KCMAIDA checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node002 Hello there, my name’s Maida Buckner. I help my mother run Buckner house. Can I help you? --- Me talk_p_proc->Node002 Node034 I’ll sure be glad to have that damn (sob) tribal (sob) away (sob, sob) from here. (sob) talk_p_proc->Node034 Node030 Have you found my brother yet? I sure hope he’s alright. talk_p_proc->Node030 Node024 Have you seen my brother Torr anywhere? He lost some more brahmin and ma yelled at him. He must have run off after that. talk_p_proc->Node024 Node001 You are even more infuriating than Sulik! I don’t have time to talk to you. Go away. --- You’ve really made me angry. I don’t want anything further to do with you. Now just get out. Tribals, humph! (mutter, mutter) ...shiftless, worthless, lazy... talk_p_proc->Node001 Node021 You’re back, huh? I hope you’re taking care of Sulik. I’m sure he’s lost without me telling him what to do. talk_p_proc->Node021 Node023 Thanks again for finding Torr. What can I do for you? --- Thanks for finding my brother, Torr. Ma and I were so worried.  What can I do for you? talk_p_proc->Node023 Node004 Well, you just better be more civil from now on. Just what do you want anyway? What can I help you with here? --- Hello there, my good friend. --- What may I help you with? --- My name’s Maida Buckner; I take care of trading and drinks here. I don’t tolerate any tribals messing our family’s place up. So you just better watch your step here, or you’ll end up like Sulik. What do you want? --- My name’s Maida Buckner; I take care of trading and drinks here. What will it be for you, friend? talk_p_proc->Node004 Node003 Hmm - seems as though your elevator doesn’t rise all the way to the top floor. Why don’t you talk to my brother, Torr? He’s a little closer to your speed. Goodbye. Node002->Node003 Ungh? Node002->Node003 Unker Rouse? Node980 Node034->Node980 Well, somehow, I think Sulik might actually miss being here. But we’ll be back to visit sometime, I’m sure. Right now, though, I need something. Node985 Node034->Node985 I think Sulik’s going to be a lot better off away from you. Node999 Node034->Node999 Thanks; I guess maybe I should be going now. Node030->Node004 [MORE] Node981 Node024->Node981 Uh-oh, where do you think he might have gone? Node982 Node024->Node982 I’m sorry to hear that, but I need information about something else. Node910 Node001->Node910 I don’t want to have anything to do with you either. Goodbye. Node920 Node001->Node920 I’m very sorry that I upset you. I’m just ignorant of your ways here. I was trying to show you respect in the manner of my tribe. Node930 Node001->Node930 Gosh, I’m really, really sorry. I’m just an ignorant tribal, after all. Can you possibly forgive me? Node940 Node001->Node940 I just didn’t know what to say to someone as attractive as yourself. I always get nervous when I’m near a beautiful woman. Please accept my apologies. Node001->Node940 It’s just that you seem so civilized and so beautiful. I was jealous of you. Please forgive me. I have so much to learn from women like you. Node021->Node004 I’m back because I need something. Node021->Node980 Well, I’m sure I can’t do as good a job of taking care of him as you did, but I’ll sure try. node020 (sob) I suppose that’s a fair trade, one idiot brother for one idiot (sob) savage. I won’t miss him a bit. --- You must be crazy. I’ll sure be glad to have that damn (sob) tribal (sob) away (sob, sob) from here. (sob) Node023->node020 Happy to help you out. Maybe you could do me a favor and free Sulik in return for my finding your brother? Node005 More questions? Well go on, then, and be quick about it. --- Questions, huh? Well get on with it, then. Talking to you doesn’t get my work any closer to being finished. Node023->Node005 I was happy to help Torr. Node006 My mother takes care of the rooms. You should talk to her about that. Node023->Node006 Happy to find Torr, but I don’t think I need anything right now. Goodbye. Node004->Node005 I have some questions for you. Node004->Node999 I guess I don’t need anything right now. Goodbye. Node004->Node006 I was looking for someplace to stay. Node007 You want to buy something? I hope you have something other than gecko pelts to pay with; we’re overstocked on pelts right now. --- You want to barter? I’m always looking for good quality gecko pelts, and I pay a fair price for them, too. Node004->Node007 I need to buy some things. Node031 You want a drink? That’ll be $5 for a glass of Buckner’s Best Brew. --- I’d like to buy a round of drinks for everyone here by way of introducing myself. I’m --- from Arroyo. Node004->Node031 I’d like a drink. