KCTORR checkPartyMembersNearDoor start critter_p_proc rustle_status critter_p_proc->rustle_status Node021 Stop hurt moo-moos. --- Torr help moo-moos. --- Bad woman, bad! No hurt moo-moos! --- Go way, bad man. --- Bad woman, bad! Go way! --- Bad mans, bad! No hurt moo-moos! --- No hurt Torr's moo-moos! --- Torr coming to save moo-moos! critter_p_proc->Node021 leave_player Torr, thank. Torr okay now. You go. --- You have succesfully rescued Torr. --- You see a very large man covered in dust with a small smile and a blank look on his face. --- You see Torr Buckner, the town simpleton. critter_p_proc->leave_player pickup_p_proc talk_p_proc Torr, thank. Torr okay now. You go. --- Bugs dead. Moo-moos safe. Torr thank-you. Node998 talk_p_proc->Node998 Node015 Torr love --- . Torr love ma. Torr love fa. (I’m so happy you found me. I was really thinking that I was going to buy the farm that time.) --- Torr love --- . Torr love ma. Torr love fa. talk_p_proc->Node015 Node002 Torr help! (Please help me. There’s some sort of creature preventing me from escaping from this place.) --- Torr help! --- Torr Help. (I’m coming to help you, Torr. Just hold on a bit longer!) talk_p_proc->Node002 Node003 Squea Squea bad! Hep Torr! (Watch out for the Spirit that Walks! We can talk after you get me out of here.) --- Squea Squea! Ack! Spirit Bad! Hep Torr! Torr go now! talk_p_proc->Node003 Node001 You bad. You hurt Torr. Go away now! --- Go bad person! No hurt Torr. --- Torr good. No hurt Torr talk_p_proc->Node001 Node004 Me Torr (I’m Torr. Can I help you with anything?) --- Me Torr talk_p_proc->Node004 Node017 Torr see --- ! (Hello again, friend. Can I help you with anything?) --- see Torr! (Well, actually, I did have some questions for you.) talk_p_proc->Node017 Node016 Bugmen bad. Torr scared. --- Torr see bugmen hurt moo-moo. --- Moo-moos hurt! --- Bugmen come from canyon. --- Torr see dead bugmen. --- Heh heh heh. --- Leonard? --- Duntons bad. --- Jerky good. --- Torr strong. --- Ook? --- Zugzug. --- Sorbew? --- Aroo? --- I gotta pee. --- Hello. --- Hi. --- Torr! talk_p_proc->Node016 Node013 Torr like --- . Torr thank. Bugmen bad, no let bugmen eat moo-moos! (Thanks so much for helping me out. These bugmen give me the creeping willies. I hope we can keep any brahmin from being lost.) --- Torr like --- . Torr thank. Bugmen bad, no let bugmen eat moo-moos! talk_p_proc->Node013 Node014 Ook? Hep moo-moos hep Torr? No bugmen! Bugmen bad! (Are you here to help me guard the brahmin from the assault of the Bugmen?) --- Ook? Hep moo-moos hep Torr? No bugmen! Bugmen bad! --- hep moo-moos hep Torr (Yes, I’m here to help you guard the brahmin against the bugmen. They won’t get one of them with the two of us on the job.) talk_p_proc->Node014 Node008 Torr tell? (What would you like to know, my friend?) --- here! (Tell me what’s going on around here.) --- Zzzzzzz. Ook? (I need a place to stay, please.) Node015->Node008 Torr good. (It wasn’t anything, really. I’m sure you’d have done the same for me. Let me ask you something, though.) Node999 Node015->Node999 Torr heh, heh, heh. (Well, you looked pretty funny there, stranded by that automaton. Just be more careful next time. Goodbye.) Node015->Node999 Torr, you be careful now, okay? Okay, then. Goodbye, Torr. Node015->Node999 You have no idea what I’m saying, do you? You stupid moron. You almost got me killed. Goodbye, and good riddance. Node002->Node003 I’m trying to help you, Torr. Node940 Node003->Node940 Ook Torr. (Sound thinking, Torr. Let’s get out of here.) Node003->Node940 We can talk later. Let’s just get out of here now. Node001->Node002 Owwww! Go away! Node001->Node002 Stop hurt Torr. Node001->Node003 Torr hurt. Bad mans! Bad mans go away! Node006 Bugmen take moo-moos at night. Torr scared! Hep Torr? (Well, as I said, they are nocturnal in their feeding habits. I sure could use some assistance in guarding the grahmin. Will you kill any bugmen that you see near the brahmin?) --- Bugmen take moo-moos at night. Torr scared! Hep Torr? Node004->Node006 You Torr (Hello, Torr. I do have a few questions for you.) Node004->Node006 Nice to meet you, Torr. Anything interesting happening here lately? Node017->Node999 Torr, bye. (Nice to see you again, Torr. I’m just ambling through. Goodbye for now.) Node013->Node999 Torr. (I’m sure that they won’t take your brahmin if we’re both here.) Node013->Node999 I hope we can put a stop to these things attacking your moo-moos. Uh, I mean brahmin. I don’t think anything would attack with both of us here. Node018 Torr go get hep! (Torr scampers off into the night, leaving you alone with the moo-moos, uh, brahmin.) Node013->Node018 Actually, I’m here to warn you. I saw some Bugmen just on the other side of that rock. As a friend, I’ll watch the moo-moos for you, while you run for help. Node014->Node999 No hep. (I’m sorry, I’m just wandering around. I’m not really here