KCJENNY checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc [Jenny slaps you] Please don't grope me like that! talk_p_proc Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node001 Gee, mister, that was pretty quick. You must be pretty new at this sort of thing. Just relax a bit and you’ll enjoy it more. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node002 That was nice. You seem like you know your way around a woman better than most men your age. talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 You really have a lot of staying power. That’s the nice thing about younger men. Sure wish there were more like you in town. talk_p_proc->Node003 Node004 Well, that was different. I hope you come back; I think I’d like to experiment with some ideas of my own next time. talk_p_proc->Node004 Node005 That sure was fun. You could be a real knockout if we got you out of those tribal duds. I wouldn’t mind having you stick around for a while, sister. Ever considered a career change? talk_p_proc->Node005 Node008 You look a little confused. My name’s Jenny; can I help you? --- (nods) Hep --- perdy Enny talk_p_proc->Node008 Node016 Hello there, mister. My name's Jenny. Looking for a good scrub-down? talk_p_proc->Node016 Node017 Hello there, miss. My name's Jenny. Can I help you? talk_p_proc->Node017 Node019 Hello there, cute stuff. My name's Jenny. You looking for work here? If you move as good as you look, you could really make some good money here. talk_p_proc->Node019 Node006 You're different from the usual group around here. Node001->Node006 Thanks, Jenny; I guess I need some more practice at this. Node002->Node006 I’m glad that you had as much fun as I did. Node003->Node006 I sure enjoyed that bath, Jenny. I could go for a little more if I didn’t have other things that I had to do. Node004->Node006 It’s nice being with someone who understands what I need for a change. Node005->Node006 I enjoyed myself, too. I have a lot of things to do before I could consider settling down just yet. But, thanks anyway. Node009 Hmm, I think you just better clear out of here before Big Nose Sally finds you. She doesn’t take kindly to idjits in her place. Node008->Node009 Enny? Goo heh heh heh. (smile) Node008->Node009 Mommy? Node010 What would you like to know? Node016->Node010 Well, actually, I just had a few questions that I wanted to ask you if you don’t mind. Node007 Well, it’s been nice chattin’ with you. I better get ready for another customer, though. Goodbye. Node016->Node007 Uh, no thanks; I was just looking around. Node012 You’re interested in traders, huh? Well I mostly just worked for one trader. Vic was his name. He always had extra money to blow, at least when he worked he did. See, he specialized in really old stuff. You know, technical thingies. Node016->Node012 I’m looking for information about a trader of beforetime stuff. Node018 Well then, you better talk to Big Nose Sally. She makes all the business arrangements for us and she doesn’t take kindly to any freelance work. Node016->Node018 Actually, I could use a bit of a rub (nudge, nudge, wink, wink). Node017->Node010 I just had a few questions that I wanted to ask you. Node017->Node007 Uh, no; I just wanted to see what was in here. But I think I better go. Node017->Node012 I’m looking for information about a certain trader of beforetime stuff. Node017->Node018 Actually, I could pick up some personal beauty tips from a cutie like you. Node019->Node010 Thanks, but I think I just need to ask you some questions. Node019->Node007 I’m really not interested in a job here. Node019->Node012 I’m looking for information about a trader. He deals in beforetime things. Node019->Node018 Mmm, I’d love to show you, personally, just how good I can move. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see an attractive, but tired, young woman. description_p_proc You see Jenny, the bath attendant. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node004 Node997->Node005 Node999 Node006->Node010 Tell me about what goes on here. Node006->Node007 I don’t think I want to know about what goes on here. Node010->Node007 I guess that’s all I need to know for now. Node011 Well, there’s not much to tell about the trappers, really. They get a few gecko pelts...or get lucky with a few golden geckos...and then they come in to blow off some steam. Quick and not too demanding —- just the way I like ‘em. Node010->Node011 Tell me about trappers. Node010->Node012 I’m looking for a trader. Know any of them that deal in old items, like from the beforetimes? Node014 The Den is a hive of scum and villainy southeast of here. I guess about a week or so? Don’t remember too clearly. Anyhow, it’s an exciting place. Dangerous, but exciting. Sorry to leave there, in a way. Node010->Node014 Do you happen to know how to get to the Den from here? Node021 A Geck? What’s that? Some kind of small gecko, I’d guess. Sorry, I don’t know what else it would be. Node010->Node021 Jenny, have you ever heard of something called a GECK? Node007->Node999 Bye. Node011->Node010 Interesting; let me ask you about something else. Node011->Node007 I guess that’s all I need to know for now. Node012->Node010 Let me ask you about something else. Node012->Node007 Well, thanks for the info. I think I’ll go now. Node013 Vic was a real sweetheart. He would go off for weeks at a time and then come back with all kinds of beforetime things. But he often had to travel to the Den to sell them. Not much call for that sort of stuff ‘round here. Node012->Node013 Tell me more about Vic. Node014->Node010 Let me ask you something else. Node014->Node007 I think I’ll leave now, thanks. Node021->Node010 Thanks, Jenny. Let me ask you something else. Node021->Node007 Well, I guess that’s all I need for now. Node013->Node010 Tell me something else. Node013->Node007 I think that’s all I need to know. Node013->Node014 Where’s the Den? Node015 I don’t rightly know where Vic is. I know he has a house just down the street from us, to the east. He could be out trading with tribals or even in the Den, for all I know. I hope he’s okay. He was getting to be more than just a steady customer to me. Node013->Node015 Where’s Vic now? Node020 Vault-tek? He might have had something like that. I’m not sure. I know he did have a lot of really old stuff. Node013->Node020 Did Vic ever have anything that was labeled ‘Vault-Tek’? Node015->Node010 I hope he’s okay, for your sake. Let me ask you another question. Node015->Node007 I hope he comes back to you. I think I’ll go now. Goodbye. Node020->Node010 Thanks, Jenny. Let me ask you something else. Node020->Node007 Well I guess that’s all I need for now.