t want to do it for that money. My time’s worth much more. Node014->Node012 OK, I’ll do it. Node022 A few people have seen the bugmen, but the one who’s got the best look was Torr, the Buckner’s boy. What he saw scared him half out of his wits, and the poor lad is a bit shy in that department already. Node021->Node022 That sounds horrible. Node023->Node003 That’s enough for now. I think I’ll just ponder on this for a while. Goodbye. Node023->Node019 Yes, surely a sign of spirit infestation. If only you had a competent shaman. Tell me about something else. Node024->Node003 Afraid of rats. Hmm, must be different rats than the ones we have at home. I’ve heard enough. Good-bye. Node024->Node019 Trappers ousted by rats? Tell me about some of the other things. Node025->Node003 I’ve heard enough for now, Whiskey Bob. Goodbye. Node025->Node019 I think I’d be safe enough there; I know how to handle myself. Let me ask you about something else, though. Node026->Node003 That’s all I need to know. Goodbye, Whiskey Bob. Node026->Node019 Let me ask you about something else. Node027 Well, Vic was quite a fella. He didn’t like to work too much, so he would specialize in expensive pre-war things and then go sell them to the Den -- or even hawk them to stupid tribals as religious artifacts (chuckles to himself). Oops, no offense. Anyhow, I haven’t seen him for a while. Last I heard, he went south to sell some stuff. Maybe to the Den. Node026->Node027 Tell me more about the trader some call…Vic? Node028 The real person to tell you about the missing trapper would be Mrs. Buckner. She and Smiley were pretty close. He went north to look for the cave of the golden geckos and hasn’t been seen since. That was a while back, too. Node026->Node028 I want to know more about the trapper. Node032 Uh, (embarrassed) I kind of used that page to take care of some business, if you know what I mean. Node031->Node032 Really? I’d like to see that catalog. Node020 Thanks for helping me out with my still. I should be able to do it myself when my leg heals just a bit. Have any questions for an old bar-hound like myself? Node020->Node003 I don’t think I need any more information just now, Bob. Node020->Node006 Well, I have been wondering about some of the rumors I’ve heard around town. Node022->Node003 I think that’s all I need to hear for now, good-bye. Node022->Node019 Incredible! Let me ask about something else. Node027->Node003 Thanks, I’ve got to think on what you’ve told me. Goodbye, Whiskey Bob. Node027->Node019 Let me ask you about something else, Bob. Node027->Node028 What about the missing trapper? Node028->Node003 That’s enough for me for now. Goodbye, Whiskey Bob. Node028->Node019 Hmm, intersting. Tell me about something else, though. Node028->Node027 What about the missing trader? Node032->Node003 Damn, I thought I was so close. I guess that’s enough disappointment for now. Goodbye, Bob. Node032->Node019 Business? Oh, that kind of business. I prefer old newspaper, myself. Oh well, tell me something else, then.