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a plain looking, sturdily built young woman with a scowl on her face. description_p_proc You see Maida Buckner, Mrs. Buckner’s daughter use_skill_on_p_proc combat_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc addbeer push_p_proc maida_barter Node009 I’ve got enough gecko pelts to last me for a while. Anything else I can do for you? --- Well now, anything else that I can do for you? maida_barter->Node009 Node009->maida_barter Actually, there was something else that I wanted to trade for. Node970 Node009->Node970 I was hoping for better prices. You sure aren’t cheap. Tell me about something else. Node009->Node980 You’re a tough bargainer, but fair. Tell me about something else. Node009->Node999 That’s all I need for now. Goodbye. barter_for_sulik barter_for_sulik->node020 Node033 Looks as though you don’t have enough money for that. barter_for_sulik->Node033 node020->Node980 Well, somehow, I think Sulik might actually miss being here. But we’ll be back to visit sometime, I’m sure. Right now, though, I need something. node020->Node985 I think Sulik’s going to be a lot better off away from you. node020->Node999 Thanks; I guess maybe I should be going now. Node033->Node004 Uh, well, I guess I’ll settle for some information then. Node033->Node999 Oh, maybe I’ll come back when I have more. Goodbye. Node911 Node911->addbeer Node911->Node033 Node912 Node912->Node004 Node912->addbeer Node912->Node033 Node920->Node009 Node945 Node019 Well, okay then. If you really want to pay for the damage he caused...I guess all of you tribals really stick together. Node945->Node019 Node019->barter_for_sulik Yes, I do. I have enough to pay for the damages that he caused. Node019->Node999 Maybe that is too much money. I don’t think I want to pay for his damages after all. Goodbye. Node955 Node955->Node019 Node960 Node970->Node004 Node971 Node971->Node005 Node013 Sulik’s a tribal that’s working here to pay off a debt he foolishly incurred. He is not a slave. We don’t have slaves here in Klamath. Node005->Node013 Tell me about Sulik. Node005->Node999 I think that’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye Node008 The only way I know to create a Garden of Eden is through plain old hard work. That's something you tribals just don’t seem to understand. But I guess that’s the difference between us civilized folk and yourselves. Node005->Node008 Have you ever heard of something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit? Node022 You’d be better off asking momma about things here in town. Have you seen Torr anywhere? It seems as though he’s run off, and we’re sure worried. --- Well, you’d be better off asking momma about what’s going on right here in town. Node005->Node022 Tell me about what’s going on here in Klamath. Node010 There are only a couple of other towns nearby. There’s Redding far to the southwest, and the Den a few days south. But I wouldn’t go to the Den. Node005->Node010 What other towns are nearby? Node975 Node975->Node013 Node014 Well, you see, Sulik got real upset one night and had too much booze. Then, when he was good and drunk, he busted up the place. He did nearly $500 worth of damage. Just now getting the place repaired. Node013->Node014 Paying off a debt? What do you mean? Node980->Node004 Node025 I don’t know where he went for certain, but I think that he might have run off to that canyon he was always talking about. Node981->Node025 Node026 Well there’s a canyon just east of where we graze the brahmin. Torr used to come up with wild stories about bugmen coming from there. He said that it was bugmen what mutilated our brahmin. Scared himself silly with those fool stories. Node025->Node026 A canyon? What canyon? Node982->Node004 Node983 Node983->Node004 Node984 Node990 Node011 Well, I didn’t count tribes when you asked about civilized towns. But I guess there’s a group of savages somewhere to the northwest -- and then Sulik’s tribe, far to the southwest. Node990->Node011 Node011->Node971 That’s funny, my tribe doesn’t count pre-war towns when we talk about civilized places. Tell me something else. Node011->Node971 Oh, you’re civilized all right...and I don’t think I want any part of it. Tell me something else. Node011->Node005 Interesting. Let me ask you something else, though. Node011->Node013 Tell