KCSLIM checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node050 talk_p_proc->Node050 Node006 That big ol' rat that was bothering everyone hereabouts seems to have disappeared. But I don't reckon that an idjit like you had anything to do with it. --- Say, your antenna don't pick up all the channels do it? Well, I tell you what. Here's a key to that door behind me. There's all kinds of rats back there - even one big one s'posedly. You go through there and kill all the dang rats you can eat. How's that? talk_p_proc->Node006 Node001 Well, mister, you sure don’t look chewed up by those rats yet -- but you will if you keep pestering them. Just don’t bring any back here with you. --- Well, little missy, you sure don’t look chewed up by those rats yet -- but you will if you keep pestering them. Just don’t bring any back here with you. talk_p_proc->Node001 Node004 Hello, tribal. My name’s Slim Picket and you can talk to me about Trapper Town. We don’t want any trouble here. --- Hello there, friend. Nice of you to visit all of us here. My name’s Slim Picket. I talk for Trapper Town. --- Hello there Slim. My name’s --- . Why do you call this Trapper Town? talk_p_proc->Node004 Node007 What the heck do you want this time? --- Hi there. How can I help you out? talk_p_proc->Node007 Node999 Node006->Node999 No! Rats scaaarrrry! No. Me go now. Node06a Node006->Node06a OK. Heh, heh, rat kill. Heh, heh, heh. Node001->Node999 Uh, ok. Node023 Well, there used to be a real bad rat problem hereabouts, but lately, there jist ain't so many rats about. It's like they all got skeered and bugged outa here. --- Well they taste pretty good if you spit-roast 'em with just a titch of herbs. But most of the time they can be a real nuisance, and they're getting worse. We've barricaded the north side of town but they're sneaking through anyway. There's one door to the north side, right here, but I have it locked. Node001->Node023 Tell me about those rats. Node003 Just be careful. Seems the deeper you go, the bigger they get back there. Node001->Node003 Don’t worry. I won’t. Node002 I just don’t want to have anything to do with those critters. I leave ‘em alone and hope they’ll do the same for me. Take care now. Node001->Node002 No, thanks to you. Node004->Node999 Nice to meet you, Mr. Picket. I’m just looking around for now, though. Goodbye. Node009 Oh, you mean a GECK. huh? Well, I saw an ad for one of those in an old magazine. But I don’t think they exist anymore. Certainly not around here, anyplace. Node004->Node009 Do you know where I could find something called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit? Node007->Node999 I guess I don’t need anything. Goodbye. Node010 You want the key to the north side of Trapper Town? What do you want that for? --- You still want that key? Why? Node007->Node010 I think I need a key to get into the north part of Trapper Town. Node008 Well, this here part of town is where all of us trappers live when we’re not out trapping geckos. Only problem about the free digs are the rats on the north side. But we have most of the entrances to that part of the mall barricaded pretty good. --- What did you want to know about? Node007->Node008 I’ve got some questions that I wanted to ask you. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a very tall and lanky trapper. description_p_proc You see Slim Picket, the head of Trapper Town. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc push_p_proc slimbarter Node013 I guess you got what you wanted. Just be careful now. slimbarter->Node013 Node014 Well, I guess you didn’t need that key as much as you thought, huh? You sure you got what you wanted? slimbarter->Node014 Node013->Node999 Thanks. Node013->Node999 You drive a hard bargain. I hope it was worth it. Node014->slimbarter Oops; I knew there was something else I wanted. Node014->Node999 I don’t need anything else from you. Thanks anyhow. Node014->Node008 Hey, Slim, I have a couple of things that I wanted to ask you about. Node920 Node011 What a hoot! I sure needed that, sweetheart. You just make sure that nothing happens to that pretty little tail of yours, now. (heh, hee, hee) --- Well, OK, here’s the key. Just don’t go stirring up too much trouble back there, and make sure you close the door behind you. Node920->Node011 Node920->Node011 Node012 If you want the key, you’re going to have to buy it from me. Node920->Node012 Node011->Node999 Thanks, Slim. I’ll make sure the door’s closed behind me. Goodbye. Node11a Node011->Node11a Node011->Node008 Thanks for the key, Slim. Before I go, I have some questions for you. Node012->slimbarter I don’t mind trading for the key. Node950 Node012->Node950 I don’t want to trade for the key. It won’t cost you anything to let me borrow it. I’ll make sure to close the door after myself. Node012->Node950 If you let me have the key, I’m sure that you’ll have fewer rats to worry about after I use it. Node012->Node999 I don’t think I want the key. Goodbye. Node950->Node011 Node950->Node012 Node950->Node012 Node960 Node018 Well, now you look like you could handle yourself. Geckos come in two types -— regular or golden. The regular ones are easy to trap and hunt, but the golden ones are worth more money. Node960->Node018 Node960->Node018 Node017 I don’t think I’d try it if I were you. You might get your hands all dirty and callused. (heh, hee, hee) Anything else you want to know about? Node960->Node017 Node018->Node999 That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node018->Node008 Interesting. Tell me something else. Node019 The golden ones are sneaky and twice as vicious as the regular ones. Plus, once they bite you they’ll hold on and gnaw through to the bone. And that’s not even counting their poison. But their hides look real nice, and so they’re worth a lot