to help you. Goodbye.) Node014->Node999 Sorry, Torr. I’m too busy to stand around with a bunch of brahmin, whether they’ve got two legs or four. Node014->Node018 Actually, I’m here to warn you. I saw some bugmen just on the other side of that rock. As a friend, I’ll watch the moo-moos for you, while you run for help. Node915 Node014->Node915 Uh, yes; I’m here to help you guard the brahmin -- that is, the moo-moos -- from the bugmen. destroy_p_proc look_at_p_proc You see a very large man covered in dust with a small smile and a blank look on his face. description_p_proc You see Torr Buckner, the town simpleton. use_skill_on_p_proc damage_p_proc map_enter_p_proc set_critter map_enter_p_proc->set_critter set_critter->rustle_status map_exit_p_proc map_exit_p_proc->set_critter map_update_p_proc timed_event_p_proc scamperb timed_event_p_proc->scamperb scamperc timed_event_p_proc->scamperc push_p_proc scampera Node910 Node910->Node008 Node011 Uckner! Zoogy (I think you’ll get the best prices right here at my family’s place. You’ll only get laughed at in the Golden Gecko.) Node008->Node011 Want! (you point at things)(Where can I barter?) Node008->Node999 Go Torr. (That’s all I need to know for now. Goodbye, Torr.) Node012 Jeannie? Gick Vic (So you want a GECK, huh? Weren’t those originally issued to vaults? I don’t know where you’d find one, but if anyone does it would be Vic, the trader. He specializes in prewar things. He lives in the northeast part of Klamath.) Node008->Node012 Bar-ba Eden? (Have you ever heard of a Garden of Eden Creation Kit?) Node920 Node920->Node004 Node920->Node011 Node011->Node008 Uckner Zoogy? (Thanks. I’ll do my shopping here. Let me ask you something else.) Node011->Node999 Zoogy no. (Good advice. I don’t think I need anything else right now, though. Goodbye.) Node930 Node930->scampera Node995 Node996 Node997 Node997->Node004 Node005 Me guard moo-moos from bugmen. (I guard our family’s brahmin herd from ferocious nocturnal attacks by bipedal, carapaced creatures that I call bugmen.) --- Me guard moo-moos from bugmen. Node997->Node005 Node005->Node006 Gugmen? (Bugmen? Well, that seems an appropriate appellation from your description. Tell me more about that.) Node005->Node006 Bugmen? Node006->Node999 Bugmen bad. No hep Torr. (Hmm, I don’t think I can help you with the bugmen just now, Torr. But I do wish you the very best of luck with them. Goodbye.) Node006->Node999 I can’t (shaking head at Torr) help you with that. Goodbye. Node007 You hep Torr. Moo-moos field (points east of here) now yes? (smiles) (Thanks for your assistance. I can really use your help.) --- You hep Torr. Moo-moos field. (points east of here) now yes? (smiles) --- Hep Torr. (I’ll go with you to the pasture east of downtown.) Node006->Node007 Hep Torr hep moo-moo. (Yes, of course I’ll help you fend of the predation of your family’s brahmin by these nefarious bugmen.) Node006->Node007 Uh...sure, Torr. I can help you guard the brahmin. Node031 Tragu? Oo Kramat? Ick boo Den. (A trader here in Klamath? Why yes, Vic trades in antiquities for the most part. He's not in town right now. I think he might be trading things at the Den. That's south of here.) Node006->Node031 Traygu Oo? (Before we get into that Torr, do you know of a trader that lives here in town?) Node007->Node999 I can't help you guard the brahmin now, Torr. Node020 Node007->Node020 I’ll help you guard the brahmin now, Torr. Node031->Node999 Grok! Torr! (Thanks so much, Torr. You're a prince amongst men. I need to be leaving but I wish you the best of luck with your cattle production. Goodbye, friend Torr.) Node031->Node006 Groo! (Thanks so much, Torr. Now what were you saying about your predators?) Node012->Node008 Bellows, Gick Vic? (Thanks for the low down on that. I’ll have to give Vic a try. Let me ask you something else.) Node012->Node999 Roger? Gick Vic, Haji! (Thanks; I think I’ll go look for him now. Goodbye.) Node009 Ook! Ugmen, Ulik ribal, Smiley mook. (Well, there’s my bugmen problem. Then there’s Sulik, the tribal, that my mom is making work off a debt -— I think sis is in love with him. Mom’s boyfriend, a fellow named Smiley, is missing someplace out to the west. Quite exciting here, lately.) Node009->Node008 Torr? (There is a lot going on here. Let me ask you something else.) Node009->Node999 Ook! (That’s enough information for now. Goodbye.) Node010 Zzzzz? Torr Zzzzz. (Well, you’re welcome to sleep in my room -— no charge.) Node010->Node910 Torr Zzzzzz? (You’ll let me stay with you? That’s very generous of you; I’ll take you up on that right now. I’m all done in. Thanks.) Node010->Node008 Zzzzz? (I don’t think I need to sleep right now. Maybe another time. I do have some other questions for you, though.) Node010->Node999 Zzzzz No Torr. (I don’t really want to sleep now. Thanks for your generous offer, though. Goodbye for now, my friend.) Node018->Node930