me about Sulik. Node012 The Den is a bad place to go. They even enslave ignorant tribals like yourself. It’s a week or so south of here, but most folks that’ve gone there don’t come back. Node011->Node012 What about the Den? Node991 Node029 Thanks so much. I take back all those things I said about tribals. Please find my brother for me. Node991->Node029 Node029->Node999 I will; you can count on me. Node992 Node028 I’d be so grateful if you could find my brother for mom and me. Node992->Node028 Node028->Node991 I’d be happy to look for him. Node028->Node999 I’m sorry, but I don’t think I really have time for that right now. Goodbye. Node993 Node993->Node004 Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node004 Node997->Node005 Node930->Node005 Node940->Node005 Node006->Node004 Ok, thanks. There’s something else that I wanted to know, though. Node006->Node999 I’ll talk to her about that then. Goodbye. Node007->Node004 I’m more interested in something else at the moment. Node007->maida_barter Yes, I’d like to trade with you. Node007->Node999 I guess I don’t need to trade right now. Goodbye. Node031->Node004 I don’t think I need a beer after all. Maybe just some information will do. Node031->Node911 I’d love a nice beer. Fill ‘er up. Node008->Node005 Uh, I guess. Tell me about something else then. Node008->Node930 Gee, I guess I have a lot to learn from you folks. I’d like to be civilized, too, someday. Node008->Node940 Civilized? You think you’re civilized because you live in the burnt-out ruins of a beforetime town? Tell me something else. Node950 Node008->Node950 I think I’ve heard just about enough. Goodbye. Node022->Node005 OK, I’ll talk to Mrs. Buckner about that then. Let me ask you something else though. Node022->Node005 No, I haven’t seen Torr anywhere. I’ll let you know if I do. Let me ask you something else, though. Node010->Node990 What about tribes in the area? Node010->Node999 That’s all I need to know about for now. Goodbye. Node010->Node930 Thanks for the advice. Tell me something else though. Node010->Node012 Why wouldn’t you go to the Den? Node012->Node005 Interesting. Let me ask you something else, though. Node012->Node975 Isn’t Sulik your slave? Or do you just treat him like one? Node012->Node011 Tell me about the local tribes. Node015 He said he found out that his sister had been kidnapped by slavers. But you’d have to ask him more about that. He’s here until he can pay off the rest of the damage he did while he was drunk. Node014->Node015 Why’d he get so upset? Node016 He still has to pay off $350. If he weren’t so lazy and shiftless it would go quicker for him. He’s not leaving here until his debt is paid in full. Node015->Node016 How much does he have to work off? Node017 Well, he may be slow, but he does sort of grow on you after a while. (looks away wistfully)... (flustered) Now that’s enough jaw flapping; do you need anything else? Node016->Node017 That’s a lot of money. I think he’s going to be here for a long time. Node017->Node005 I was curious about something else. Node017->Node999 That’s all I need for now. Goodbye. Node018 I don’t know why anyone would want to pay off his debt, but they could. His bill comes to $350. But you wouldn’t want to do that -- he’d only get into trouble again. Node017->Node018 What if someone else paid Sulik’s damages? Node018->Node945 I don’t like him having to stay here with a bigot like you. I want to pay for his damages. Node018->Node955 Well, I’m sure he must be happy working for you folks, but I still want to pay his damages. I don’t think anyone should be trapped the way he is. Node018->Node950 I guess you’re right. I don’t have that much money to spare, anyway. Goodbye. Node027 I think he might have taken off to the canyon to prove his bravery or something. I sure hope someone can find him before he hurts himself. Node026->Node027 Sounds as though it would scare just about anybody. Node027->Node980 Who knows where your idiot brother went to -- and who cares? I need some information. Node027->Node992 Maybe I should try to find him. Node994 Node027->Node994 I’m really sorry you can’t find him. I’m sure he’s fine. I need some information. Node994->Node004 Node032 A round for everyone. My, my - aren’t you a generous one? That’ll be $30. Node032->Node004 I think maybe I’ll just settle for some information for now. Node032->Node912 Have one on me, folks. Now, how about some information as well? Node032->Node031 I guess I’d rather just have a drink for myself after all.