KCSALLY checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc We don't want your kind around here. --- We don't want your kind around here. Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node001 Hello there, my name’s Sally Dunton. Hmm, did you catch that? talk_p_proc->Node001 Node004 I know my boys have taken up with some poor sorts, but you’re the worst yet. I just can’t believe that you let them down. I won’t have you in my place. Now, get out. talk_p_proc->Node004 Node027 Before we go any further, you’ve gotta know that the baths are for individuals, not groups. You can make your own arrangements, and then your friends can do as they please on their own. talk_p_proc->Node027 Node005 My name’s Sally Dunton, but mostly they call me Big Nose Sally. I’m the owner of this here bathhouse. We have a whole hassleful of special, attended baths for you to pick from. talk_p_proc->Node005 Node006 My name’s ‘Big Nose’ Sally Dunton and I’m the owner of this here bathhouse. I’m afraid that we just have girl bath attendants here. That alright with you? talk_p_proc->Node006 Node025 Back again, huh? A lot of folks just can’t seem to get clean enough. talk_p_proc->Node025 Node002 Well, that’s a right nice try for an idjit. But I ain’t having none of your kind in here. Now, git out. Shoo, shoo. Node001->Node002 Ally Onion? Gurk? Node001->Node002 Oog? (shaking head) Node003 I know you’re a tribal and all, but this is a bathhouse, not an outhouse. Git out afore I have you thrown out! Node001->Node003 I gotta pee-ee Node910 Node027->Node910 Ok. Node009 The special baths that we have available vary in cost by the amount of time that the gal spends with you, and any special services that you take advantage of. Node005->Node009 What kind of special, attended baths do you have here? Node008 If you just want an unattended bath, you might try the Golden Gecko or the Buckner House. But I doubt that you’ll find that as enjoyable. Node005->Node008 Gee, Miss Sally, I just wanted a regular bath. You don’t have a bubble bath, do you? Node007 I’m sorry that we couldn’t help you out. Come on back later, though. Node005->Node007 I think I’ve changed my mind; I may try back later. Node006->Node009 Women suit me just fine. Node006->Node008 I’m just here for a bath. Node006->Node007 I don’t think this is what I was looking for. Node024 I’m certain that one of my sons would be happy to help you out. But you might want to come back here afterwards; most gals that spend any time with my boys get a hankerin’ to bathe themselves real good. Node006->Node024 Gee, I was really looking for a male attendant. Node025->Node007 I’m just looking around this time; I don’t need a bath. Node010 The baths that we have available are: a Wash Cloth Hand Wipe, a brief Full Body Wash, and, lastly, the Round-the-World Full Squeaky Clean Servicing, offered by the beautiful and talented Jenny, recently trained at the finest house in the Den. Node025->Node010 Tell me the types of bath that you have again. Node026 Well now, it wouldn’t be fair to discount any of our services. My gals are well worth what they charge. Node025->Node026 Do I get a return customer discount? destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a plump, older woman with a large nose description_p_proc You see Big Nose Sally, the owner of the Bathhouse. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc Node910->Node005 Node910->Node006 Node910->Node025 Node911 Node012 Well, for an attractive individual like yourself that would only cost $25. Node911->Node012 Node013 Hmm, you look as though you need a real bath first; that’ll make the price $35. Node911->Node013 Node914 Node012->Node914 $25? That’s a bargain; I’ll take it. Node012->Node007 Maybe I don’t need this right now. I’m leaving. Node012->Node010 Hmm, tell me about the other types of baths again. Node915 Node013->Node915 $35? That seems kind of steep -- but I guess I am a bit scruffy. I’ll take it. Node013->Node007 Thanks, but I think I’ll look elsewhere. Node013->Node010 What are the other choices again? Node021 We don’t handle that sort of thing here. Try talking to my sons, Chuck and Buck Dunton. I