more. Node018->Node019 Tell me more about the golden geckos. Node970 Node017->Node970 I sure wish I was as skillful a trapper as you are. I bet you could teach me a lot. Node017->Node999 That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node017->Node008 Well, I sure wouldn’t want to get my hands dirty. Tell me something else. Node026 I could teach you something about the outdoors. But it’s going to cost you $100. --- I’m always happy to share my skill with others. I can teach you some tricks for only $50. Node970->Node026 Node027 Your tribe are mostly farmers aren’t they? I don’t think I could teach you a darn thing. Node970->Node027 Node990 Node026->Node990 Well, you better have a lot to teach me for that. Node026->Node999 I don’t think I need to learn anything right now. Goodbye. Node026->Node008 That’s a lot of money. Just tell me what you know about other things. Node027->Node999 I think I’ll be going then. Goodbye. Node027->Node008 I’m that good already, huh? Well, tell me about something else then. Node980 Node980->Node011 Node028 Well, that ought to have learned you a thing or three about the great out-of-doors. Hope you can put it to good use. Remember about the scat now. Node990->Node028 Node028->Node018 You’re right. Old scat doesn’t taste near the same as fresh. Thanks, Slim. Now tell me more about those geckos. Node028->Node999 Thanks for the information, Slim. I’m going to go and practice right now. Goodbye. Node028->Node008 Thank you for all the tips, Slim, but I still think just smelling the scat is good enough. I was wondering about something else, though. Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node004 Node005 Hello there, my name’s Slim Picket. I speak for this part of town. --- (point at self) Me --- , me hungry Node997->Node005 Node005->Node006 Gruk. Node005->Node006 Ook, oople. Node023->Node999 That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node023->Node008 Interesting. Tell me something else. Node024 People been disappearing. Just them as are slow and sickly, for now. 'Course, they don't stop to cook their food like us. They just gnaw it into a few bloody clumps of hair and rags. Least that's all we find in the morning. I've even heard talk that there's some kind of giant rat god that tells 'em all what to do. Node023->Node024 At home mom just used to pan-fry them with a little butter. But, tell me more about the rat attacks. Node009->Node999 Oh, well; that’s all I wanted to know. Thanks. Node009->Node008 Really? Well, tell me about something else then. Node06a->Node11a Node010->Node920 I’m an explorer; I want to explore everyplace I can. Besides, maybe there’s a GECK forgotten on a back shelf in there. Node010->Node920 I’m going to help you with your rat problem. Node010->Node920 I just want to try to get to that car on the other side of the fence. Node010->Node999 I guess I wouldn’t want a key. It sounds as though it’s pretty dangerous over there. Node025 Well, you sure are a pretty li’l thing, ain’t you? I’m sure we can get you that key you want. You just have to give me something I want. (heh, hee, hee) --- Well, you ain’t that pretty, but it’s sure been a long time. I guess I could give you the key as long as you give me what I need. (heh, hee, hee) Node010->Node025 I’d be willing to give anything to get that key. I really want to get to the other side of Trapper Town. Node008->Node999 Thanks for the info. I don’t think I need to know about anything else. Goodbye. Node008->Node023 Rats? Tell me more about rats. Node008->Node009 Do you know anything about a Garden of Eden Creation Kit? Node015 We blocked off all the entrances to the north side of town except one. I have a key to that one entrance -- just in case anyone needs to get over there for any reason. I can’t figure out why anyone would want to, though; I sure wouldn’t. Node008->Node015 Do you ever go to the north side? Node016 You’re interested in trapping, huh? (He looks you up and down.) Node008->Node016 Tell me about trapping geckos. Node022 We have a whole lot full of cars. All ready for their owners to come back from shopping. Thing is, they never did. Not a dang one of ‘em runs, though. There’s a real beauty of a Chrysalis Motors Highwayman just east of here, but I haven’t figured out how to get to it, yet. Node008->Node022 You sure have a lot of cars here. Node015->Node999 That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node015->Node010 I’m interested in getting that key from you. Node015->Node008 Interesting; tell me something else. Node016->Node960 [MORE] Node022->Node999 That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node022->Node008 A Highwayman? Interesting. Tell me about something else. Node025->Node980 Uh, that’s not exactly what I had in mind. Node025->Node010 Wipe that leer off your face. I think I just better leave before you get hurt. Goodbye. Node020 One real good trapper, name of Smiley, went north looking for wherever they come from. He was convinced that they all came from one place. Thing is, nobody’s heard from him for a couple months now. Node019->Node020 Tell me more. Node021 Maybe he found where they come from and got all ate up. (heh, hee, hee) But I tell you one thing; Mrs. Buckner’s heart just about broke when he didn’t come back. You see, he was her beau. Mrs. Buckner runs Buckner house, y’know. Node020->Node021 What do you think happened to him? Node021->Node999 That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node021->Node008 Interesting. Tell me something else. Node024->Node999 That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye. Node024->Node008 Interesting. Tell me about something else. Node24a Node024->Node24a Interesting. Maybe someone should do something about that. Say, do you have a key to the north side of Trapper Town? Node24a->Node010