understand that their brahmin are pretty darn popular with a certain set. Node013->Node021 $35 seems kind of expensive; got any cute brahmin, instead? Node912 Node014 I think any of our girls would be happy to give you a full body wash; I just better watch the time to make sure it’s a brief one (chuckle). The Brief Full Body Wash will cost you $55. Node912->Node014 Node015 You could use a bit of real scrubbing; don’t you tribals know about soap? Oh well, that’ll cost you $70 for the Brief Full Body Wash...but I’m sure that you’ll be happy with the results. Node912->Node015 Node916 Node014->Node916 That sounds like fun. Here’s my $55. Node014->Node007 Thanks, but I think that I’ll save my money for now. Node014->Node010 Hmm, what are the other choices again? Node917 Node015->Node917 Wow, $70! That seems like a lot. But I bet it’s worth it. I’ll try it. Node015->Node007 I don’t think that I want to pay for a bath after all. Node015->Node010 What were the other bathing options? Node913 Node016 Well I’m sure that your Round-the–World trip Servicing with beautiful Jenny will be an experience that you’ll savor for quite a while. A real bargain at only $125. Node913->Node016 Node017 Hmm, I don’t know if Jenny will even take you in the condition that you’re in. You’re going to need a thorough, no-nonsense, scrubbing first. (To herself: I wonder if Gerda is free for that?) With the cost of the pre-scrubbing, the Round-the-World Full Squeaky Clean Servicing is yours for only $185. Node913->Node017 Node918 Node016->Node918 I can’t wait to enjoy Jenny’s special talents. Here’s my $125. Node016->Node007 I don’t think that I’ll ever need $125 worth of cleaning. I’m going to leave before I get myself into trouble. Node016->Node010 Maybe I should hear about the other bath choices again. Node919 Node017->Node919 I get both Gerda and Jenny? What a bargain! Here’s my $185. Node017->Node007 I don’t think that I can afford this right now. I think I’m going to leave. Node017->Node007 Gerda isn’t really a woman at all, is she? I don’t want to be scrubbed down by a burly drag-queen. I’m outta here. Node017->Node010 Is Gerda that larger, mustachioed woman? I better hear the other choices again. Node018 That’s a great choice, if you don’t have a lot of time or money. Node914->Node018 Node022 You don’t have enough money. Come back when you’re able to pay. Node914->Node022 Node915->Node018 Node915->Node022 Node019 I think you’ll really enjoy this. Node916->Node019 Node023 It seems as though your eyes are bigger than your budget. Perhaps you’d like to try a cheaper washing. Node916->Node023 Node917->Node019 Node917->Node023 Node918->Node023 Node020 I think that you’ll enjoy Jenny bathing you more than any bath you’ve ever had. Node918->Node020 Node919->Node023 Node919->Node020 Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node004 Node997->Node005 Node999 Node009->Node007 I don’t think I’m ready for this; I better go. Node009->Node010 You mean I get to be with a real-live girl? Sign me up! Node009->Node010 I think that the appearance of the attendant better figure into the cost, too. Node008->Node999 Thanks, Miss Big Nose. I’ll try that instead. Good-bye. Node008->Node009 I was just kidding; I’d like a special bath. Node010->Node911 I think I can get by with the Hand Wipe; how much is that? Node010->Node912 I like the idea of a Full Body Wash; what’s that going to cost? Node010->Node913 Beautiful and talented? I’ve got to hear more about the Round-the-World Full Squeaky Clean Wash. Node010->Node007 I don’t think I’m ready to take a bath with someone else watching; I’m going to leave. Node011 No, you have to choose one at a time, but you can always come back for more -- usually after a brief rest. Node010->Node011 Can I mix and match the different types of baths? Node010->Node026 What about getting a discount on those baths? Node011->Node007 If I can’t make my own combinations, I don’t even want a bath; I’m outta here. Node011->Node010 Tell me the different types of bath again. Node026->Node007 Well, if I can’t get a discount, I’m leaving. Node026->Node010 I guess that’s fair enough. Tell me what baths you have available.